Nicola Staton
(Member) (Topic Starter)

I have finally plucked up the courage to press that button and get this holiday booked online after speaking to the friendly staff on the helpline to get a little bit more information about this trip.

I was worried about the age range of the people going and that i would probably be one of the youger ones at 32, but most of my friends are older than me anyway so this shouldn't matter and that everyone would probably feel as nervous as me to start with, but we are all going for the same thing to see a bit of the world and to have a great time.

If anybody is booked on this trip it would be great to here from you , I am flying from Manchester.

Hope to here from you


  • (Member)
Hi Nicola

I’m also going on this trip flying from Manchester and I can’t wait. I went to China in October and was also worried about the age range as I’m 32 as well. I was the youngest by quite a bit but it didn’t matter as we all had a great time and all got on really well. There were over 30 of us in the group which was a bit daunting at first but we all looked out for each other and we had a fantastic tour guide who really did look after us. For my first trip it was great and by the end of the holiday I felt as if I’d known some of the group for years!!

Can’t wait until April
