  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I'm thinking about booking puglia tour next year but I've heard reports that the hotel isn't very good. 

anyone been there and could comment?

Just You
  • (Administration)
Hi Andy,

Our Puglia hotel is of a good standard and we haven't received reports of any quality issues. If there's anything else we can help with please let us know.

Best wishes,

Jsut You Team

  • (Newbie)
Hi Andy.

I went on the Puglia holiday last month and enjoyed it very much.

I thought the hotel ( Sierra Silvana ) was of a high standard and was very pleased with it.

I liked the meals, rooms, friendly helpful staff, and hotel layout. The rooms are in blocks in a lawned garden area with covered walkways to the main building. Just a shame it wasn't warm enough for me in October to use the outdoor swimming pool. 
