  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Have just returned from a great holiday in Kerala and thought these tips might be helpful for future travellers.

1. Take some hair conditioner with you as not all hotels supply full range of toiletries.

2. Pack a travelling hair dryer. Some hotels do not supply and even if they do, drier either did not work or was not very powerful!!

3. Take an overnight bag as you will need this for the overnight stay on the houseboat.

4. If you have any mobility issues, make sure you advise JY at time of booking as accommodation in at least one of the hotels is on several levels with no lift. There is also a significant walk to the boat for the lake cruise.

Hope this is of help


  • (Member)
Hi Lesley

Thanks for the tips. I never use a hair conditioner anymore (hair is too fine and not as much as I used to have before chemo!) and I do not use a hair dryer so I will be fine. Are you going to post a full review of the trip?


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jaya

Angela's review of the February trip seemed to cover all aspects of the trip so am not planning to post another one. I enjoyed the trip very much particularly the time spent on the houseboat. Couple of disappointments-was not overly impressed with beach hotel. Had very dodgy electrics and my room had open air bathroom!!. Second disappointment was a lack of time in Mumbai which meant we spent four hours in a traffic jam, in a thunderstorm and without seeing Gateway of India and the Taj Hotel.

Hope you have better luck.


  • (Member)
Hi Lesley

Not looking forward to the open air bathroom! Traffic in Mumbai is horrendous and you do spend a lot of time in traffic jams - perhaps Just You can tweak the itinerary for Mumbai, but I doubt if traffic jams could be avoided!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jaya

Think you are staying at a different beach hotel so you will miss the treat of the bathroom!!

The problem in Mumbai is that there is not enough time to do the city tour, have dinner and freshen up before flight home. Our Tour Manager is going to recommend that tour is taken out of future itineraries. This seem sensible.

Not long now until your trip. Hope you have a great time.


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