  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

I added a message to the website last week but it doesn't seem to have appeared so attempt number 2!

Anyone for Egypt in March 2011 - the Nile Cruise + Cairo.

Am nervous yet excited - this will be my second JY holiday.

Would be great to hear from any fellow travellers or those who have been in the past -any advice you could offer would be most welcomed.

Many thanks, vina

  • (Member)

Yes i am going on nile cruise 1st March. my 12th JY look forward to meeting you


Sophie B
Hi Vina

I'm going on the November Pyramids and Nile trip. Some people on the October trip are going to let me have their suggestions for holiday essentials and I will gladly pass these on to you along with my own. Four weeks today before I fly! It's my first solo holiday so I'm nervous but excited too!


  • (Member)
Hi all.

Just back from the October Pyramids and Nile Cruise and had a brilliant time. The Tulip is very comfortable with a small pool on deck and pool towels provided so don't need to pack any. There is also a kettle and bathrobe in your room. Meals were buffet style with 3/4 main dishes and lots of salads, rice pasta. You get a large bottle of water included each day. Alcoholic drinks are expensive - wine only comes by the bottle (around £13). One evening we all dressed up Egyptian style (costumes available in shop on board).

The boat doesn't actually sail very much and a lot of time it is tied up amongst lots of other boats with their engines running for air con.

I was a bit worried about covering up for modesty but it is not necessary - just wear whatever you feel comfortable in. A fine scarf is very handy for putting over your shoulders when it is very hot as there is very little shade and a hat is essential.

Abu Simbel optional trip was an absolute must for me but as we flew from Cairo to Aswan and then straight onto another flight to Abu, try not to take much hand luggage as there is nowhere to leave it and you will have to lug it around in all the heat.

Finally, everyhwere you go you will be harassed by vendors - they are up to all sorts of scams but the tour guides give you lots of advice on dos and donts.

Would love to hear how you all get on and if you have any questions, just ask. I thought it was a really good trip, the sights are mindblowing and the good things far outweighed the less than perfect.


  • (Member)
Just remembered something. You should get a pass for the executive lounge with your final documents. Nobody in our group did but the 6 or so of us who rang up and asked for one got them sent out. It's a really nice start to the holiday so suggest you call if it's not with your travel docs.
Sophie B
Hi Lin

Glad you had a good time and thanks for all the tips! I've got a hat and scarf so hopefully the temperature should be under control. Do you need walking shoes or would sandals be OK? Is it easy to cash travellers cheques or would it be easier to take cash? Really looking forward to Abu Simbel so I shall be careful about my hand luggage!

Look forward to hearing from you.


  • (Member)
Hi Sophie. I forgot to mention the money in my earlier message. I took what I thought would be enough Egyptian pounds with me to last the trip and this proved to be the best option. There is a safe in your room in the hotel and also on the boat. They have a money exchange in the hotel in Cairo where they will also 'break' large notes without charge, I wish I'd broken more money down as nobody seems to have change over there (also ask for some pound coins as they come in handy for toilets and tips!). I wouldn't recommend taking travellers cheques as I think it's virtuallly impossible to cash them and there were no opportunities to use an ATM (apart from airports). You may be able to do this in Cairo but would involve you going off on your own which I wouldn't recommend.

The money is very dirty (apparently stored in some very strange places by locals) and we carried hand sanitiser to use after we'd touched it!!

On the boat, they won't accept cash and you have to charge drinks etc to your room and pay at the end - you can use a credit card for this if you want. You have to sign form each time so it did work well. Everything I saw on the boat was clean and hygienic and I don't think anybody on our trip had any stomach problems.

Most people wore sandals, but as much of the ground is stony/sandy and lots of uneven places, I recommend flat ones with a thick sole.

If you think of anything else, feel to ask and I would love to hear what you thought of the trip when you return.


Sophie B
Hi Lin

Thanks for your advice - I shall be sure to take hand sanitiser with me! I shall probably think of more questions yet. This is my first singles holiday and I'm back to being more nervous than excited! I'm 99% sure I'll have a great time though!

Thanks again.


  • (Member)
Hi Sophie. I've done loads of JY holidays and most of them have been excellent - everybody is very friendly. I've always made friends with at least one person (usually a group) and have had some great independent holidays with a friend I made on my first JY trip. Also made a really good friend on the Egypt trip who shared my crazy sense of humour.

I keep dipping in here, so will look out for any more questions.


  • (Member)
Hi Linjay and Sophie B

I have been reading with interest your tips Linjay as I am also on the Nile trip in November - next week in fact!! This is only my second trip with Just You so the tips were gratefully received. Many thanks.

Look forward to meeting you Sophie B!

Sue Y

  • (Member)
JY have told me that the Abu Simbel trip is a 4:00am leave from hotel returning @ 10:00am.(6hours including flights) Has anyone done this and is it worth it??
  • (Member)

I did the Nile Cruise last February. The Abu Simbel trip is well worth it. They must be going early to avoid the crowds. We left at about 06:00 for a 07:30 flight. And we were back for lunch.

  • (Member)
Hi. On the October trip we did leave the hotel around 4 am to check in for the flight from Cairo to Aswan. On arrival at Aswan we were bused across the runway straight onto another flight to Abu Simbel. We probably had about 2 hours there before flying back to Aswan and checking in on the boat just in time for a late lunch (about 2 pm I think). It is a hectic schedule but, in my opinion, well worth it as Abu Simbel was amazing and probably my favourite of the trip. (See my earlier tip about hand luggage if you decide to do it!)
Sophie B
Hi All

I shall have to add two alarm clocks to my list of things to take! Early to bed the night before Abu Simbel!

Sue Y - I'm going on 16/11 so think you must be on an earlier trip! I'd love to hear what you thought of the trip and hope all goes well for you!


  • (Member)
Hi Vina and Val, I am going to Cairo & the Nile on 1st March too - Just picked up on this thread. Many thanks to the others who are giving us tips. It's really helpful. I have done several Just You holidays and enjoyed every one. I'm really looking forward to this one too. See you in March.


Sophie B
Hi All

Just got back from my holiday and it was fantastic - even with the early starts! We had two 4am starts for Abu Simbel and the balloon trip but the real killer was the 1.30 one for the flight from Cairo to Aswan. Abu Simbel was the next day so we didn't have to worry about hand luggage.

US dollars are accepted every where and it's a good idea to take several one dollar bills as you don't seem to be able to get small denomination Egyptian money.

Make sure you take a hat, antiseptic hand gel and lots of suncream as it's real hot. Espaecially the pyramids, Abu Simbel and Valley of the Kings which are surrounded by desert.

Have a really great holiday!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi everyone

I have just picked up this thread again with my holiday in march fast approaching!

Thank you for all the advice - all very useful.

So would you say it is OK to take US dollars over Egyptian currency (which as above is not very clean!)? Or is it good to have a mix of the two? And how much would be enough to take - I would rather take more than I need? I ask as the majority of the meals are paid for and excursions, but obviously drinks, souvenirs, general cost isn't.

Also, i read above that clothing isn't an issue. So i assume knee-length dresses would be fine as they are cooling at the same time but not revealing as such. Would you also recommend swimwear for the boat/ship?

Oh and could i ask what the ship and hotel are like please? I couldn't find much on the ship or it was just mixed reviews and it is best to not always rely on those i guess. Oh good to know about the kettle on the boat though!

Sorry for so many questions but hope you can help.

Looking forward to meeting everyone else - this will be my second JY tour/trip.

Many thanks, vina