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I wanted to do a different kind of review as I usually find it hard to write one when the holiday is over so I am writing one as I go.

Day 1: Long queues at passport control at Toronto meant that we didn't get to the hotel until 6.45pm. Hotel is good but I got a room at the front of the hotel which was a bit noisy due to the traffic. The lift system seemed a bit confusing at first as it is colour coded (green, red and blue) with each set of lifts only servicing certain floors but you soon get used to it. I was too tired to go out for food so I just joined a few fellow travellers in the self service restaurant in the hotel.

Day 2: Breakfast was in the same self service restaurant as the night before - get what you want and present your slip at the cash desk in return for a date stamp ticket so you could go back for more. I would advise you to get a street map of Toronto from reception unless you get a good one from the tour manager. The coach tour started at 9am took us round the city where we passed various sites of interest. We stopped at city hall with a fountain and a 'Hollywood' style Toronto sign where we had a group photograph done. Second stop was in the old part of Toronto where there was a brewery and a chocolate shop. Final stop was at the CN Tower where 20 of the group ventured to the top at a negotiated group price of 34$ (24$ for over 65s). The view from the tip were breathtaking and the glass floor is not for the faint hearted. After the tower I met up with a Canadian friend and had a great lunch at an Irish pub with views of Lake Ontario. On the way back to the hotel I stopped but the Roundhouse where there was a display of vintage locomotives. The included meal we went to the Hard Rock Café which was good but too much. There is plenty to see and do in Toronto but not enough time to see a great deal.

  • (Member)
Glad you got to go up CN Tower when I went 2 years ago, we didn't bother as no views due to bad weather, was one of the reasons I booked the tour, but we cannot control the weather! Enjoy the tour it's a good one..


Hi there.  It seems a long time since Slovenia.  :)

I'm looking forward to reading the rest of this.

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Day 3: Tip of the day: If you intend to send postcards from Toronto you can buy them at the shop at the hotel and international stamps included so you don't need to buy them separately. Early departure at 7:30am for the trip to the falls with a comfort break at Grimsby of all places! We had an unexpected tour of downtown Niagara which ended with a u-turn in a supermarket car park. When we eventually arrived we dumped half the group before heading off for the helicopter trip. I loved it although I drew the short straw and ended up in the middle so it was a struggle to take decent pictures. We picked up the rest of the group on the way back and headed down to the falls. Unfortunately we were left a distance from the boat trip so we didn't leave Niagara until 2:15pm, about the time we were supposed to be leaving Niagara on the Lake. We then headed straight for the Konzelman Estate Winery where the group split up again as those who didn't want to take the Winery trip went on to Niagara on the Lake. The trip to the winery with the cheese and wine tasting was good but now that the UK is leaving the EU don't expect to see any Canadian Wine in your local supermarket soon. After the winery we went onto Niagara on the Lake for a very brief visit. Coach driver and tour manager got into a bit of hot water regarding the drop off and pick up point and so we were late setting off but got back to the hotel but arrived around 7:15pm. I met up with another Canadian friend who I arranged to meet up with at the hotel and we just headed to this bar just across the street from the hotel for a drink and a bite to eat. Weather was glorious today - hitting 29 C. Tomorrow is an even earlier start as we will be leaving Toronto at 7am.
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
'nixon' wrote:

Glad you got to go up CN Tower when I went 2 years ago, we didn't bother as no views due to bad weather, was one of the reasons I booked the tour, but we cannot control the weather! Enjoy the tour it's a good one..


Hi Cindy

Weather has been great thus far and I am hopeful it will continue that way.


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Day4: Luggage outside room at 5:30 then down to breakfast for six to be ready for the 7am departure. Three and a half hour drive to Kingston with a twenty minute rest stop on route. Arrived in time for a quick look at Kingston Harbour front before boarding the Island Belle for a 90 min cruise round the 1000 islands with a spooky commentary by the first prime minister of Canada John A Macdonald. Very quick bite to eat at a local bar where the food turned up 20 mins before we were due back at the coach to continue the journey to Ottawa. Arrived at the hotel in Ottawa after a two and a quarter hour drive and only had time to find the room and use the bathroom facilities before heading out again for a two hour tour of Ottawa. While the hotel in Toronto was in the city centre the hotel in Ottawa was not, but since there is only one night here it didn't matter. The guided tour was good and if you get the same guide try and remember everything what he said as there is a prize quiz at the end of the tour. We were given the choice at the end of the tour to stay in the city centre or return to the hotel so the group split 50-50. Choosing to return to the hotel some of us went down to the restaurant for a good meal. Gorgeous weather again today - perfect for the boat trip and the Ottawa tour.
Liz P
  • (Member)
This is proving VERY useful as I'm on the tour departing on 28th. Thanks for the detailed reports........keep them coming!
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Day 5: A more leisurely day today - left hotel at 8:30 am for the drive to Montreal. Stopped off at a Tim Horton's for a coffee/comfort stop for about half an hour before continuing the journey. The group got off the coach in the old town just after midday opposite the tourist information office next to Place Jacques Cartier. Looking for somewhere to eat, found the Jardin Nelson which was great as they served the perfect alternative to the food earlier in the trip - crêpes. In the afternoon we had a tour of Montreal once we found the local guide who took us into the pedestrian subway system before heading back to the coach. We were taken up Mount Royal with great views of the city including the 1976 Olympic Stadium and paid a visit to the Notre-Dame Basilica. We then were taken to the Hôtel Faubourg where my room was a three room suite with a lounge/kitchenette complete with coffee pod machine, microwave, fridge freezer, sink, dishwasher and a can opener but no cutlery, no crockery and no safe.
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Day 6: Breakfast was a bit of a free for all this morning. Cool and wet start at 8am for the trip to Québec. Comfort stop at a McDonalds with a little self service coffee shop and store to the right. The weather had dried out by the time we reached Québec. The guided tour was part walking, part on the coach starting with the Park des Champs-de-Bataille, passed a fantastic mural featuring various figures depicting people who had played a part in the history of the city and ending with the Château Frontenac. It was after 2pm when the tour ended and time for lunch. We didn't have long before returning to the coach so we headed down on the funicular railway down to the old town but didn't spend too long before heading back up to be in time for the coach back to Montreal. We set off from Quebec at 4pm but didn't get back to the hotel until 8:45 although we did stop en route where most of the group picked up something to eat.

Day 7: Luggage out at 7:30 for the 8:30 departure from Montreal. Arrived at US Border Station Highgate Springs, Vermont about an hour later. Two and a quarter hours later and we were on our way. Not sure why we needed the Esta as we were coming into the US from Canada. We stopped at the Maple City Diner in St Albans for lunch before heading off for Waterbury and the Ben & Jerry's Factory. The thirty minute tour and we had tasting of the Americone Dream flavour of Ice Cream was delicious. Hotel was the Commodores Inn, great location with nearby lake. Dinner in hotel tonight but some folks went into Stowe for food.

Day 8: Left the best hotel of the trip so far just after nine following a gang of bikers. Got a good send off from the hotel owner. Quick stop in front of the State House on Montpelier, the smallest state capital in the US. The visit to Morse Maple Farm was entertaining with the great sense of humour shown by the owner. There was a slight change to the itinerary as we didn't go to the Brick store in Bath as it had recently been sold and it was currently closed. We stopped for lunch in the pretty town of Littleton, the home of the author of Pollyanna, Eleanor Porter. Then on to North Conway for a ride on the Conway Scenic Railroad with views of the White Mountain National Park. The penultimate hotel on this tour was the Fox Ridge Resort. Dinner was buffet style in the hotel.

  • (Member)
Morse Maple Farm !!!! I have been there twice on JY tours, reading your comment brought a big smile to my face...did they have a fantastic pumpkin display outside I got some great pictures of that 2 years ago!!!.


Jthinch - your reviews are excellent and very helpful ?
Liz P
  • (Member)
jthinch, many thanks for the trip report.

Can you tell me approx how much a simple lunch and dinner costs, just a main course, without drinks? Just wondering how much CAD to take, leaving on 28th!!!

Liz P
  • (Member)
One more question...... what's the approx temperature now, still late 20sC or has it cooled off?
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
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'Liz P' wrote:

jthinch, many thanks for the trip report.

Can you tell me approx how much a simple lunch and dinner costs, just a main course, without drinks? Just wondering how much CAD to take, leaving on 28th!!!

Hi Liz

I took 400 CAD, paid for the Niagara helicopter trip by debit card through the tour manager. Still got over 100 CAD left. One meal is included in Canada and as you are having the same tour manager, Linda, you will probably be taken to the Hard Rock Café in Toronto. Hope that helps.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'nixon' wrote:

Morse Maple Farm !!!! I have been there twice on JY tours, reading your comment brought a big smile to my face...did they have a fantastic pumpkin display outside I got some great pictures of that 2 years ago!!!.


Hi Cindy

Yes they did. When I get back home I'll put some photos up on Flickr and post the link on here.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
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'Jill1602' wrote:

Jthinch - your reviews are excellent and very helpful ?

Thanks Jill. Are you booked to go on this tour soon or are you thinking about it?


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Day 9: Bags out at 7:30am for 8:30 departure from Fox Ridge on a cold and frosty morning. Obligatory comfort stop en route and arrived in Boston at midday. Most of the group headed for the Boston Harbour Cruise - 45 minutes, very entertaining commentary. Grabbed a bite to eat at Quincy Market on the way back to the coach and we were taken to the hotel. The Boston Park Plaza is the poshest hotel of the tour and a great place to end the tour. I had a walk around the lagoon at Boston Common, a short distance from the hotel. Dinner tonight at a Chinese Restaurant near the hotel $34 plus tip for a cocktail, a main course and a glass of wine. Stopped at an Irish Pub on the way back to the hotel.
Liz P
  • (Member)
I'm glad you mentioned cold and frosty.......... so I will add scarf and gloves to my bag just in case! Enjoy your last couple of days.
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Day 10: Relaxing start of the day for me today as most of the group headed off for the Cape Cod excursion at 8am. It was still raining when I went for breakfast but it stopped by the time I set off just after 9:30. I walked to the harbour area and went into the Aquarium, had another look around the harbour area and Columbus Park, had lunch at Quincy Market and then set off along the Freedom Trail to get back to the hotel. After leaving my bag which I didn't want to take with me to the Museum of Fine Arts. I only had two hours to have a look round as the museum was closing at five. It was well worth doing but I wish I had got there a bit earlier. The group met up at the hotel in the evening for the farewell get together before most of us went out to a local fish restaurant. We said our goodbyes to the tour manager, Linda, who is flying back to Toronto in the morning (28th) to meet the group for the next tour which arrive tomorrow afternoon.
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Day 11: Suitcase was packed and ready to go by 8 am. I left the hotel with a fellow traveller as there was enough time to walk the Freedom Trail which ended at the Bunker Hill Monument. Back to the hotel by 10:30 to check I hadn't missed anything important in the room and then back downstairs to reception to meet the rest of the group for the tour of Boston. First stop was Harvard, then onto Quincy Market for lunch, and then back on the Freedom Trail. Dropped at airport for overnight flight to the UK.

The tour manager, Linda, who only found out that she was doing this tour on the Thursday before departure, was good but sometimes I felt that she didn't make sure that everyone knew the time and place where we were meeting up.

The city tours were excellent the best being the tours of Toronto and Quebec. I felt that the tour of Boston would have been better on the first day in Boston rather than the last.

The best hotel was the Boston Plaza, although it was the most expensive, but the Commodore's Inn in Stowe was the most welcoming.

The thirty (?) fellow travellers were a great bunch and I would love to meet any one of them on a future tour.

This tour was my 12th with Just You and my first long haul holiday. For me, this is a hectic tour but the length of it was perfect. This tour was the best one that I have been on to date.
