Bernie L
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi to anyone travelling 22nd December. I've just booked and can't wait! Sad that no availability for HK add-on, but China at Christmas - brilliant. please don't hesitate to get in touch. Regards, Bernie
  • (Member)
Hi Bernie

Well it looks like there are 3 of us now, myself and Ben who is also going was wondering when anyone else was going to send a message. Sorry your not going on the HK add on but I am sure you will still have a great time.

As we are getting nearer I guess more people will join us on here .... I hope! lol.


Bernie L
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jayne, glad we've started a forum. Where will you be travelling from in the uk? Regards, Bernie
  • (Member)
Hi Bernie

Well this is the second forum as Ben started the other one but it's not been updated for awhile. I will be traveling from Kent just outside of london and you?


Ben Staffs
Hi Bernie. At last someone else!! I'm driving from Staffordshire and happy to offer a lift/shared parking if anyone's vaguely on my way. I am so excited. Have met several people who have been recently and it sounds fab. V. cold in December but dry. Perfect! Bring your thermals.
Bernie L
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Ben, I've opted to fly from Manchester to Heathrow. I live in Lytham, so easy enough. Heard it is really cold, shopping list does include thermals!! I actually don't care - Great Wall on Christmas Day - Yikes!! I was looking at the hotels online, and all appear great. I can't wait.
Bernie L
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi again Jayne. Oops - I didn't realise there was already a forum...ah well... it was nice to hear from Ben. You are lucky living in Kent, so close to Europe and major London airports. I live in Lytham, which is in Lancashire on the Fylde Coast. Looking forward to the trip so much. Let me know if you know of any tips that may help with the packing! Thanks, Bernie
  • (Member)
hi all,just paid the balance so china for christmas sounds great,like Bernie i was a little dissapointed could not get the HK add on, so insead have lined up a new years eve party at my house in bournemouth,hope we are not delayed! any advice on what to take will be appreciated having not been to this part of the world before . Gary
  • (Member)
Hi Bernie.. yes you are right I am lucky to live here its a great location plus I am only 5mins from the new eurostar station at ebbsfleet so its great for days out and weekends away. I don't have any packing tips but I plan on traveling light (yes I know that is unusual for a women) if poss especially as we are staying in so many hotels.

I hope you and Ben are strong as I might need some help getting up all those steps on the great wall 🙂 I think I need to put in some more time on my treadmill!!


Bernie L
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Well, I also plan to take the minimum amount of stuff. Take your point Jayne about the hotel moves, but a case is a case isn't it and i'll just have the one! I only have 20kg as taking an internal flight from Manchester, so that is fairly limited. Layering is the trick to keeping warm, I am advised, so light stuff in small amounts seems good. Some decent footwear to walk in and a coat should finish it. Actually its not the end of the world - China will have shops I take it? lol....

Gary I'll not be home till 10.30ish NYE so hopefully traffic allowing I should get home in time for Big Ben. Will we have a NYE on the plane returning and then later after we land? That'll be a first for me. Looking forward to meeting everyone. Regards Bernie

  • (Member)
Bernie, great two new year eve's now that's sounds fun,take your point about layering clothes,i always have trouble keeping to the 20k allowance,and with ryanair i don't stand a chance,i was in manchester a few months ago to watch the locals 'favorite' team play,we had a really good night out ended up at this club called the ritz who had a 70s night on it took me back a bit, i saw some great Lowry's good to see his stuff in the flesh, yep a good town.i keep walking around at the moment singing 8 million ( or 9) bicycles in beigeng, just getting the visa form filled out,last hurdle, best wishes to all , Gary

ps on facebook if you want to contact Gary Millard,Bournemouth

Bernie L
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Gary, Sounds like you had a good time in Manchester. I only really go there for the airport and meetings for work, but it is a great city. I've not sent my visa pics etc yet as the postal strike may mean the letter gets lost, so I'm waiting til next week...

It seems ages away until we travel, but I bet it'll come round quickly (or is that 'hope') lol... Have you been on any other trips with JY?

  • (Member)
Hi Bernie,jayne and Ben

sorry it's been a bit of time for my reply, business seems to be improving at the moment,so am now having to work for a living,just as i was starting to enjoy the ressesion!

this will be my first trip with the JY people or any other company running similar trips, so a little wary , but every one i speak to who has travelled with this sort of company has had a good time,

the real reason is of course no one else will put up with me for the christmas period sorry folks

best wishes


  • (Member)
Hi Gary

I bet you rather be spending Christmas in China having fun than with folks at home! Have a good trip and lots of fun.



Bernie L
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hey Gary, not long to go now! Glad you are busy - it makes the time go quicker! Couldn't find you on facebook lots of Gary's but no Bournemouth! Hey Jaya, are you on our trip? Jayne hope you are getting fitter for that wall climb on Christmas Day - i'll help as requested if needed! I still can't believe I'm going...regards all, Bernie
  • (Member)
Hi Bernie

Unfortunately I am not on this trip though wish I was! You all will have a lot of fun in China. I have not been to China yet, but have heard it is a lovely place to visit. It is on my list of places to visit so hopefully one day.

Have a great holiday.


Bernie L
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hey Jaya, I've just heard there is only one place can make it if you hurry!!

Just out of interest to all, Olly tells me there are 20 of us booked, 12 female, 8 male with one vacancy.



  • (Member)
Hi Bernie

Would love to join you all, but I am waiting to win the lottery! I will just have to make do spending the Christmas at home in Luton! You have a wonderful time and do let us know how the trip goes.


  • (Member)
Hi all

Gosh it is getting closer now and I can't believe it. I hear there are only 10 on the Add on to Hong Kong Bernie not sure why they are only having half the amount of people on that trip. Gary I could not find you on facebook either. I'm on there and my pic is me on a sun lounger on a ship - if any of you want to add me..... don't get to excited I'm not in a bikini :)


  • (Member)
bernie , i don't know what its like up in Manchester but we have had a bit of a battering from the wind today took the dog out this morning and i nearly got blown over ,but the sea was at its wildest got some good photos,off to Marrakech tomorrow to pick up a car and drive it back ,thought we might come back via the Millau bridge in France which is supposed to be quite a site ,have you been over there?

its good to see the trip nearly full and 20 is a good number to go with,would of loved to have gone on the HK add on but no one has cancelled ,don't blame them ,

best wishes to all
