  • (Newbie) (Topic Starter)
(Newbie) (Topic Starter)

I am planning to visit South Africa and would appreciate some advice from those who have been before, particularly regarding currency.

Can anyone please advise on the best way to pay for goods and services? Should I take enough cash (rands) to cover what I think I will spend? Or is it safer to use a credit card. I always take a card as back up, but generally prefer to use cash as it's widley accepted and I can keep a check on what I spend! But I am somewhat concerned that the SA tours are moving from one hotel to another and wonder how safe it is to be carrying cash.

If you've done any South African tours how did you cope with paying for everything, can you offer any tips or advice please?

Other tips and advice on travel to SA would also be gratefully received.

Thnak you


Hi Rose,

I did this trip in October last year and had a great time- there is a review on the review page.

Like you I prefer to use cash on a day to day basis and save the card for shopping and extras.

I took around £700.00 in SA Rand and spent nowhere near all of it during the tour. I spent a fair amount in the shops at J'burg airport and brought a couple of hundred pounds back. i can't be precise as when I cashed unused monies on my return I also cashed in some US$ at the same time.

A lot of meals are included so all you need to pay then are your drinks! Not being a drinker that didn't cost me much! Otherwise it is lunches etc and we often stopped at Woolworths (yes they still have them there) to buy a sandwich/crisps/drink etc so no great expense there.

Otherwise how many fridge magnets do you want to buy? Lots of places had craft stalls but nothing was that expensive. I bought one thing that cost me twice as much to get it framed when I got back! LOL.

Anything more specific then do give me a shout.



  • (Member)
Hi Rose19999,

South Africa - great choice! I must admit it's just over 10 years ago since I went but it's a beautiful country. In terms of money, I would take rand together with a credit card as backup. I would NOT try to use an ATM to withdraw cash as I remember that this was not considered a safe option when I was there. I always wear cargo trousers or shorts by day that have zipped or pressstud pockets to keep some cash in. If you go out in the evening, go in a group and take only what money you think you'll need, together with your credit card. Also listen to any advice from the local guides regarding areas to avoid after dark.

Hope this doesn't sound scary 'cos it's not meant to; just like other places in the world it's wise to avoid certain areas.

Have a fantastic time and please leave a review on your return. I'll be really interested to read your comments.




  • (Newbie) (Topic Starter)
(Newbie) (Topic Starter)
Thank you Ian and Mike for your very helpful replies. 

I'm really looking forward to this trip, I initially booked it pre-covid and, at times, wondered if I'd actually do it. 

Thanks for the advice on ATMs, Mike, and on staying on a group, don't worry you haven't scared me, it's sound advice. I will definitely do as advisded by the guide.

Ian, your advice on the amount to take is realy useful, I definitely don't want any fridge magnets 🤣. I'm going to check out your review now, I'm planning to go in October too.

Thanks again both, I really apprciate your help

Best wishes


Hello Rose

Just wondered when are you travelling to South Africa, we might be on the same trip.

I have booked to go on Sept 27th 2023.

Best wishes


Pat B
  • (Newbie)

I am also booked on the trip to South Africa going 27th September 2023.

Really looking forward to it, and meeting new people again.

I have travelled a few times now with Just You, and hope this will be just as good as their previous trips.

Will be good to chat to other who are also going to share tips and advice

Best Wishes
