Bernie L
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi again Jayne. How odd only having 10 on the HK add-on. Wish I could go. I have asked three times now - will leave them alone now! Looking forward to the trip so much...
Bernie L
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Gary, hope the drive went well. You do get around! So looking forward to the trip. Regards, Bernie
Ben Staffs
Let's just hope we get our passports back in time - or was I the only one affected by the visa cock-up?


  • (Member)
Hi Ben

Your not alone me too.

I think this is Bernies get me off the Hong kong trip so he can go :)

I am sure they will get it sorted in time...I hope.

I have been so busy with work and trying to get my Christmas cards and shopping done early it and realised its nearly December already, what happened to November.

Going for swine flu jab this afternoon, not looking forward to it.

Have a good weekend all.... looking forward to meeting you all.


Bernie L
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Oh no Jayne, you got, so desparate for HK ! But, no, not really - they sent me the group visa application too so they now also have my passport. Keeping fingers crossed. Actually it never occurred to me that it wouldn't get back here on time...argh!!! Have a great weekend all, see you soon....Bernie
  • (Member)
ben your not the only one with the visa cockup i've just got back and found a letter telling me they sent the wrong visa application form,heho the will just have to express it through,i'm going!

jayne i need a little more info on your facebook page ,try looking for me under Gary Millard might say poole if not bournemouth area,

bernie had a great trip from Marrakech bit of a culture shock but i doubt if chinas to far away from there ,we did 1700 miles in 4 days in a 1964 MGBGT and and apart from a bit of a rattle on the prop shaft and a couple of litres of oil she went like a drean

  • (Member)
Hi all

Try this link to my facebook. 

Gary I still can't find you so hopefully you can get to mine through the link.


  • (Member)
think i've found you jayne ,great bikini!


Bernie L
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hey all......they said that my passport should be back with JY on 1st December. They will then mail it to me. May be the same for others, so no need to worry really...plenty of time. Has everyone realised - we will be there this time next month. Hmm nice! Regards all, Bernie
  • (Member)
Hi all

That is good news Bernie I will keep a look out for the postman.

Gary glad you like the bikini you should see my polka dot

So out of all the places we are visiting which is the one you most want to see. Mine is the Forbidden City, always been facinated about that place and read many books so am excited about being there. Plus loved the film the last emperor and the soundtrack is brilliant, but I would say that as I am a fan of Ryuichi Sakamoto - seeing him in concert on Monday in London am so excitted (if anyone wants to go I have a spare ticket)

Ok I am starting to rabbit on now so will end.

Jayne : )

Bernie L
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hey all again....Hi Jayne, i'm mostly looking forward to the terracotta army, but everything looks great to me! The walk on 'the wall' could be stunning (yes, thermals at the ready)- Don't bother with the bikini for this'll freeeeeeeeeeeze!

Regards, Bernie

Ben Staffs
Passport back today!!

Favourite bit, the Great Wall and the Teracotta Army. Oh and the pandas. Is that cheating?? I've booked parking. If anyone needs a lift from the Midlands let me know.

Ben Staffs.

Bernie L
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
That's good news for all of us, Ben. Bet you are relieved to get your passport back! Thanks again for the offer of a lift, but I'm flying down to H'Row. What time will we have to be there for check in? Does anyone know. Also I've never travelled between terminals at H'Row before. Is there a train or is it all walkable?

Enjoy the concert Jayne. I've never heard of who you are going to see, but it would be a boring place if we all liked the same things, wouldn't it?

Have a good week all...Bernie

  • (Member)
Hi everyone, Just found this messageboard. I shall be joining you all on 22nd too (I hope, haven't had my passport back yet). Now feeling excited but a little nervous. Looking forward to meeting you all. Ruth
  • (Member)
Hi Ruth

Welcome to the gang. I know how you feel I to am excited especially as my passport and travel details came this morning yipeeeeee! I am sure yours will arrive soon. Are you on the Hong Kong trip too? I seem to be the only one out of us lot going.

Bernie: the concert was fantastic I will be bring my ipod and let you listen to some of Ryuichi's music I think you may reconise a couple of songs.


  • (Member)
Thanks Jayne,

My passport and details arrived yesterday too. I am also going to Hong Kong afterwards. Glad to find someone else doing the add on.


Bernie L
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Ruth.....nice of you to join in! Hope everyone is getting excited....two weeks to go! wow. Passport and travel docs all arrived safely. Hey Gary - how're you doing with yours??? Looking forward to meeting everyone. Regards, Bernie
  • (Member)
I'm in , just got mine back today Bernie,

christmas day in our household on sunday ,it's about the only day we could all get together, so it's been mad round here trying to get all the presents wrapped and tree decorated,14 for lunch so that should be fun,

and then after thats over i will sit down and think omg china in 9 days and in between that an office party, and christmas cards to write, must have forgotten someone , and that other thing called work gets in the way,

roll on the 22nd

peace and goodwill to you all


  • (Member)
Found this site for the weather for the next couple of weeks. Try


  • (Member)
Hi everyone, what are you all doing about currency? I'm a bit confused as to what is allowed and what is not. RuthH