lesley ann
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hello,i have booked my first justyou holiday,and will be going to Japan in may.if you are going too i would love to hear from you.
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Hi Lesley Ann I have also booked Japan in May 2010. I have wanted to visit Japan for some time. Pat h
lesley ann
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Hi Pat.Japan is so different to anywhere Ive been before and Im really looking forward to it.Ive tried to learn a few words,its easier than I thought,my problem is remembering them! regards Lesley
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Hi Lesley Ann so nice to hear from you. Japan sounds such an interesting country. Are starting at Heathrow ? I start my journey at Manchester.


lesley ann
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Hello Pat,I live near Winchester so will probably take a taxi to Heathrow,it will only take about an hour.Are you flying down from Manchester? Regards Lesley
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Hi Lesley Ann yes I'm travelling down from Manchester on the day. How is your grasp of the language coming on? I see a few more people have booked.


lesley ann
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Hi Pat.have to confess language book has not come out of the cupboard for a while.I believe there will be about 15 people on this trip .Its nice that some of the others have made contact isnt it.Regards Lesley
Hi Lesley, I'm travelling to Heathrow the day before we travel.I've got a deal with parking and one nights accomodation. Beats the worry of gettimng stuck in a traffic jam on the day. Not sure how I will get on with the language but sure I will get by. Sounds as if its going to be a nice group of people. Regards Pam
Hi Pat, Sounds as if it will be a nice sized group. The weeks are ticking by before we know it we will be on our way . Its going to be an experience of a life time. Have you booked on any of the extra trips?Regards Pam
Hi Pat, Sounds as if it will be a nice sized group. The weeks are ticking by before we know it we will be on our way . Its going to be an experience of a life time. Have you booked on any of the extra trips?Regards Pam
lesley ann
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Hi Pam I enquired about booking excurtions today and was told to book with the tour manager when we get to Japan.Iwant to book the mount Fuji trip,but not sure about Hiroshima.I think Iread somewhere that we have to pay in local currancy too.Regards Lesley
Thanks Lesley, I had also planned to do the Mount Fuji trip. Like yourself not sure about Hiroshima -will wait to get more information. I have tried to learn a couple of words of Japanes-not finding it easy . Kind regards


  • (Member)
Hi Pam Yes I hope to book Mount Fuji & Hiroshima. It will soon be on us I can't belieive its Easter next week I'll be on count down after that.



Konichiwa Pat, I can't believe in 6 wks time we will be on our way to Japan.I'm really starting to get excited .I think we have picked a good time to visit- weather wise. I'm already started to think about what clothes to take. Which is unusual for me as I always leave things until the last minute. Pam
lesley ann
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Hello Pat and Pam.Just wishing you a good Easter,I will be decorating unfortunatly,but Im sure I will be rewarded with chocolate!Regards Lesley
Hi Lesley, Happy belated Easter to you too.Hows the decorating going?I had grand ideas of doing some DIY but I have not done a thing. I don't think the weather helps- well thats my excuse.

kind regards


lesley ann
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Hi Pam,pleased to say decorating finished,mainly thanks to my energetic daughter.Just carpet and curtains now ,but they can wait because we are off next week on my belated birthday trip to New York!In the meantime Im back at work.Kind regards.Lesley
hi all i'm also heading to tokyo can't wait for it, not long now i'm counting down the days. hope to see you all shortly.


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Hi Pam & Lesley Ann I had a good easter thks I would like to say not too many chocs but I can't. Six weeks !!! its about this time I start to think it seemed a good idea at the time though I'm sure once I'm on the plane I will be fine. The weather is so good today I might even cut the grass. Regards Pat
lesley ann
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hate to tel you this >im stuck in new york until 27th april.hope that vulcano dies down or we might not make japan.still this is a great place to be stuck in so things could be worse.fingers crossed.