  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
This is one subject which at one time or another stresses us all out. I do a 'practice' pack and always find that I'm double the limit and am amazed how little each items weighs when I'm trying to reduce it down.

Anyway, my main tip involves the type of holiday where you are constantly on the move - only staying in a hotel one or two nights before going elsewhere. I have invested in a number of 'packing cubes' - these are durable nylon mesh cubes (although they are actually rectangular) which come in various sizes and means you don't have to completely unpack to find something. I will put short sleeved tops in one, long sleeved in another, evening tops in a third, pants, socks etc all separate. This also helps stop everything getting too rumpled. They can be bought from a number of places including online at Amazon, Lakeland, Presents for Men etc.

  • (Member)

That sounds like a good idea to me I shall think of that when I am next away...

I always take a bin bag for all the dirty!! washing so it does not get mixed in with the clean clothes..


Mick W
  • (Member)
Thats a great idea, have never heard of these cubes, will look out for them.

I tend to leave everything folded so can just lift it out (and back in) the case and only unfold what i need at each stopover. After use I re-fold used items but put them on the bottom of the pile.

Things like socks and undies I use carrier bags, one for clean one for used.

  • (Member)
Hi Sally, I like the idea of the packing cubes, I must look into it! Thanks for the tip!



  • (Member)
I use the same system as Sallyc. The bags I use are white nylon mesh bags with zips that are sold as laundry bags to use with delicates in the washing machine. They are available in several sizes and can be found in pound shops! They do make life a lot easier when on tour.
Angie S
I've acquired a couple of sets of packing cubes to use for the first time on my holiday in September. My case will be super organised. I recommend getting them. I got mine from Amazon. A set costs anything from £5 to £20 depending on what you want.


  • (Member)
'Mick wrote:

Thats a great idea, have never heard of these cubes, will look out for them.

I tend to leave everything folded so can just lift it out (and back in) the case and only unfold what i need at each stopover. After use I re-fold used items but put them on the bottom of the pile.

Things like socks and undies I use carrier bags, one for clean one for used.

I LOVE packing cubes! Have been travelling to Canada for over 20 years and discovered these about 2 years ago. Best thing ever for travelling, especially when you are touring, as I usually am. It's so easy to organize your case with them and (almost) make packing a breeze. Everything stays in place in your case. I now have three sets as I travel a lot for work too.

  • (Member)
This post is a little gem to me, some very useful tips.

This year will be my first trip and nerves do not help when it comes to thinking in an organised manor.


'Angie wrote:

I've acquired a couple of sets of packing cubes to use for the first time on my holiday in September. My case will be super organised. I recommend getting them. I got mine from Amazon. A set costs anything from £5 to £20 depending on what you want.


Hi Angie,

Thank you for the tip on these "packing cubes". I also initially got 2 sets of Amazon and was so impressed have ordered another 2 sets direct from the supplier who is giving 15% discount and free postage.

I went for an more expensive set at £14.50 as I found the freedback for cheaper ones on ebay had negative reports for zips not working and poor quality. Mine are called "Caribee" which are from Australia.


  • (Member)
Thanks for this great tip, I have now bought 2 sets of cubes for my Route 66 tour in October, I hope to now be super organised with my packing. Only trouble is what to take and will it all fit and leave room to bring stuff back! Less than 4 weeks to go, so should start packing now!!!
  • (Member)
Hi Sally

Thanks for this tip. I have bought some for my trip to Costa Rica next month, and where, I've been told, you have to open your suitcase at customs. Hopefully no red face for me! My daughter was so impressed she's borrowed them for her holiday next week.

'Elst' wrote:

This post is a little gem to me, some very useful tips.

This year will be my first trip and nerves do not help when it comes to thinking in an organised manor.


Hi Freddie! I am also going on my first trip to Turkey. Good luck with yours


  • (Member)

I too have bought two sets of packing cubes from Amazon! They arrived on Saturday. Thanks for the great tip - would not have known otherwise.



  • (Member)

packing cubes a great tip . I brought some, just back for Route 66. Split packing up in different cubes. Easy to lift cubes and not disturb rest of case.

Tony :thumbup:

I have just returned from Canada and New England in the Fall (not just you),. I stayed in 8 different hotels so knew I needed to be organised. I made up 7 complete outfits - trousers, vest top, t shirt, cardigan. I then packed them as complete outfits in vacuum type sealing bags which were 2 for £1 in the pound shop. I then labelled each pack 'day 1 and day 5' etc. so I just repeated the 7 outfits. I decanted some fe breeze into a small spray bottle to freshen up the once worn outfit. It worked brilliantly!
  • (Member)
'sallyc' wrote:

This is one subject which at one time or another stresses us all out. I do a 'practice' pack and always find that I'm double the limit and am amazed how little each items weighs when I'm trying to reduce it down.

Anyway, my main tip involves the type of holiday where you are constantly on the move - only staying in a hotel one or two nights before going elsewhere. I have invested in a number of 'packing cubes' - these are durable nylon mesh cubes (although they are actually rectangular) which come in various sizes and means you don't have to completely unpack to find something. I will put short sleeved tops in one, long sleeved in another, evening tops in a third, pants, socks etc all separate. This also helps stop everything getting too rumpled. They can be bought from a number of places including online at Amazon, Lakeland, Presents for Men etc.

Hi Sally, This is Mike from the South Africa tour. Hope you are well and enjoyed the Zambia extension. Anyway....packing cubes - what a BRILLIANT idea! I'll be sure to invest in some before my next touring holiday, so thanks for the tip. I'm sure they make 'living out of a suitcase' so much easier. All the best.

  • (Member)
'Sharansonherway' wrote:

I have just returned from Canada and New England in the Fall (not just you),. I stayed in 8 different hotels so knew I needed to be organised. I made up 7 complete outfits - trousers, vest top, t shirt, cardigan. I then packed them as complete outfits in vacuum type sealing bags which were 2 for £1 in the pound shop. I then labelled each pack 'day 1 and day 5' etc. so I just repeated the 7 outfits. I decanted some fe breeze into a small spray bottle to freshen up the once worn outfit. It worked brilliantly!

Hi, Thanks for tips I am just about to send for packing cubes. What a great idea you have to freshen up clothes. I will give it a try as I am going to America's Golden West in April

  • (Member)
Just wanted to add how useful the packing cubes were. Have just returned from the Holyland trip where I used the cubes for the first time. What a brilliant idea. Will be using them for every holiday from now on and will get another pack from Amazon.


  • (Member)
'sallyc' wrote:

This is one subject which at one time or another stresses us all out. I do a 'practice' pack and always find that I'm double the limit and am amazed how little each items weighs when I'm trying to reduce it down.

Anyway, my main tip involves the type of holiday where you are constantly on the move - only staying in a hotel one or two nights before going elsewhere. I have invested in a number of 'packing cubes' - these are durable nylon mesh cubes (although they are actually rectangular) which come in various sizes and means you don't have to completely unpack to find something. ....

Another piece of advice: I have used roll-up vacuum bags that take the air out, for many years, then the clothes don't take so much room, I use lots of them, so can separate clothes out, keeps the clothes from getting creased as well. Never used cubes though, if you don't have either, just use polythene (see-through) bags as a must, so you can take out, without them unfolding, to get to ones at the bottom! As it's always the one at the bottom one needs!

Thanks for the tips, this is what had me thinking being on the move as past holidays have been one resort for a week or 2.