(Member) (Topic Starter)
Cindy I loved your photos I am now thinking I must go before I get too old. Hope you are ok and looks like we may have Sharon coming to Austria in May?? Speak Soon Regards Rosemary Any news from our friend Kathleen??
  • (Member)
Have you actually booked this then Rosemary ??? I shall have a word with OUR KATHLEEN!!!!
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Cindy sorry did not reply earlier I have had my fab holiday in "Norway" first of all "Congratulations" Nanny join the clan and second no I hav'nt booked yet for Austria. I don't think you can book yet?? Speak Soon Regards Rosemary
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Sorry misread I thought did you mean I booked Austria but no you meant Nashville yes it will either be that or safari not sure yet especially after a holiday in Austria with you lot don't know if I'll be fit enough