  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Overall a very good tour. Although our flight was on time, our late afternoon arrival in Budapest meant resulted in a drive through heavy rush hour traffic to the boat, leaving us no time to freshen up before the Captain's welcome party and dinner.

Cabins although small even by river cruise standards were comfortable and clean, with plenty of hanging and storage space.  The advertised balconies on the top deck did not exist, although the windows did open as did those of the cabins on the deck below.  The ship sat very low in the water, so the bottom of the window frames on the bottom deck were just above water level. Something for future travellers to consider, and maybe for JY to include this information for future cruisers.  The ship is French owned and caters mainly to French quests.  Besides our group of thirteen plus tour manager, there were only three other English passengers. All the staff spoke good English and were always friendly and helpful. All announcements and information were made in English.

 Food was generally very good.  Breakfast was buffet style, lunch and dinner were fixed menus, with waiter service.  Lunch and dinner menus were published the night before, and alternatives could be requested if something didn't appeal or meet dietary requirements.  A wide range of drinks was included in the price.  Only premium spirits and wines were charged.  Large bottles of water were always available at the bars. Of the twenty four set meals we ate on board, no dish was served twice!

A wide range of excursions was offered. I took the prepaid package, but it would have been easy to them book on board. The excursions covered so much.  A taste of Budapest before we sailed gave us a flavour of this lovely city.  Note to editor, could Budapest please be a city break?  We had more time in Vienna, free time allowed some of us to indulge in the famous sachertorte. 

 After Vienna, we cruised through Germany, until  we arrived at our final destination in Strasburg. Each of the German towns we visited had it's own character.  Apart from one excursion, the English speakers travelled on a separate coach with our own English speaking guides.  To describe all we saw in the towns and villages we visited would take a mini guide book!  From mediaeval cathedrals and churches, the best  reserved mediaeval town in Southern Germany, the amazing skyline of modern Frankfurt, and so much more.  It was a real joy not to be continually packing and unpacking as we travelled.

Our only real problem was the cancellation of our return flight from Basle.  However this was sorted and we were booked onto the next flight with the exception of the Scottish passengers who would have arrived too late for connecting flights and were given hotels rooms for the night and flights home the next day.  Hope you've all now arrived home safely.  Unfortunately, our rebooked flight was delayed leaving Heathrow so it was a very tired band who touched down five hours later than planned.

Problems with BA apart, it was a very enjoyable tour.  One I would thoroughly recommend.  Please can we have some more longer cruises in the not too distant future.

  • (Member)
Hello Sarah S,

I enjoyed reading about your experience having been on the same holiday last autumn. It brought back lots of lovely memories. 

Re the balconies, they are really french balconies - windows that slide open with a protective barrier. It was only because I'd been on another holiday with a 'french' balcony that I realised that they weren't what I was expecting.

Glad you enjoyed it.


Thank you for this Sarah.  I have taken particular notice of the first two paragraphs.  I am on the lower (main) deck for my cruise in November.  I am packing light, so the only thing that I am concerned about is that I fit in the shower okay.  :P

I have received today revised information for my flights, and note that we cannot embark before 6pm on the first day, so I think we will be in the same situation as you for not being able to get refreshed before the cocktail party,etc.

Good to hear the food is good!

Hi Sarah, thanks for the great review.  I've not been on a river (or indeed any) cruise before - never been sure it would suit me -  but have always seen its a good way to cover some tourist destinations.  Hearing about your experience with this trip, all seems very positive, with an interesting range of places visited. 

How was the heat on the trip, I see you went in June, was there A/C on the boat?  I don't do well in really hot weather, and try to time trips to avoid very hot/humid weather.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Yes, there was a/c on the boat,  it worked well. The temperatures were mostly mid to high twenties,  except for Vienna where we had one overcast day and one wet drizzly  morning.  I believe there are are 2017 dates in April and May travelling in the "opposite" direction when it wold be cooler.  Not sure if it's  on the same ship, or with the same cruise line.   Bosuncat, I'm  claustrophobic, so went for a cabin on a higher deck.  My fellow  braver travellers didn't  have any problems on the lower deck. The cabins  were the   same  size and layout on all decks.  Have a great cruise.
'SarahS' wrote:

Yes, there was a/c on the boat,  it worked well. The temperatures were mostly mid to high twenties,  except for Vienna where we had one overcast day and one wet drizzly  morning.  I believe there are are 2017 dates in April and May travelling in the "opposite" direction when it wold be cooler.  Not sure if it's  on the same ship, or with the same cruise line.   Bosuncat, I'm  claustrophobic, so went for a cabin on a higher deck.  My fellow  braver travellers didn't  have any problems on the lower deck. The cabins  were the   same  size and layout on all decks.  Have a great cruise.

Many thanks Sarah.  It will certainly be a new experience for me.  I was just wondering, if, with so many French travellers, if breakfast was totally "continental"?  I am such a Brit in that I like sausage/bacon if I can get it.  🙂

thanks Sarah, another trip now in the mix, when looking at short trips to break up the year.
Julie White
Hello Sarah,

Sounds as if you had a great time. One to consider for the future

Regards Julie

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Bosuncat on  the ship I was on,  bacon and boiled and scrambled eggs  were available.
'SarahS' wrote:

Bosuncat on  the ship I was on,  bacon and boiled and scrambled eggs  were available.

Thanks Sarah.  😃