Thanks for the advice, I was thinking about the packing, since past holidays has always been a single place, never done a touring holiday.
Ann C
  • (Member)
Hello Sally,

Many thanks for this tip, it sounds like a great idea and I'm going to get some before my holiday in September.

Kind regards


hi, i always dread the packing for your holidays, you look forward to it so much but boy it can be a nightmare, i usually send my mate a text saying 'i have just started the dreaded packing' even with a well organised packing list you can end up taking something out putting something in that wasn't originally invited on your trip, i find though the worst bit being your hand luggage which has to stay with you the whole time, your camera your ipod travel tickets passport refreshments reading matters etc etc what size bag to take without wieghing you down too much and then theres the last minute items, i am relieved when i am finally out that door and all sorted no turning back then haha
  • (Member)
Make sure you pack your travel insurance documents.......or have the policy numbers to hand etc,,,unlike me who for got when I went to Florida!!!!! Oops...thankfully I didn't need it...but even a seasoned traveller can forget things at times...also I told my bank I was taking my debit card, and then forgot to take it..!!!!! Think I am getting old!!


Mick W
  • (Member)
I have rucksack that i use for hand luggage, it gets used for nothing else so vital items such as Passport & travel insurance along with other useful things for travel like puzzle books, camera, mp3 player, spare batteries, voltage adapter, plasters, spare shoe laces, pens, sun glasses, glasses, etc are all kept in there so cant be forgotten.

Just travel documents to add for each trip then bit of tidy up (remove old docuents) after each holiday.


  • (Member)
Hi Cindy

I do hope you had a marvellous holiday despite forgetting to take your debit card!


  • (Member)

yes I did, and I did HAVE a credit card so could still send..!!!

.....I have been told that if you need medical help while away that the USA need a debit card to have the money straight off, they don't accept a credit card??? ... I am not sure if this is true or not, maybe someone on here would know?


  • (Member)
Looks like everyone wants the money straight away nowadays! I usually do not take a debit card with me on holidays, just cash and a credit card just in case it is required. Would be nice to find out if a debit card is a necessity in the USA for any medical treatment.


Hi everyone,

With only 68 days to my holiday, I thought I had better start thinking about what to take with me on holiday. Packing is the one part of any holiday that I hate, just the thought of it fills me with dread, so I remembered this tip from Sally last year, and I thought I would ask if anyone else has any packing tips also.

My boss' advice was take half the clothes and twice the money...I told him that might work if he gave me a wage rise!!!.

Anyway any advice would be welcome..


  • (Member)
Hi Kezzer

I have the travel itinerary by my side when I plan what to take. I decide what to wear each day (obviously you can wear some outfits more than once - i.e. a skirt / trousers with different tops) and then pack accordingly using packing cubes. This way, if you are touring, you have everything in order and do not have to go through the whole suitcase to find what you need for the day and everything stays neat and tidy and does not crease.



'Jaya' wrote:

Hi Kezzer

I have the travel itinerary by my side when I plan what to take. I decide what to wear each day (obviously you can wear some outfits more than once - i.e. a skirt / trousers with different tops) and then pack accordingly using packing cubes. This way, if you are touring, you have everything in order and do not have to go through the whole suitcase to find what you need for the day and everything stays neat and tidy and does not crease.



Thanks Jaya,

I'm definitely going to try the packing cubes... and have just ordered some of Amazon. For your toiletries - do you bring everything with you, or do you reply on the freebee's you get in the hotels.

I'm determined to pack light this time round.


I only wish I had discovered packing cubes years ago - what a diffference it would have made on tours when one lives out of a case. Took them on the JY trip last year to US canyons and they were just wonderful. Could not believe how well they worked. Will have to book more tours to make use of them! I bought a set of three - largest size. I use them at home to store jumpers etc at top of cupboard in the summer, and t shirts and summer tops during the winter, so they have a double use.

Enjoy your travels.

  • (Member)
Hi Kezzer

I personally take all the toiletries with me as some hotels do not provide them and I also like to use my own shampoo. When I was in Italy in June, the hotel in Italy only provided a very small sachet of showel gel each day which really was not enough. In Croatia there was nice shower gel. I just take small sizes.

Happy travels.


Thanks for posting this, it's an excellent idea!

My next two tours involve staying in several hotels - 3 on one, 4 on the other - so I'm going to try getting some packing cubes and see how I do. I bet it's much easier than having to keep packing and unpacking my suitcase as I'm going round - just done that on my last holiday and it was a nuisance.

  • (Member)
Hi Magpie

Packing cubes will definitely not disappoint you. They are so handy and useful.


Just another option if you're thinking about buying a new suitcase. I haven't bought any packing cubes yet but haven't really needed them so far. I have a hard-backed case which opens into two halves and I've found it great for touring. I keep all my 'needed often' bits (like toiletries, hand towel, hair dryer, accessories, underwear, shoes, warm top, in one half which has a zipped cover and my clothes in the other half). Sue
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

I do a similar thing - I have a soft sided holdall style bag which folds out into two sections. The bottom one holds shoes, trousers/skirts and fleeces/cardigans, and the top half has tops and toiletries. The packing cubes help to separate yet again eg day tops, evening tops, underwear etc. I have honed it to a fine art after years of touring (and a little bit of OCD!).


Puer aeternus
I find my packing rountine is quite efficient.

Wake up day of departure;

- open suitcase

- throw clothes/toiletries in case

- close lid, sit on to lock if required.

Leave for Airport.

Very time-efficient, no procrastinating on what to take/not to take! More time avaialbler for Airport Bar. Job done.

Lol Puer Aeternus,

I dread packing so much I might have to borrow your routine for my upcoming holiday (only 42 days to go).....

Kezzer 🙂

I thought you didn't drink PA!! :thumbup::;)

I think I am going to get some packing cubes. My packing is a nightmare always.