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(Newbie) (Topic Starter)
I have never travelled solo am now considering this option. Any advice
  • (Newbie)
I had never left the UK, had a pasdport, travelled very much or flown until at 63yo I went to Malta with JY last November. I'm now off on my 6th overseas trip, and have my 3rd with JY booked for next March. Please give it a try, you will be well looked after and meet a variety on people, all also travelling Solo do you have one thing in common from the start. I've used 3 different Solo Tour groups and JY are my "go to" based on hotels, tours, and overall care. 
My advice would be to choose somewhere you'd really like to go, read the itinerary to make sure you're happy with it and then book it. You'll be a bit nervous, it's natural, but we've all been there, all survived and all come back for more!

When you travel my top tips are

1. Never be afraid to ask, if you're unsure about anything just ask someone. Whether that's at the airport, at arrivals or wherever, never be afraid to ask a question.

2. Put your JY label on your hand luggage, that way others can spot you and will say hello, look out for others with labels and don't be afraid to say hello to them. JY usually sit the group together, or close by, on the plane so you'll often notice fellow travellers then.

You'll be well looked after in a group of like minded people.

Go for it, you won't regret it.

Happy travels, Rose

sue lewis
Once you have experience of your first tour you will have the confidence to do it again. I did my first trip to Thailand in November 2022 and it was wonderful with a great bunch of people. Everything is planned for you and you will see wonderful things. Good luck. 
I did my first last year, Croatian cruise and have done another since. Another 2 booked. I now love travelling alone but you're not alone if you don't want to be. Very supportive and like minded travellers. 

I'll second the other comments. 

Helen Thomas
I booked my first Just You trip over the weekend. I'm feeling a bit nervous about travelling solo but I'm really looking forward to it and who I will meet on the tour
Go for it, it would be fun. There are a lot of places you can visit, but I would suggest that you go to a country with very high English proficiency such as the Netherlands, Singapore, Norway, or Sweden. My first solo travel was in Japan, and it was difficult because I need to study the language, and Google Translate is not yet a thing back then.