Julie White
(Member) (Topic Starter)

I have just returned from an amazing tour of Chile, the Atacama to Patagonia including the Easter Island, add-on.

This was a fantastic trip from start to finish and I highly recommend that you book it.  You won’t be disappointed.

Our tour manager, Alison Bisset was outstanding. She was a lot of fun and was always there if anyone had problems. We also had excellent local guides who were all very knowledgeable, especially Patricio in Santiago and Lorenzo, who was our guide in the Puerto Natales area.

The scenery on this trip is wonderful, even the view from the plane was amazing. If you are lucky enough to get a window seat you get a spectacular view of the Andes.

This trip is very diverse you start at the Atacama Desert in blazing sunshine and finish the Chile leg viewing the glaciers in Puerto Natales, dressed in thick coats, hats and gloves.

The main tip that I can give for this trip is organise your clothing in layers.  You need to cover for all eventualities.  You will also need to take waterproof clothing for the rain, which apparently it does a lot in Chile. We were very lucky and mostly dodged the bad weather.

The icing on the cake has to be Easter Island. Although we arrived in pouring rain and it rained all the next day, it didn’t damper our spirits.

We thoroughly enjoyed our tour around this special little island nicknamed the ‘belly button of the world’.  

On our third day on the Island the sunshine appeared and it was amazing going down to the beach and seeing the Moai statues in all their glory.  It was an amazing sight. 


Anyone travelling to the Easter Island needs to realise that the hotels are basic so don’t expect 4 star luxury.  This does not spoil your enjoyment of the island, the 1950’s style hotel adds to its charm.

A trip to Chile and the Easter Island is not to be missed!!

Regards Julie

Good Morning Julie,

I'm delighted to hear that you had an amazing time on your trip to Chile, the Atacama to Patagonia including Easter Island.

Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences with the wider Just You Community. I have forwarded your comments on to the wider team here at JYHQ.

Kindest Regards,


Thanks for a great review. Another trip to add to my ever increasing to do list!
Thanks for the review Julie. I have a few questions if you wouldn’t mind - were there hairdryers in every hotel? Was there the time (or the weather) to go for a swim in any of the hotels? Was there any opportunity to dress up a bit for an evening meal that would need a ‘dressier’ top?


Hi Julie

many thanks for your very informative review, I am on this tour in a couple of weeks, you have given me food for thought now regarding clothing, I think i'd better pack my fleece and maybe some gloves lol a hat and a raincoat was already on my list

I am now looking forward to this trip even more and may well reconsider my request for an aisle seat in favour for a window but we'll see what is available or offered

Thank you for this



  • (Member)
Thanks for posting Julie and glad you enjoyed such a good time.   This is one I would love to do but unfortunately the bank robbery crew still have to deliver the goods.
Julie White
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Sally,

With reference to hairdryers all hotels had them.  We even had kettles with tea and coffee in the hotel in Santiago, but no milk.  

We had a couple of afternoons free where we could go swimming although I forgot to take a costume so it ruled me out.  If you are staying in the Explorer hotel in the Atacama they also have a hot tub.

Don't take too many dressier tops.  I think that overall I wore a dressier top on about 4 or 5 occasions. Most days were casual.

Hope this helps.  Enjoy your trip you will love it.

Warm regards Julie

'sallyc' wrote:

Thanks for the review Julie.  I have a few questions if you wouldn’t mind - were there hairdryers in every hotel? Was there the time (or the weather) to go for a swim in any of the hotels? Was there any opportunity to dress up a bit for an evening meal that would need a ‘dressier’ top?


Hi Sally

I was also on the trip with Julie and echo all of her comments, it was excellent! 

There were hairdryers in all of the hotel rooms.  We also had kettles in the rooms in The Icon in Santiago, with sachets of coffee and tea bags, but nowhere else.

I used my swimming costume once in the Jacuzzi in the Atacama plus a quick swim there.  Had it not rained there was time to use the small pool on Easter Island.  So, if you've space I'd take it.

As for 'posh' tops.....maybe one. Everywhere was casual but sometimes its nice to wear something a bit dressier.

I hope you all enjoy your trip as much as we did.


Thanks Liz & Julie, less than two weeks to go and I am sooooo excited. I hope you left some sunshine behind for us!
Angie S
Hi Julie,

I think this tour is right up there. I hope I manage to go one day...the varying scenery looks something else. Glad you had a good time and got your sunny day on Easter Island to see it in all its glory.


Hi Julie

Enjoyed reading your review of this exciting holiday and I am pleased you had a good time. Having just returned from the Canadian Rockies I can only imagine how stunning the Andes must have been. There was a TV series recently which covered the three great mountain ranges - Rockies, Andes and Himalayas - managed two in my travels but probably will never see the Andes. 

Hope to catch up with you again one day - I'll just have to be more adventurous!

  • (Member)
Hi Julie & Liz

Thank you for your reviews. I’m glad you enjoyed your holiday & am so excited about going. 

Can I ask for some advice on spending money? How much money would you advise us to take? I’m also doing the Easter Island add on so curious if you needed US dollars or just Chilean Pesos? Final question on money, did you need any money for your time at the airport in São Paulo & if so what currency?



  • (Member)
Hi Julie

I'm so thrilled that you enjoyed Rapa Nui. The weather can be a bit hit and miss (and always windy!!) but I'm glad you had at least one sunny day to visit Anakena Beach. Did you get to see the sunrise over Tongariki in the end? I believe JY were going to make it an optional excursion so I hope the weather didn't stop you doing that. You're right that the hotels/cabanas are a bit basic but, given the Island's isolation, I think it adds to the charm.

Taffy - In answer to your question about currency - Rapa Nui (Easter Island) has a duel USD/Chilean Peso system but most of the locals prefer pesos (especially at the craft markets) I don't know about Brazil but at Santiago airport they take either USD or Pesos.

Sally/ Bob / Mike / Hils - Not long now guys - it seems like yesterday when you were on 20 months and counting Sally! I hope you are all armed with your 'Companion Guide to Easter Island' (and that you have a fab time in Chile as well...). Say 'Iorana' to the Moai for me and to Chris, Patricia, Ceci or James if you come across them as local step on guides. 9 weeks to go for me :D

All the best


Julie White
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Taffy,

I took about £200 in Chilean Pesos with me and had to withdrawn another £200 worth whilst I was there.  I also used my card to pay for the bills in the hotels.  If you pay in American dollars in the hotels you don't pay any tax so it works out a lot cheaper.  We only bought drinks in Sao Paulo airport and they accepted American dollars but not Pesos, so again I used my card.  I think I probably spent about £500 overall and I didn't buy many gifts.

On Easter Island most of the group used Pesos.  Although they do accept Dollars the exchange rate isn't vey good.

I hope you have an amazing time.  I am sure you will love it.

Regards Julie

  • (Member)
'Julie White' wrote:

Hello Taffy,

I took about £200 in Chilean Pesos with me and had to withdrawn another £200 worth whilst I was there.  I also used my card to pay for the bills in the hotels.  If you pay in American dollars in the hotels you don't pay any tax so it works out a lot cheaper.  We only bought drinks in Sao Paulo airport and they accepted American dollars but not Pesos, so again I used my card.  I think I probably spent about £500 overall and I didn't buy many gifts.

On Easter Island most of the group used Pesos.  Although they do accept Dollars the exchange rate isn't vey good.

I hope you have an amazing time.  I am sure you will love it.

Regards Julie

Thanks Julie, hope we enjoy as much as you did!!


  • (Member)
Hi Julie

Excellent review, thank you for writing it.

Happy to read your comments about it being a fantastic trip as I am going In February after a lot of dithering regarding the cost, thinking that I could do two long hauls with the cost of just Chile and Easter Island BUT I have always wanted to go to Easter Island.

Have noted that I may need US dollars for Sao Paulo.- That I will need to buy another travel kettle as only one hotel has a kettle. My old kettle was left deliberately in Tibet when I did the Roof of the World trip,because after shopping my luggage was quite over weight.

I am hoping that I will have time to go swimming at Anakena Beach and look for sea turtles at Pea Beach (if I have location correct).

kind regards


  • (Member)
Hi Dina

Yes, you're right - Pea (pronounced Paya) is the place to spot turtles, but it's more of a lagoon next to the harbour rather than a beach - it has about three teaspoons of sand! Anakena is really the only safe bay for swimming because the rocks and reefs around the island are made up of lava from the three extinct volcanoes, razor sharp in places and as I'm sure Julie will concur, the power of the waves crashing on them in incredible (and awesome to photograph.) There are diving schools at Hanga Peiko though if you are the adventurous type!

You should also look out for Easter Island butterfly fish in the harbour at Hanga Peiko. They are tiny but swim in shoals around the fishing boats and will happily come up if you throw them some crumbs.

Regarding your kettle (wise move - I don't go anywhere without one myself!) - I don't know if anyone's mentioned this before but you'll need a 2 round pin adaptor (as in Europe) rather than a flat pin North American one. 

Happy to help with any other questions you may have (or look up Easter Island on the search function and you'll find my review of my trip last year)

All the best


Julie White
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Jellifer' wrote:

Thanks for a great review. Another trip to add to my ever increasing to do list!

Thank you


Julie White
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'AbbaDave' wrote:

Hi Julie

many thanks for your very informative review, I am on this tour in a couple of weeks,  you have given me food for thought now regarding clothing, I think i'd better pack my fleece and maybe some gloves lol a hat and a raincoat was already on my list

I am now looking forward to this trip even more and may well reconsider my request for an aisle seat in favour for a window but we'll see what is available or offered

Thank you for this



Thanks Dave,

I am sure that you will have a great time.  It is an amazing country.

Regards Julie

Julie White
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'jonah' wrote:

Thanks for posting Julie and glad you enjoyed such a good time.   This is one I would love to do but unfortunately the bank robbery crew still have to deliver the goods.

Thanks Jonah,

If you need any help with your robbery. Just let me know.

Regards Julie