  • (Member)
Hi Iffenah, apologies if I've spelt your username wrong. Thanks for the tips on what to take as already I keep thinking of things to take but if I take what I want I won't be able to close my case, what a dilemma! I will pre-book to see the Rat Pack definitely and just see when I get there about the other optional trips. This is my first single holiday on my own since my husband passed away seven years ago so to say I'm nervous is an understate- ment. Look forward to meeting everyone in the Executive Lounge before we fly and hopefully meet someone who is in the same boat as me. Not long now.

Best wishes


Hi Jill, Ive been to USA before but not for a few years. From what I remember, there is an awful lot of meat around, but there is always a huge selection of delicious salads, eggs and cheese. Pizza is plentiful too, plus veggie burgers. So I dont think you will starve!! Look forward to meeting you.


  • (Member)
Hello Sue

Thank you for food info. See you in October.


Just over 2 weeks to go. Starting to get pretty excited.

When I spoke with the person taking my booking he did say that there were some couples, but that may well just be a couple of single friends or travel companions rather than a romantic couple.

Interesting that the demographic seems to be many more women than men. For the record I am a single bloke, not that it should make a difference.

I was wondering if anybody planned on visiting Alcatraz prison during the free time in San Fran? I would quite like to do that, and maybe do some shopping.


I went to Alcatraz last year so wont be going this time. It was a great experience! It's advisable to pre-book your tickets. ( The morning sightseeing tour finished around 12-12.30pm if I remember correctly? Hope this info helps anyone who is interested in going?

Excited and nervous but looking forward to meeting everyone in San Francisco.


  • (Member)
I am not on this tour but have down a few JY tours of the USA..I am a vegetarian and have had no trouble finding food to suit my needs,did you mention you were vegetarian when you booked, if not contact the sales team to note it on your records, then your food on the plane will be vegetarian option, and they will know on the records for when your out there for joint meals that you might be having. I always take a few nibbles with me, like cup a soups to have in the room just in case I have gone hungry..

Re Couples,I have been on 6 JY tours and have never seen a couple as in Man and Lady, but as Olly says some time couples are there as in friends travelling together, I have travelled on my own but have met a couple of ladies who I have travelled with since, but I do still travel on my own as well. I have a husband at home but he does not like this sort of holiday.


Thanks for the advice regarding the times of the morning tour Ifennah.

If anyone else fancied doing the Alcatraz tour then feel free to join me on the 1:45pm tour.

shirley 1
Hi colin, I would also like to do the alcatraz tour and company would be nice.have you already booked the ticket and with whom.
  • (Member)
Hi Shirley & Colin

Am also very interested in doing the Alcatraz tour, do we book through the website www.Alcatrazcruises or can we do it when we get there? Look forward to hearing from you, not long now!!


Mausie and Shirley 1 

I booked the 1:45 trip, but they say to be there for 1:15. As the ferry port is not far from the hotel I thought that was a safe time to book it and then still be able to do a few things afterward in the late afternoon.

It was someone else on this board that said from memory the morning tour finished around midday. Should give us time to grab a bite to eat before the Alcatraz tour.

From what I read online it is best to buy them advance then print them out. Easier than having to go to the booking place on the day and risk being told that they are sold out for the time you want.

Tickets are $26, which came to about £17 on my credit card.

  • (Member)
Hi cds

You don't say what day you have booked the tour to Alcatraz, perhaps you could let me know so that I can book this before we leave. Thanks.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
what date have you booked for Alcatraz I am interested in going?
  • (Member)
Hi everyone

I am going on this trip and really looking forward to it. This is my first just you holiday, but have been on other single holidays and have always enjoyed them. I havent booked any trips as I didnt know what time we would be doing our included tours.

Look forward to meeting you all.

Chris (female)

  • (Member)
Hi, have booked Alcatraz on 1.45pm tour on 5th Oct. Looking forward to meeting you all.
