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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi everyone, just a brief review for a change!  I'm just back from the excellent Travelsphere Grand Baltic Explorer tour, which visited Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland.  It was most enjoyable from start to finish.  Each of the cities we visited had some stunning architecture and beautiful town squares.  My favourite places were Riga and Rundale Palace in Latvia, the old town in Tallinn (Estonia) and Porvoo in Finland.  We saw all the main sights and lots of out of the way places as well.  We learned much about the complex history of these countries from the excellent local guides.  The food was excellent throughout and all the hotels were very good (although the hotel in Finland was basic, it was still acceptable!).  The tour manager, Pamela Rayner, was extremely conscientious and everything ran like clockwork.  The group was very large at 44; however this didn't present any problems (having two doors on the coach really helped!!).  There were six single travellers in total and I was fortunate that I got on very well with the two single ladies and one of the couples.  Many of the other couples were not that friendly!!  As the tour was half board, we ate together as a group every evening, mainly in the hotels but we did visit a couple of local restaurants as well.  I am very glad I did the tour and am about to start uploading my photos onto the laptop.  So I am very happy to recommend this great tour, visiting five countries I'd never been to before.



Hi Bob, many thanks for the overview of this TS tour, one for a few years down the line I think, when I've covered more of the wishlist.

Interesting to read your comments re the TS aspects as a solo traveller on this trip, I really like the look of the new TS New England tour, but think I would only want to go on it if I could persuade a friend to book it too. (so may try the JY Alaska trip instead, if I decide to go to the US.)



As always an excellent review Bob.  I have taken on board what you have said about if ever I decide to do a TS trip in the future.  🙂
  • (Member)
Thanks for this, Bob. I was interested in your comment about couples being unfriendly. That was the reason I started going with JY because of a similar experience with another company - it's nice to know that it doesn't just happen to females (I had always thought it was because the wives regarded their husbands as God's gift to women and any single female could have only one thought in her mind).


  • (Member)
'AnnF' wrote:

Thanks for this, Bob.   I was interested in your comment about couples being unfriendly.   That was the reason I started going with JY because of a similar experience with another company - it's nice to know that it doesn't just happen to females (I had always thought it was because the wives regarded their husbands as God's gift to women and any single female could have only one thought in her mind).


So true Ann. I have done one trip (Norway)with TS as a single which wasn't too bad.  But I have found that as a single woman you get treated with a mixture of sympathy (poor soul hasn't got a man) and suspicion (she might want mine) It doesn't matter which company you travel with.  A pity JY has become so expensive.

  • (Member)

Thanks for the review sounds as if the tour was well worth going on from what you saw. Glad there were some people who didn't mind sharing their time with you.

It's that point which would put me off travelling with TS, unless I had a friend in tow.

Glad you had fun


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi folks,

Thanks for the comments - yes I did find the couples less friendly on this tour than the TS tour I did last year of the Balkan Peninsula.  But I suppose that's the luck of the draw.  I was very fortunate that I met a lovely lady from Northern Ireland (single traveller, husband unable to travel so she goes by herself) and we sat on the bus together every day and at most meals too.  She was great fun and has never used JY - so I did my best to convince her to give them a go!  I'd really like to do the TS Romania tour (and am still hoping that JY will be able to run it before I take the plunge with TS) and I might have a JY travel buddy to go with me if I do it further down the road.  I also want to do the TS Peru tour and again, I'd try to have someone to go with me rather than going on my own.  However at the end of the day, if I really wanted to do the tour, I wouldn't let the couples situation put me off doing a TS tour!

All the best,


  • (Member)
Thanks Bob.  This is an area of the world I want to travel too and, yes, it is interesting re the unfriendly couples.  It is not just male/female couples in my experience.  I visited New England with an certain over 50 company and the female friends travelling together were just as unfriendly with two notable exceptions who became great companions.  As the trip was essentially half board this meant that evening meals could have been very solitary.  I don't understand why couples of any gender seem to feel threatened by a single traveller.
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
There were six single travellers on our tour and we were pretty much ignored by the vast majority of the couples!  I'd say three or four of the couples actually talked to me from time to time (when we were waiting for the bus etc) - some of them did quite often in fairness to them, but the rest literally looked past me!  I have to say that, after hitting it off with the two single lady travellers, I didn't talk much to the other male travellers.  In a big group of 44 it was hard to mix with everyone in any case.  I was very glad to have the aforementioned ladies for company.  Perhaps tour managers could make an announcement at the beginning of TS tours along the lines of "welcome everyone, we have ... single travellers on this tour, so please do chat to them and include them - they won't bite!!"  What do you think?

All the best,


I've  had problems on singles  tours when two or more friends travel together!  On one tour, a group of five absolutely  refused to interact with the rest of the group. I've also encountered male and female friends travelling together when although the gentleman was perfectly  sociable, the lady was very possessive and made it clear that other ladies were not welcome in their company. Luckily on JY tour there are enough really nice friendly people to make for the ones who are not.
Hi Bob

super review, Thanks,  Two ladies you lucky man. still it's what you go to see that counts,  I did Peru with TS and that too was a large group and some couples were unfriendly but it was the Tour which attracted me as it was a better one than JY offered, you will always find other single travellers on a TS holiday so it wouldn't put me off at all though I think i'd 99 times out of a 100 use JY and I suppose it is the luck of the draw as to who your felloe travellers are

all the best


Hi Bob

I am off on a Travelsphere holiday to Sicily in two days. A friend is going with me otherwise I would not have done this particular trip. Like others have said I had a bad experience on my first trip as single traveller and have only travelled with JY since. I ave however also experienced a high number of friends travelling together on some JY trips which is also not ideal.

Will let you now how I get on


Angie S
Hi Bob,

I think that's a really good idea to welcome the single travellers (although perhaps not everyone would like it - maybe the rep could gauge the water). I've said in the past I would always go with JY as my first choice and TS if there was a tour I really like that JY don't offer.

I've been on 2 TS tours - Peru and Cambodia/Mekong Delta. Peru had just over 30 travellers. Most couples were very friendly. I got friendly with 3 other solos (tho technically they knew each other having met on previous trips). In Cambodia there were 3 solos in a group of 15. Thankfully this smallish group of 15 all got on very well. I think eating together helps - all our meals were included on this latter trip.

As you've intimated it's the luck of the draw and as you have said, if it's a tour you really fancy, give TS a go.

I reckon if you put it out there you were going to Romania, there would be a good few JYers who would join you. I can't believe this is still not a JY tour with many in the past on the forum saying they really want to go there.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Angie,

Thanks for your comments!  As you probably read previously, I did the TS Balkan tour last Sept and found a lot of the couples very friendly on that tour so it certainly hasn't put me off doing a TS tour completely.  I could be wrong here, but I'm guessing that JY would love to put on a Romania tour as the demand seems to be there for it; however the fact that they haven't to date and that the TS Romania tour only has two single places for next year leads me to think that perhaps they are having difficulty in persuading Romanian hotels to make an agreement for sole occupancy.  I could be wrong, but I reckon that is the biggest factor in JY being able to provide a tour - or not, as the case may be!

All the best,


Hi Bob,

I was interested to read your review of Travelsphere's Baltic Explorer tour, and the TS group.  I think the mindset of a TS group is different to the JY group.  I was on JY's Puglia tour a couple of years ago and we joined up with a TS group in Lecce for a joint guided tour.  Try as we might there was no hope of  "joining in" it was very much a them and us.  

The evening before we left Calabria in 2013 a TS group arrived.  The bar was very small and when a couple of us thought we would have two of the three empty seats at one table we were met with such a hostile glare from the sole male occupant we quickly retreated.

Thank goodness there are always the friendly JYers.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Sylvia,

Yes JY groups are always friendly!  I am still of the opinion (having done 3 TS tours) that the chances are that on any tour, as a single traveller, any of us would find either another single traveller or a friendly couple to socialise with - but I could be wrong!!

All the best,


Angie S
I think you are probably right Bob about the rooms in Romania and their problem with single travellers.

You've certainly picked TS trips in the last couple of years that tick off a fair few countries in quick succession. Europe is certainly good for that! I like the look of the one you've just done - could be one for the future for me.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Angie,

It really was excellent, with just the right amount of sightseeing and free time.  We saw the old towns in each of the cities we visited and each has its own unique character and history.  It was fascinating, with some amazing architecture.  We also saw some unusual places, such as a park in Poland that has a collection of soviet-era statues and learned the history of some of them and the hill of crosses in Lithuania, where people from all over the world place crosses to remember loved ones - very moving.  I also (finally!) got the chance to go up in a balloon in Tallinn and saw some great views of the city! 

All the best,


Angie S
Sounds really interesting Bob. I've heard of the Hill of Crosses certainly - didn't realise this tour went there. I'm happy for you that you got the opportunity to do the balloon trip and get that one out of your system. I was in Tallinn in 2000 so appreciate how this would be a good place to do it. I've still however to get to Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. Like Romania, I wish there was a JY Poland tour too. Maybe it's the same issue.
