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Happy Monday all,

Continuing with our Monday Musings, we discussed and deliberated as to whether or not to make this a poll or a 'have your say' - and then decided to make it a combination of the two. 

What we'd like to know is, if you had to recommend just one 'iconic' site to visit to your fellow Just You adventurers which one would it be & why? We've narrowed down some of our favourites above (but we know there are so many) Why not make your choice in the poll above, and share your reasons with us below....

We look forward to seeing what you think!


P.S. We're saying iconic sites this time.... we'll be looking at lesser known gems in the future

Julie White

The Terracotta Army, for me. When I first saw all those amazing soldiers and they all looked so different, I was totally mesmerized. Definitely one site which should be on everyone's wish list.

Regards Julie

  • (Member)
Hi Julia

As iconic sites go, the Great Wall of China is definitely up there, as is the Grand Canyon and Niagara Falls, however, from a purely personal point of view. I would have to say Rano Raraku (a.k.a the Moai quarry) on Easter Island - as I'm sure some of my JY pals will find out later this year ;)

All the best


sue dobbs
I would say Petra,most amazing site I have visited! I've been to some sites mentioned but for me this was the best!
intrepid traveller
I voted for the Tower of Pisa.  Wanted to climb up ever since a little girl.  View from the top spectacular, such a sense of achievement and another tick on the bucket list. Highly recommended.
  • (Member)
Although Milford Sound brought a tear to my eye as it was just so beautiful. I voted for other, my other would have to be.

Ayres Rock ( Uluru ) the size of it and the history surrounding it all, and to watch the colours change on the rock, at dawn and dusk just amazing, I also did helicopter flight over the Rock and also the Olgas, which for me was the highlight, just amazing....

Just LOVE australia and Uluru is why I booked.


Great Wall of China for me - it made me feel very humble... although I agree with Julie that the Terracotta Soldiers are amazing also. I loved the Statue of Liberty but was a bit disappointed there was no tea-shop at the top!!
  • (Member)
The Taj Mahal for me - the most beautiful building I have ever seen - especially at sunrise.



  • (Member)
Hello All,

I voted for Christ the Redeemer as it was the most spectacular site on my To Do list. A brilliant day back in December 2011.

I could have voted other for Petra- my first camel ride and where was Indiana Jones? Pisa was the Baptistry for me listening to the acoustics of the man singing and the cemetery with all the paintings on the walls.

Seen Statue of Liberty from the Staten Island ferry- enough for me 😉

Taj Mahal and Great Wall of China are on my lists. Milford Sound will be seen in November 🙂

The Taj Mahal is awesome, my first sighting gave me goose pimples, its something that a photograph doesn,t do justice to. Surprised the Terracotta Warriors is not listed as this also is amazing
Jenny P
Giant Buddah of Leshan in China was absolutely amazing
  • (Member)
Reading this list makes me realise just how lucky I am! I've visited six of the nine sites listed here, but my all-time iconic, spectacular and totally humbling site has to be the Grand Canyon. Flying over in a helicopter, and later standing at it's rim, I tried to imagine how I could describe the experience to my friends back home. In the end I decided that it was completely impossible, people just have to go and see it!


ps Machu Picchu came a fairly close 2nd.

I have not been to any of the sites on the poll but I have been to Niagara Falls, and the Maid of the Mist boat getting close up to the falls was really spectacular.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you to everyone for sharing their thoughts so far.

And, I think I'll join in the fun and tell you that from the list, I'd recommend Machu Picchu.

After visiting there last year, I can't help but think of it with a huge smile and I don't think I've seen a picture that truly does the site justice. It also brings back fond memories of the only torrential rainfall catching us while at the top by the Intihuatana stone followed very quickly by the sun coming out and shining over the ruins as a fellow traveller and I walked up towards the Guardhouse to dry off - such a great day.


  • (Member)
To date I have only see 3 listed sites - The Taj Mahal, Table Mountain and Leaning Tower of Pisa and to me The Taj Mahal is the best out of three. I may change my mind when and if I am lucky enough to see the other sites!



I've only seen about 3 of these sights so have got a lot of catching up to do!
