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Looking to book a holiday in Italy in Sep 23, but can't make my mind up between Pompei & Sorrento, Cilento coast or Puglia.

Has anyone done two or more of these destinations? How do they compare?


Charles C
I visited Pompeii in May 2017 and the Cilento coast in May 2019, Puglia is a possible future destination.

I had a great time on both holidays, but rather different experiences.  Pompeii was my first JY holiday, somewhere I’d always wanted to visit, so I overcame my first time nerves (unfounded as it turned out) and booked.  I included all the optional excursions so it was quite an energetic but very rewarding week.  Capri was a particularly long day.  Some sites were a bit crowded particularly if a cruise ship was in port.  I stayed at the Hotel Parma in Pompeii which worked well logistically – it is listed in the brochure, but a hotel in Minori on the Amalfi Coast is shown on the website???

The Cilento coast is a bit off the beaten track and less crowded.  I visited many interesting places including all the optional excursions but the pace seemed generally more relaxed and we were usually back by mid afternoon.  The Hotel le Palme was really good with its beautiful swimming pool and private beach.  A great place to chill but sadly the weather that May wasn’t good for bathing – September might be better.

Hope this helps.


Just You
Hi Charles,

Thanks for your post - we'll check out the website and update accordingly.


Just You Community team

Mike A
Hi Alison.  The last holiday I did before Covid was the JY trip to Puglia in September 2019, which was fantastic. Marcia was the TM and she was lovely.  At the time they had been filming the latest James Bond film there.  We stayed in a nice hotel in a village and took several trips out to the Truli (houses) towns.  It was a lovely group and although none of us had any idea that Covid was coming then, I am glad it was a nice one to finish on.  Before that I'd been to Sorrento and Herculaneum, ( didn't do Pompeii next door), on day trips from cruises and although they were both enjoyable, Puglia is my favorite out of the three because it felt different to the rest of Italy and the locals were really nice and helpful.  Not saying people in the other parts of Italy were UN friendly, but it is just that Puglie seemed to be not as hard core touristy as the more popular places, so maybe the locals there had more time for us. Have a great time wherever you decide to go.