  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

I am seriously and nervously considering booking a holiday wity JY, i have never been away on my own before.

Are people friendly, do you feel self concious?

Is there anyone in my local area of Sheffield/Rotherham who is contemplating taking a trip this year? If so i would like to chat.

  • (Member)
Hello Laura

Welcome to you, I am not from your area, but I have done 8 JY tours I am 53 if that helps honest people mix in so well, and NO!! I have never ever felt self concious...have a look at the couple of video links on here from Lovely Lesley and Nixon ..Thats me, it might help you...Good Luck..


Hi Laura

And a very warm welcome to the Just You community page

You will find on the main that everyone gets on pretty well. And although it will be your first Experience with Just You. I can assure you it wiill be well worth it . Not everyone on the tours will nessecary use this forum. But I would very surprised if there wasn't anyone from your part of the world going . I have done many tours with many still to do

We all have probably been in your position about wondering if it is the right thing to do. I have been on tours when folk have mixed and also where some people like their own company to which both are fine. You will have a Tour Manager there to assist you.

Have a look through the brochures and make a call. If you are already considering then you probably want to.

The staff on the phone will be very helpful

All the best


  • (Member)
Hello and Welcome Laura

All I can say is there is no need to feel nervous at all. Travelling with Just You is great and you will meet a lot of friendly people of all ages. If you want to spend some time on your own, that is okay too. Go ahead and take the plunge and I can assure you that you will have no regrets at all.
