(Member) (Topic Starter)
Wonderful holiday, stunning scenery but cannot recommend the breakfasts! Hotels mostly good. Cody and Grand Canyon excellent. Don't miss the Old Trail Town opposite the hotel in Cody. For some reason Just You don't tell you about it. It is magic. Be careful if you book with a friend. We were booked into a shared room throughout the trip despite paying for a singles holiday!!!!!!!!!!
  • (Member)
Hi Endacksi,

I'm delighted to hear that you had a wonderful holiday.

I was however concerned to read that you had been booked into the same room as your friend as this shouldn't happen on a Just You holiday. I have spoken to our customer care team who have advised that as soon as they were made aware of the situation they had investigated immediately and have since been in touch with you directly to explain there had been a problem with the hotels misreading our room lists. I was also advised that this was resolved and you were given your own rooms for the duration of this trip. I am sorry that you encountered this problem at the start of your holiday and hope that this didn't mar the overall enjoyment of your holiday.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
I have travel many times with friends but never shared rooms, I always ask for rooms close by if possible...



Could somebody please define the words 'Just You', as I had assumed it meant one person booking a holiday on their own? I've noticed a few posts on this forum about group bookings and I'm a bit concerned this seems to be happening more and more. What would happen if, say, there were 35 people on a tour, and 34 'couples' had booked? How do you think the one single person would feel? It seems to go against the whole point of JY, and certainly against the reason most people book their holiday with JY - including myself. Why aren't those booking in this way not directed towards Travelsphere instead?

I'm not having a go at the original poster, but more why JY are letting it happen.



'magpie10' wrote:


Could somebody please define the words 'Just You', as I had assumed it meant one person booking a holiday on their own? I've noticed a few posts on this forum about group bookings and I'm a bit concerned this seems to be happening more and more. What would happen if, say, there were 35 people on a tour, and 34 'couples' had booked? How do you think the one single person would feel? It seems to go against the whole point of JY, and certainly against the reason most people book their holiday with JY - including myself. Why aren't those booking in this way not directed towards Travelsphere instead?

I'm not having a go at the original poster, but more why JY are letting it happen.



Hi Caroline, Interesting question you raise. I don't think JY book 'couples', by which I mean those willing to share a bed or room together.

I recently took my fist trip with JY on the National Parks, Mt Rushmoe holiday (14-30 Sept) and there were one or two folk who clearly knew each other before they joined the trip. I think one pair were long-term friends, one pair were sisters, and another pair were part of a small group who had become buddies on previous singles holidays and had kept in touch so they could go on further holidays together - they just enjoyed each other's company. All were single travellers. There were also several married people who chose to holiday alone as this suited their domestic arrangements (either their partner couldn't travel, or was staying at home looking after the house & kids). So in terms of booking hotels, everyone would have wanted a single room.

It was also clear to me that some firm friendships were being made among people who had never met before the trip, and I wouldn't be surprised if they keep in touch and go on further holidays together as buddies (2, 3 or 4 people). However, I would not classify them as 'couples' in the normal sense of the word (i.e. partners). 


  • (Member)

I agree with Roger. Sometimes people meet on a holiday and then plan other Just You holidays together. I also get Caroline's point as I have encountered this situation once whereby a group of 6 people, who had met on a previous Just You holiday, booked the one I was on and did not make any attempt to mix with the others. This did not bother me as there were lots of other people, but if it had been a small group then it can be a bit of a problem. I think it is very difficult to monitor who is booking Just You holidays as people can still book it as an individual despite travelling as a Group. Sometimes friends travel together but they make an attempt to mix with everyone.


'Jaya' wrote:


I agree with Roger.  Sometimes people meet on a holiday and then plan other Just You holidays together.    I also get Caroline's point as I have encountered this situation once whereby a group of 6 people, who had met on a previous Just You holiday, booked the one I was on and did not make any attempt to mix with the others.  This did not bother me as there were lots of other people, but if it had been a small group then it can be a bit of a problem.  I think it is very difficult to monitor who is booking Just You holidays as people can still book it as an individual despite travelling as a Group.  Sometimes friends travel together but they make an attempt to mix with everyone.


Hi Jaya,

I was v. interested in your post about your experience on JY holidays with couples/groups. I can imagine that there is little worse on a 'single traveller's' holiday than to encounter an 'exclusive' group; i.e. a clique, who don't want to mix-in with the rest of the group.  I was v. fortunate with my group, where those who knew each other before the trip were 'inclusive', i.e. they were quite happy to include the rest of us in their conversation. meals, stories, adventures etc.. If anything, I found some of the 'single' people were 'loners' and just didn't want to join in with anything or anyone. Each to their own . . .

  • (Member)
Hi Roger

Yes, each to their own. I personally would not let this bother me or ruin my holiday. There are usually plenty of other people to talk to and mix with if you do encounter some who do not want to mix. I do try and talk to everyone, even those who look like 'loners', as sometimes they may just be shy.



Hi would really love to do this tour so am currently saving. Would you be able to tell me whether their is a stop at the devils tower in weyoming between deadwood and Sheridan as it one place I'd love to go but not listed in the iteniary. Thanks Andrew
'Andrewe' wrote:

Hi would really love to do this tour so aabsolutelyntly saving. Would you be able to tell me whether their is a stop at the devils tower in weyoming between deadwood and Sheridan as it one place I'd love to go but not listed in the iteniary. Thanks Andrew

Hi Andrewe, i did this holiday last year and it was absolutely fantastic. Although it wasnt on the itinery, our tour guide and driver took us to Devils Tower which was a lovely surprise. Im sure if you ask your guide, they would manage to fit it in to the trip. I hope you get on this holiday, you wont regret it.


Hi Andrewe, I did this trip back in 2008, I noticed that our journey took us past Devils Tower, however it was not on the road we were taking, our driver stopped at one point and we were able to see it quite clearly in the distance, as I has a zoom lense on my camera I was able to get some shots of it, very jealous that Eddie's trip got to go there 😞 But it is a fantastic holiday, enjoy.
