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I first went on the Boston New England and New York tour in September 2006.I am re doing this tour now called Canada & New England in the fall with New York add on. I am more than happy to go over old ground as I find the history in Boston, New England and New York very exciting and interesting. The bonus of this new tour is I get to see Canada and hopefully take a ride on the maid of the mist going under Niagara Falls, and I get some free time during the add on to do my own thing.

Comments about NYC: -

There is so much to see and do you will not be disappointed.

Helicopter flight over the Statue of Liberty, my first helicopter flight that was amazing and worth every penny.:P

I managed to get cheap theatre tickets to see a Broadway show Beauty and Beast this was well worth doing, was great to see a show while in NYC.:thumbup:

Shops galore I am not a great shopper but even I was tempted to spend a few!! $.:dodgy:

Central Park is very large and I cannot wait to go back and explore some more of this space I am hoping to take a horse carriage ride this time.:D

Ground Zero when I last went it was haunting and I am so looking forward to revisiting this area to see the memorial and what they have done with the space.:angel:

I visited a firehouse close to ground zero, the fireman were so welcoming to me and were willing to share their stories amazing time.;)

Looking out from the observation deck from the Empire State building amazing views from up there.

Grand Central Station brought back memories of so many films where they have used this as a location like stepping back in time.

Having a meal at night at the Marriott Hotel revolving restaurant and just taking in the night skyline while eating was just fantastic and such a pleasant way to spend an evening. Eating and sightseeing at the same time brilliant.:blush:

I wouldn’t want to live in NYC but as a place to visit what more could you ask for History, Culture, the sights and sounds that make up a city. Tall buildings green parklands NYC has it all and so much more than I have already seen that’s why I am going back to visit the Big Apple.:heart:

If anybody needs any more information please ask.


  • (Member)
Thanks for adding this Cindy, some great comments for those who are travelling with us to New York in 2014 and beyond!

It brought back some fond memories of my trips to NYC! I remember taking in the views from the top of the Empire State building too - it was a little cloudy when I went up, but the sun was seeping though and it created this angelic light over the city.

I'm also going to add to your Grand Central comment and tell people if they visit to look up! The ceiling may not be the Sistine Chapel but I liked it!

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
LOL I forgot about the LOOKING UP!! was very nice..I sat and had a coffee just watching the world go by for about 15 mins..I love people watching


Hi Cindy

Thanks for your comments on New York. I'm thinking of doing the JY City Break to New York in September. Over the last year or 2 I have made a list of places I'd love to visit. New York is high up that list. I did Route 66 in October 2012 and loved the tour and I'm going back to the USA in a few weeks with my young nephew. Im going to another place on my list that being Orlando Florida.

I was told before I first went to the USA that I would not want to go anywhere else for a holiday. This is far is true although I'd still love to go to Australia and New Zealand.


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'Littlepaul66' wrote:

Hi Cindy

Thanks for your comments on New York. I'm thinking of doing the JY City Break to New York in September. Over the last year or 2 I have made a list of places I'd love to visit. New York is high up that list. I did Route 66 in October 2012 and loved the tour and I'm going back to the USA in a few weeks with my young nephew. Im going to another place on my list that being Orlando Florida.

I was told before I first went to the USA that I would not want to go anywhere else for a holiday. This is far is true although I'd still love to go to Australia and New Zealand.



I agree USA has so many thing to see and do....but it's a big world out there so spread you wings and fly!!..I have been to OZ and NZ, I absolutely loved my time in OZ, NZ is a beautiful country to visit, it's a very long flight but I am so glad I had the opportunity to see these countries! I hope you get to see theses countries one day.

Enjoy your travels.


Hi Cindy

I'm thinking maybe doing Australia or New Zealand or both for my 60th in a few years time. Will have to save up and be nice at work so they will allow me to have all my leave at the same time. I was lucky and had a month off to do Route 66. It's something I hope to do.


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(Member) (Topic Starter)

Fingers crossed work will give you time off if not go SICK!!! Only joking, I am sure you will get to visit these countries in day..


Hi Cindy

They shouldn't be a problem with time off work if I go at non busy holiday times. With Australia having different summer times to the UK and if I go early in the year then they shouldn't be too much if a problem.


Puer aeternus
Hi Little Paul, you'll love Australia, in my youth I've backpacked all over the country and have recently lived there for 6 years. From the Tropical North to Sunny East Coast, laid back Alice Springs, everywhere have their own unique way. The obvious tourist icons in Sydney are a must, I still miss walking past the opera house and bridge on my way to work every day, and then popping to Bondi for an hour after work. It really is the 'lucky country'!

I've also travelled extensively in the States and done New York a couple of times (not with JY) it's a great city, full of life, try and catch a NY Yankees game, I went to one and it is quite a spectacle, how passionate the Yanks are about the game.