  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

any one doing this trip i am looking forward to going to alhambra palace . i have never been away for christmas and am in a bit of a quandry on what to wear


Heather Sparks
Looks like waterproof and wellies just kidding hope all cleared over by then.
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hope not as long i can get to alhambra



     Wow! yes - what a treat - Alhambra on Xmas eve! I am also very much looking forward to it. As to what to wear, I have been to that part of the world on several occasions and would suggest (apart from regular summery type gear) a jumper for the occasional chilly evening and also (in view of recent untypical weather) a light pak-a-mac type waterproof. 


The Alhambra trip is scheduled for 24 December. for which Accuweather is currently forecasting a temperature of 9 degrees, real feel 11 (and no rain!). So maybe take your jumper. See you there

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
not long now any one going to gatwick
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
not long now allpacked and ready to go look forward to meeting every one