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I returned yesterday from this trip after a week of mixed fortunes for me. 

I arrived at East Midlands early on the morning of 2nd May, and had to wait ages to be able to do the bag drop off with Ryan Air.  Fortunately I ran into two fellow JY travellers and we chatted whilst we were waiting and proceeded through security together.  No sign during over a hour of waiting of any J.Y rep.

The flight would have been fine, but sadly I ended up injured through red hot tea falling into my lap, and had to be assisted by Ryan Air staff, who did the best for me that they could under the circumstances, but this meant sitting in pain in soaking wet jeans during the rest of the flight.  We got to Barcelona Airport, but again no sign of JY representation.  We were met instead by a charming mini bus driver with very minimal English, and driven to the hotel in Callela.  On arrival, again no JY representation, but we were given a note from Damian our TM who was due to arrive far later in the evening with the party from Gatwick and assisted to our rooms. 

I was very impressed with the hotel.  I had a nice room on the second floor, albeit opposite some noisy building work, but with a side view of the sea.  2 single beds joined into one, but comfortable, and everything in it you would need.  Nice deep bath with powerful shower over, and plenty of hot water.  You do, if you wish to, pay for the room safe, but there is a fridge which you can use free of charge to keep drinks cold in.  Minimal toiletries, so I would advise taking your own.  It can get a little noisy but noise was kept to a minimum at night and traffic noise wasn't too bad after about 11pm at night.  The staff are all so friendly and most of them speak decent English, and are very friendly.  You are always met with a smile, and a word.  The bar service is excellent, and you choose to pay as you go, or put the bill onto your room and pay at the end of the holiday.  The food I found very good, plenty of choice, particularly at night, and the food temperature was just right, unlike some buffets I have used.  Everywhere was kept spotlessly clean at all times. 

The trips that I did participate in (I missed Barcelona), were all very good, with Montserrat being awesome, despite the mist, Girona was lovely, but care needed when walking, and I really enjoyed the coastline tour. 

Callela itself has flat walking along the sea front.  The beach itself is lovely, but with a steepish drop to the sea.  The shopping area itself, is on first glance rather tacky but does improve as you progress further into the Old Town.  There is a good Spar Supermarket, a wide range of bars and places to eat, and I happily spent a couple of hours walking around.  The town has excellent transport links to a lot of places along the coast, and it takes just one hour on the train to get to Barcelona. 

I wanted to say a big thank you to Damian who was a really good TM.  He was friendly, amiable and fun, and so kind to me in taking me to 2 different pharmacies to assist.  My fellow travellers were a nice crowd, mainly sociable, very sympathetic, and I would be happy to meet up with any of them on a future holiday. 

I need to mention the last morning as Damian had left early with the Gatwick departure, and us from East Midlands and Bristol were left totally to our own devices at Barcelona Airport after being driven down in a mini bus with again NO JY representation.  Fortunately Barcelona Airport was not that busy , but as I have already indicated in previous posts there should be some assistance if needed. 

Would I go back?  Probably not, although I did like the hotel, but apart from a couple of places the area did not really "grab me".  I really did find the small gift from the hotel on my birthday, and the birthday "cake" very nice though!

Mildred, I would appreciate it if someone from JY could contact me directly (preferably by email) regarding my accident as I am unsure on how to proceed.  I know that Damian did a report on the incident, but I am not sure on how else JY can help me, if indeed they can.

Good Morning Bosuncat,

I have passed this on; A member of the Just You team will be in contact with you very soon.

Kind Regards,


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'Moderator2' wrote:

Good Morning Bosuncat,

I have passed this on; A member of the Just You team will be in contact with you very soon.

Kind Regards,


Thank you Mildred.

I suspect that in offering more regional departures,  JY resources are being overstretched. Just back from Albi and  Carcassone,  flying with the main group from Heathrow.  I was already moving down the Heathrow check in queue when an over zealous JY  rep insisted I must "go over and meet my tour manager who had some important information  about the tour".  I refused to lose my place; and checked  in first!  The important information was the tour manager's mobile number!  Our flight landed  well ahead of the regional flights, so the tour manager escorted us to the hotel, and returned later to collect the  remaining  members  of  the  group. Returning, two passangers for Bristol were driven to the airport without the tour manager, the rest of the group leaving together after  lunch.   The departure from the hotel had to accommodate flights leaving from 16.20 to 17.30.  This meant that the lone Birmingham passenger had a very short time to check in and clear security, while the majority travelling to Heathrow had an hour's wait until check in opened. If JY continue to offer more regional departures, more thought needs to be given to the  logistics of providing good customer service,  and in particular  clear and concise details of where to meet the tour manager.  The information provided  for this trip  was garbled and contradictory. .
  • (Member)
Hi Elaine,

I hope your burns are healing up well, what a horrible thing to happen to you on the flight but I suppose accidents do happen, especially in such confined spaces.  On the other hand, it's good to hear you enjoyed the hotel and the trips and it sounds like a good holiday overall.

All the best,


Hi Elaine

Sorry to hear that you were injured on your flight and hope you have recovered. My very first trip abroad was to Calella and I remember the seafront very well!

Hope you are able to obtain compensation for your accident.


Hi Elaine

Thank you for your review and I hope that you have  now recovered from your accident.

I  am on the 6th June trip. I see that there is an optional trip to Figures and Rosas. Did you do this trip or if not can you please let me know what your fellow travellers thought of it.



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'evelynj' wrote:

Hi Elaine

Thank you for your review and I hope that you have  now recovered from your accident.

I  am on the 6th June trip. I see that there is an optional trip to Figures and Rosas. Did you do this trip or if not can you please let me know what your fellow travellers thought of it.



Thank you Eve.  The burns are healing, but very slowly as I am diabetic.  10 days in and things are still quite delicate. 

I didn't go on the Figures and Rosas trip, and hadn't planned to anyway.  Reports back from my fellow travellers was that it was very good, however time in Rosas is compromised as to whatever time the TM manages to get the group booked into the museum at Figures.  That has to be booked in advance, as groups cannot just turn up.  Everyone that I spoke to seemed to enjoy it anyway.

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'Rose1999' wrote:

Bosuncat I'm sorry to hear of your accident and I do hope you are OK now.

As a newbie I am very concerned to read that there was no JY rep at either airport, I sincerely hope this doesn't happen on my trip on 1st June, it's my first ever overseas trip alone and I really do want the reassurance of someone to post me in the right direction.  I know that if it came to it I'd manage solo, but I don't want to be left to manage, the idea of a JY trip is to be looked after!

Reassurances that this will not happen again would be nice.

Take care and I hope your future holidays will be less hassle.

Kind regards


Thank you Rose.  As far as the trip back to Barcelona Airport was concerned, all but the East Midlands and Bristol departures were escorted back to the airport with the TM.  The impression was that we would have a rep with us to take us back but it did not happen.  Just a driver.  We managed okay though as Barcelona is actually an easy airport to negotiate, very modern and easy to find your way around.  Also it was not that busy.

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'BGray' wrote:

Hi Elaine,

I hope your burns are healing up well, what a horrible thing to happen to you on the flight but I suppose accidents do happen, especially in such confined spaces.  On the other hand, it's good to hear you enjoyed the hotel and the trips and it sounds like a good holiday overall.

All the best,


Thanks Bob. 🙂   The holiday itself, the hotel and the trips I did participate in were all very good.

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'lesley07' wrote:

Hi Elaine

Sorry to hear that you were injured on your flight and hope you have recovered. My very first trip abroad was to Calella and I remember the seafront very well!

Hope you are able to obtain compensation for your accident.


Thanks Lesley.  I am getting there.  Very slowly!

  • (Member)
Thank you for such a positive review despite the setbacks you had. So sorry to read about the tea spillage and hope there is no lasting injury.  That was a really bad start. However I hope  you enjoyed some of the holiday.

I can't  really  comment on holidays starting from my regional departures. I haven't been on a direct flight  from Scotland as none has suited me. Whether there would be someone there for me I have no idea.  However if JY say that there will be someone at the airport then there should be.

I know you have been on several good holidays with the Company so hope your next  is more successful  throughout.

Best wishes,


Hi Elaine - hope you had a good journey home, me duck!

Hi Eve - I thought Rosas pleasant enough, but nothing special, the little bit we saw of it in a short visit. For me, the Dali Museum in Figueres was one of the highlights, but it wouldn't be if you're not fond of Dali's individual style. 

I didn't actually bother taking any photos in Rosas.

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'RaeW' wrote:

Thank you for such a positive review despite the setbacks you had. So sorry to read about the tea spillage and hope there is no lasting injury.  That was a really bad start. However I hope  you enjoyed some of the holiday.

I can't  really  comment on holidays starting from my regional departures. I haven't been on a direct flight  from Scotland as none has suited me. Whether there would be someone there for me I have no idea.  However if JY say that there will be someone at the airport then there should be.

I know you have been on several good holidays with the Company so hope your next  is more successful  throughout.

Best wishes,


Thanks Rae.

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'DaveMorton' wrote:

Hi Elaine - hope you had a good journey home, me duck!

Hi Eve - I thought Rosas pleasant enough, but nothing special, the little bit we saw of it in a short visit. For me, the Dali Museum in Figueres was one of the highlights, but it wouldn't be if you're not fond of Dali's individual style.

My photos of this (and everything else) can be found here:

I didn't actually bother taking any photos in Rosas.

Hi Dave.  Good to see you on the forum.  :)

The journey home was a lot less eventful thanks!  Lovely to meet you on holiday.  Going to have a look at the link.

Hi Bosuncat,sorry to hear of your accident I do hope you are fully recovered.

Surprised there was no JY rep to meet you at Barcelona airport. I hope this does not happen to me as it is my first solo trip abroad. As Rose pointed out the idea of a JY holiday is to be looked after.

Hope your next holiday is less eventful.


Hello Bosuncat.I've just read your holiday review.I was so sorry to read about your accident.I hope it isn't too long before you're feeling better.Best wishes Dorrie.
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Thank you both.

Dave.  Those are cracking photos me duck! 🙂

Hi Elaine

Thanks for your response.

I hope the weather is better for my June departure.



'DaveMorton' wrote:

Hi Elaine - hope you had a good journey home, me duck!

Hi Eve - I thought Rosas pleasant enough, but nothing special, the little bit we saw of it in a short visit. For me, the Dali Museum in Figueres was one of the highlights, but it wouldn't be if you're not fond of Dali's individual style.

My photos of this (and everything else) can be found here:

I didn't actually bother taking any photos in Rosas.

[quote pid='297706' dateline='1494782073']

Hi Dave

Thanks for your response. I checked out the photos which are really good.

