  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I’m thinking of doing the Borneo trip as I’ve always wanted to see orangutans in the wild. Could I ask those who have been if that is likely or do you just see them at the rehabilitation centre?  

Thank you


  • (Member)
Hi Karen,

We saw them close up in Sepilok (the rehabilitation centre) and were lucky to see them on the Kinabatangan river as well - however, as they are tree-dwelling, they were at the tops of the trees and hard to see or photograph.  We also saw plenty of proboscis monkeys and were very fortunate to see a family of pygmy elephants as well!  If you do a search in the review section you will come across my review.  I went in 2016 and very much enjoyed it, although the time in Kota Kinabalu wasn't very exciting!  I recommend the add-on to Singapore if you haven't been there before.

All the best,


  • (Member)
Hi Karen

With wildlife it is always pot luck but I am sure you will see some Orangutans in the wild when you stay at the lodges and do river safaris. We certainly did.



  • (Member)

I did this tour in May 2016.

I can certainly confirm that we did see orangutans in the wild. We also saw loads of monkeys especially the proboscis monkeys (those with long noses) which are endemic to Borneo.

We were also very lucky because we saw the pygmy elephants twice, once when they crossed the river right in front of us.

However, sightings of any wildlife cannot be guaranteed.

Kind Regards


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you all for your comments. They’re all very helpful.

I found your review Bob and it does sound amazing, particularly the breakfast with the orangutans in Singapore. I think I need to get myself sorted and get it booked.


  • (Member)
Thanks Karen, we all had the opportunity to have our photo taken standing next to them - they were on a platform and looked on with a bemused expression!  To my mind they are more like us than chimpanzees...certainly more entertaining!  I absolutely loved Singapore - be sure to ask your tour manager/local guide as to what optional excursions could be arranged while you are there.  The lovely people at Buffalo tours organised a range of trips for us and they were all great.

Hope you book and have a great time!
