  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
A great trip despite the weather, on some of the days.The flight to Zurich flattered to deceive, with views of the Alps covered in snow, above the clouds, with blue skies and the sun shining. The drive from the airport passed quickly, giving us the first view of Lake Konstanz.

After checking in at the Weisses Kreuz, there was a quick walk to the nearby Lidl for supplies, there was a cafe nearby, and some of the group had drinks there. We had selected our evening meals on the coach, there were three choices, and on the other days, you took a card representing your choice from reception, and placed it on the table in the evening. The hotel had 4 or 5 coach tours staying, but, the service in the restaurant was excellent.On the Friday,we had a meal in the bar, Mo the bartender was very good and looked after us in the bar on the other nights.

On the Thursday, we had a tour of the castle at Feldkirch, as it started to rain, we toured the town which looked a very pleasant place with covered shopping arcades. As we moved on to Vaduz, the rain got heavier, I have been there before and the pedestrian centre is a nice place when it is dry.

We were still able to take photos of the castle and the statues around the pedestrian area. Some had their passports stamped.

By the time we reached Appenzell, the rain was very heavy, so most retreated to cafes for warm drinks, after a brief look around.

The next day, we drove into the Brenzerwald, stopping at the top of a mountain pass for photos into the valley. We stopped at a schnapps distillery for a tour and a tasting, Most is distilled from honey, and the byproducts are made into creams for various aches and pains. The cloud was very low so we didn’t take the cable car after lunch, but, there was a festival to celebrate the cows being brought down from their summer grazing, which was enjoyable. Afterwards, we went to a cheese making factory, for a film about the process and a short tour. On the way back, we went through another pass, but, the clouds had closed in again, so we didn’t get a view until we were lower down.

On the Saturday, we crossed into Germany, and went to Ravensberg, it had stopped raining by the time we got there, and, as the jigsaws, of the same name are made there, there was a festival of various games for children there. Ravensberg also had a farmer’s market, and there was a tower to climb for views over the town. For lunch, we drove to a brewery overlooking Lake Konstanz, a good meal and tour there, and as the weather improved, we saw two Zeppelins from nearby Frederickshaven. We went to Lindau, and caught the boat to Bregenz, it was comfortable to sit on the top deck and one of the Zeppelins flew over.

Back to the rain on Sunday, we drove to Rorsasch, in Switzerland, and a short boat ride back towards Bregenz, where we toured the Opera Festival building and the stage. Fortunately, the rain had stopped, and some took the cable car up the local mountain.

On Monday, a dry,and mainly sunny day, we drove to Tiefencastel, in Switzerland, and caught the train to St.Moritz, beautiful scenery, on the way there we saw a historical train trip in the opposite direction. In St. Moritz, it was pleasant, although there was evidence on the previous day’s snow.

On the last morning, we could see the mountains surrounding Feldkirch at breakfast. We went to the Rhine Falls in Switzerland, for the morning, getting a boat right up to the Falls, made better by being the warmest day since our arrival.

Thanks very much to Tour Director Paul.

'turnke' wrote:

A great trip despite the weather, on some of the days.The flight to Zurich flattered to deceive, with views of the Alps covered in snow, above the clouds, with blue skies and the sun shining. The drive from the airport passed quickly, giving us the first view of Lake Konstanz.

After checking in at the Weisses Kreuz, there was a quick walk to the nearby Lidl for supplies, there was a cafe nearby, and some of the group had drinks there. We had selected our evening meals on the coach, there were three choices, and on the other days, you took a card representing your choice from reception, and placed it on the table in the evening. The hotel had 4 or 5 coach tours staying, but, the service in the restaurant was excellent.On the Friday,we had a meal in the bar, Mo the bartender was very good and looked after us in the bar on the other nights.

On the Thursday, we had a tour of the castle at Feldkirch, as it started to rain, we toured the town which looked a very pleasant place with covered shopping arcades. As we moved on to Vaduz, the rain got heavier, I have been there before and the pedestrian centre is a nice place when it is dry.

We were still able to take photos of the castle and the statues around the pedestrian area. Some had their passports stamped.

By the time we reached Appenzell, the rain was very heavy, so most retreated to cafes for warm drinks, after a brief look around.

The next day, we drove into the Brenzerwald, stopping at the top of a mountain pass for photos into the valley. We stopped at a schnapps distillery for a tour and a tasting, Most is distilled from honey, and the byproducts are made into creams for various aches and pains. The cloud was very low so we didn’t take the cable car after lunch, but, there was a festival to celebrate the cows being brought down from their summer grazing, which was enjoyable. Afterwards, we went to a cheese making factory, for a film about the process and a short tour. On the way back, we went through another pass, but, the clouds had closed in again, so we didn’t get a view until we were lower down.

On the Saturday, we crossed into Germany, and went to Ravensberg, it had stopped raining by the time we got there, and, as the jigsaws, of the same name are made there, there was a festival of various games for children there. Ravensberg also had a farmer’s market, and there was a tower to climb for views over the town. For lunch, we drove to a brewery overlooking Lake Konstanz, a good meal and tour there, and as the weather improved, we saw two Zeppelins from nearby Frederickshaven. We went to Lindau, and caught the boat to Bregenz, it was comfortable to sit on the top deck and one of the Zeppelins flew over.

Back to the rain on Sunday, we drove to Rorsasch, in Switzerland, and a short boat ride back towards Bregenz, where we toured the Opera Festival building and the stage. Fortunately, the rain had stopped, and some took the cable car up the local mountain.

On Monday, a dry,and mainly sunny day, we drove to Tiefencastel, in Switzerland, and caught the train to St.Moritz, beautiful scenery, on the way there we saw a historical train trip in the opposite direction. In St. Moritz, it was pleasant, although there was evidence on the previous day’s snow.

On the last morning, we could see the mountains surrounding Feldkirch at breakfast. We went to the Rhine Falls in Switzerland, for the morning, getting a boat right up to the Falls, made better by being the warmest day since our arrival.

Thanks very much to Tour Director Paul.

Hi Keith

It was a pleasure to meet you and great review.

I must admit first day back and have the post holiday blues.  I could quite happily eat a slice of that Black Forest gateaux.

It was a lovely trip, with a well thought out itinerary. The group were lovely and we had a real laugh in the bar in the evenings, along with Paul the tour manager and Mo behind the bar.

The scenery was beautiful, I’m annoyed about the terrible weather but the last two days made up for it. I was blown away by St Moritz and the travel there and back, it was magical and breathtaking. I have updated my profile pic with me at the top of the Julier pass.

I even braved a cable car, with my fear of heights, but well worth it. This took us to the top of the Pfander in only 6 mins, giving fantastic views of Lake Constance. There was a lovely wildlife park at the top and a restaurant.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'SarahL' wrote:

'turnke' wrote:

A great trip despite the weather, on some of the days.The flight to Zurich flattered to deceive, with views of the Alps covered in snow, above the clouds, with blue skies and the sun shining. The drive from the airport passed quickly, giving us the first view of Lake Konstanz.

After checking in at the Weisses Kreuz, there was a quick walk to the nearby Lidl for supplies, there was a cafe nearby, and some of the group had drinks there. We had selected our evening meals on the coach, there were three choices, and on the other days, you took a card representing your choice from reception, and placed it on the table in the evening. The hotel had 4 or 5 coach tours staying, but, the service in the restaurant was excellent.On the Friday,we had a meal in the bar, Mo the bartender was very good and looked after us in the bar on the other nights.

On the Thursday, we had a tour of the castle at Feldkirch, as it started to rain, we toured the town which looked a very pleasant place with covered shopping arcades. As we moved on to Vaduz, the rain got heavier, I have been there before and the pedestrian centre is a nice place when it is dry.

We were still able to take photos of the castle and the statues around the pedestrian area. Some had their passports stamped.

By the time we reached Appenzell, the rain was very heavy, so most retreated to cafes for warm drinks, after a brief look around.

The next day, we drove into the Brenzerwald, stopping at the top of a mountain pass for photos into the valley. We stopped at a schnapps distillery for a tour and a tasting, Most is distilled from honey, and the byproducts are made into creams for various aches and pains. The cloud was very low so we didn’t take the cable car after lunch, but, there was a festival to celebrate the cows being brought down from their summer grazing, which was enjoyable. Afterwards, we went to a cheese making factory, for a film about the process and a short tour. On the way back, we went through another pass, but, the clouds had closed in again, so we didn’t get a view until we were lower down.

On the Saturday, we crossed into Germany, and went to Ravensberg, it had stopped raining by the time we got there, and, as the jigsaws, of the same name are made there, there was a festival of various games for children there. Ravensberg also had a farmer’s market, and there was a tower to climb for views over the town. For lunch, we drove to a brewery overlooking Lake Konstanz, a good meal and tour there, and as the weather improved, we saw two Zeppelins from nearby Frederickshaven. We went to Lindau, and caught the boat to Bregenz, it was comfortable to sit on the top deck and one of the Zeppelins flew over.

Back to the rain on Sunday, we drove to Rorsasch, in Switzerland, and a short boat ride back towards Bregenz, where we toured the Opera Festival building and the stage. Fortunately, the rain had stopped, and some took the cable car up the local mountain.

On Monday, a dry,and mainly sunny day, we drove to Tiefencastel, in Switzerland, and caught the train to St.Moritz, beautiful scenery, on the way there we saw a historical train trip in the opposite direction. In St. Moritz, it was pleasant, although there was evidence on the previous day’s snow.

On the last morning, we could see the mountains surrounding Feldkirch at breakfast. We went to the Rhine Falls in Switzerland, for the morning, getting a boat right up to the Falls, made better by being the warmest day since our arrival.

Thanks very much to Tour Director Paul.

Hi Keith

It was a pleasure to meet you and great review.

I must admit first day back and have the post holiday blues.  I could quite happily eat a slice of that Black Forest gateaux.

It was a lovely trip, with a well thought out itinerary. The group were lovely and we had a real laugh in the bar in the evenings, along with Paul the tour manager and Mo behind the bar.

The scenery was beautiful, I’m annoyed about the terrible weather but the last two days made up for it. I was blown away by St Moritz and the travel there and back, it was magical and breathtaking. I have updated my profile pic with me at the top of the Julier pass.

I even braved a cable car, with my fear of heights, but well worth it. This took us to the top of the Pfander in only 6 mins, giving fantastic views of Lake Constance. There was a lovely wildlife park at the top and a restaurant.


Hi Sarah 

It was great to meet you, you were very brave going on the cable car and sitting at the window on some of the mountain roads. You can’t beat a piece of Black Forest Gateau when you are waiting for a boat.
