I just take a small rucksack for my hand luggage as i find it much easier to handle when wheeling my large case along, hence not too worried by this.
In fact it irritates me when i'm told i have to keep my bag under the seat in front because the overheads are full of wheel type suitcases which seem quite large on some airlines.
How much stuff do you need on a plane ?
Hi Mick,
I always keep within the size/weight restrictions for all my airline luggage. However, having not once, but twice, had my main hold luggage gone "missing" (I spent 6 days in Rome with all I stood up in!), I always pack a washable t-shirt, knickers, socks etc. in my hand luggage. Also, minimum, but vital, toiletries, cosmetics, medications etc. Being a keen photographer there is no way that I would put my camera equipment in the hold. This also necessitates all chargers (cameras, phone, ipad, kindle etc.) going in my hand luggage also. You only need to have lost your main luggage once, to make sure you are covered with what's in your hand luggage! I do agree though, that some people put enormous cases in the overheads, and how anyone can lift a 23kg bag into the overheads is amazing - I have trouble putting my main case in the car, and it's under 23kg.!
At least my post has got everyone measuring their luggage!!