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(Newbie) (Topic Starter)

Just wanted to say hi to anyone going on March 25 trip. 

Not long  now!! Has anyone had documents but no luggage tags yet? There are a great way to identify fellow travellers at the airport! I'm told they will be coming in post shortly. 

@kay86 I've done my visa now too, it came back so quickly. 

look forward to seeing everyone soon


  • (Newbie)
@Ted1172My luggage tags came the other day, have yours arrived now? Looks like the lounge passes need to be re-issued as they've booked the wrong times - not sure if thats everyone or just selected? 

Glad your visa is sorted, are you feeling prepared otherwise? Two weeks to go, I'm just finalising last few bits I need. Mainly getting some dollars as it sounds like they are the best currency to take for converting - no idea how much I'm goign to spend but thinking maybe £300 is enough and can withdraw more if needed.

  • (Newbie)
I'm happy to meet anyone at check in if they are nervous going through alone/don't know T3/need a hand etc! 
  • (Newbie) (Topic Starter)
(Newbie) (Topic Starter)
Originally Posted by: kay86 

@Ted1172My luggage tags came the other day, have yours arrived now? Looks like the lounge passes need to be re-issued as they've booked the wrong times - not sure if thats everyone or just selected? 

Glad your visa is sorted, are you feeling prepared otherwise? Two weeks to go, I'm just finalising last few bits I need. Mainly getting some dollars as it sounds like they are the best currency to take for converting - no idea how much I'm goign to spend but thinking maybe £300 is enough and can withdraw more if needed.


I am fairly sorted! I need to get an eSIM. I'm going to use my card in larger outlets and was planning to take cash, I was planning sterling but will review dollars if you've read that's better. I was thinking same sort of money as you, most meals are included. 

yes my voucher needs reissuing too, tags have arrived but not new voucher yet. 

We have enough  time though. 

I'm ao excited now! 

What time are you planning to arrive? 

We will have to be eagle eyes looking for the tags! 😂



  • (Newbie) (Topic Starter)
(Newbie) (Topic Starter)
Originally Posted by: kay86 

I'm happy to meet anyone at check in if they are nervous going through alone/don't know T3/need a hand etc! 


I'm ok going through etc but happy to meet up if we are all arriving at similar times. Start our adventure earlier! 

I am sure we will all be looking about for the tags! 😂

weather looking great out there. 


  • (Newbie)
Asked a friend who went last year and said she had no problem with GBP - and plenty of places took credit/debit cards so I'm just taking GBP I think.

Planning on getting to Heathrow at 5.30 I think, don't rate the shopping in T3 so aiming to go straight to the lounge and grab some food. No doubt see you there!


  • (Newbie) (Topic Starter)
(Newbie) (Topic Starter)
Originally Posted by: kay86 

Asked a friend who went last year and said she had no problem with GBP - and plenty of places took credit/debit cards so I'm just taking GBP I think.

Planning on getting to Heathrow at 5.30 I think, don't rate the shopping in T3 so aiming to go straight to the lounge and grab some food. No doubt see you there!


hiya sorted then we have sterling and  cards. I'll grab a last minute magazine and head to the lounge too. Can't believe it's next week!! See you there! 
