  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello All.

Recently (well 1year) divorced I am looking for an interesting holiday without feeling like the saddo on his own.

Are the intro weekends worth going on to help with the courage or would you say 'jump right in' ?

Also I'm 45...how does this fit in with the typical demographic of a group ?

And....how many people in a group?

Got loads of questions I'm guessing I just need to do it!


Bridget Jane
Hi Tim,

I'm off to Kenya in just over two weeks time. It is my first holiday with JY and my first time travelling solo (widow). I was going to go on an intro weekend first but then decided i'd just jump in at the deep end. What ever you decide, just go for it!! Life is too short to sit on the side lines and hesitate. Good luck,


Hi Tim,

Welcome to the forum. Don't worry about asking lots of questions; the forum is the place for that.

I only do short break European coach trips so my answers will be based on those experiences.

Firstly, and this is often a surprise to those new to JY, but it maybe that not everyone on the trip will be single. Most on the group will be, but there may also be a few marrieds travelling alone. The marrieds (including myself) usually go on these breaks for a variety of personal reasons. In my case it's simply that I have a long haul holiday with my wife and then we like to do our own thing for short breaks. Occasionally amongst the group there may also be a couple of friends or mother and daughter etc who go on the trip together but as single travellers. However the vast majority of the group will be indeed be single.

The typical age range is usually 40 plus, most will be in the 50 to 70 years age range but there will also be those who are younger and older. At 45 I doubt you would be the youngest on any trip but equally you are unlikely to be the oldest.

The trips I've done have had 30 to 40 in the group and there has always been more ladies than men.

I haven't done a Discovery Weekend but they do seem to be very popular and informative. I know that some people have done several Discovery Weekends as they enjoyed them so much. It does seem to be a sensible way of getting a feel for JY breaks if you are at all uncertain.

I personally would recommend doing a Discovery Weekend or one of the short breaks to see if it's for you and then take it from there.

I will say the JY trips I've done have been well organised and great fun. I've met some really interesting people on these trips and would thoroughly recommend them.

If you have any more questions just ask - I'm sure one of the forum members will be able to give an answer.

Hope that helps.


  • (Member)
Yep, said it in the last sentence really, I am going on my own for the first time in September to West USA, cannot wait. Once I make the decision, I have had no regrets. 🙂
  • (Member)
Hi Tim

I have done 6 tours in 4 years and have one booked I am 52.. Women far out number the MEN but don't let that put you off!!.

You would be in the younger age range, most I would say fall in to 55-70 with younger and older either side.

Tour size does vary depending on the tour. The largest group was the 1st one I went on Bost New England and NYC which had approx 40.

Me personnaly I would say jump right in, pick a holiday that appeals to you and you will have that holiday in common for a starter...

Any thing I can help with just give me a shout.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks everyone. I am going for it....Life is too short ! Canada here I come. Thanks once again it really does help when you hear from people who have actually been 'brave' enough to go for it and everyone is very positive.


  • (Member)
Hi Tim

Like you, recently divorced, want a holiday (and deserve a holiday!).... so after much thinking about do i book a discovery break or a holiday first... I also thought lifes too short and just "went for it" and going to Majorca in September.... I think when you realise there are far more of us in the same situation out there it makes it easier and you do just have to be brave and go for it! Canada eh! Have a great time.... hope you have actually booked it!!! Amelia

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Amelia, Yes I have booked it , going in May. Now I've done it I am really looking forward to it. This forum is really good in terms of understanding there are plenty of people in the same boat ! I think Divorce can knock you're confidence , at least it did in my case.

Have a great time in Majorca....its a beautiful island.


Mick W
  • (Member)
Hi Tim,

Canada sounds a great choice and at 45 I expect you'll have people either side of your age.

I've done two JY trips and both had people from late 20's to 70's.

Have fun.


  • (Member)

I am like you... I AM MARRIED.....but love to go on holiday alone so to speak for a tour and culture side of life, I do also go away with my husband !!!!! also you might find people buddy up, I have travelled with two ladies I met in Poland JY tour one to Kenya and the other lady I am going to Tuscany with this year all three of us also went to Austria together all on JY tours.. a lady I met on USA tour I have done another USA tour with, but saying that I still travel on my own on tours.....what I am saying is don't be alarmed if people look like they are friends as this does happen but whenever I travel like this we always make a point of joining in with other people and groups, it would be rude not to.


penny carter
'tim65' wrote:

Hello All.

Recently (well 1year) divorced I am looking for an interesting holiday without feeling like the saddo on his own.

Are the intro weekends worth going on to help with the courage or would you say 'jump right in' ?

Also I'm 45...how does this fit in with the typical demographic of a group ?

And....how many people in a group?

Got loads of questions I'm guessing I just need to do it!


Hi Tim,

I have been on a Discovery Weekend as I had never been on holiday on my own before. I found it great fun, well-organised and well worth doing if you have any apprehensions about going away on your own.I have been on 3 JY holidays since and all have been great.

With regards to the age range, I've always found people of my own age to 'hang around' with. (I'm 47), although most people are over 50.The youngest on any tour I've been on was 27. However, you'll find that age isn't that much of an issue.What's more important is that you have a good time and I'm sure you will. Remember, anything new is always scary the first time! I suggest you just go for it.Don't put it off too long and miss out! Good Luck!


Really pleased after thinking about it for a few weeks finally picked up the phone and booked a holiday. Reading the messages posted by other people made me feel I have made the right decision.
  • (Member)
'tim65' wrote:

Hello All.

Recently (well 1year) divorced I am looking for an interesting holiday without feeling like the saddo on his own.

Are the intro weekends worth going on to help with the courage or would you say 'jump right in' ?

Also I'm 45...how does this fit in with the typical demographic of a group ?

And....how many people in a group?

Got loads of questions I'm guessing I just need to do it!


Same problem for me. Have jumped straight in, off to classic Italian cities. Do feel a little worried, but sure I will be fine !!.

maddy 802
Hi I am also a first time person here - sadly my husband died in November so this year will be looking at holidaying alone can anyone tell me the age make up of the groups and if at a (very young) 60 I would fit in
HI ive done 2 jy hols Swiss/Andalucia booked in May for Austria They have been brilliant ,done the single traveller paid the excessive supplement been bored as the rest were couples, a spare one at a party these hols are great you will meet some lovely people and have a good time.By the way I am married we have separate hols which works out well wife has time out with her sister.