  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Well, I promised Bob Gray that I would write a review of this, so thought I had better settle down and do so before my memory fails me!

Day 1

So this was the overnight flight from LHR. Being fortunate enough to be local to Heathrow, I left home at 5.30pm but thanks to a traffic hold up didn't get to the airport until 7pm so I didn't have time to go into the lounge, so someone else will have to comment on that. I had paid for an upgrade to premium economy (£175 return) and was glad I had. Being a non sleeper on flights, the extra room was very welcome!

Day 2

We landed at around 8.30am local time and after gathering everyone at the luggage collection we made our way to the coach. The hotel is about 20 mins from the airport. I think feedback from the previous trips had been taken on board so rather than leave us waiting to get into rooms, an orientation tour had been arranged. We had about 20 mins to freshen up, so do try to wear light clothes that you won't find too hot and perhaps have a change of shoes. The groups that had come in from Birmingham, Manchester and Glasgow already had their rooms and we're called down to join the coach.

We then had about an hour on the coach. We were lucky that 1st December is the UAE national day and so for the duration of our trip Dubai was on a bank holiday. This meant very little traffic on the roads which was a real bonus! We toured the business district and got our first sight of the Bury Khalifa which was magnificent. We then drove out onto the Palm Jumeirah which is really just a posh housing estate. Its a shame that you don't get the perspective of the palm shape, even from the monorail. If I go there again, I would do the sea plane or helicopter tour to see it from the air!

We then headed to the marina for a quick stop and a walk around. It had some amazing residential buildings and some amazing yachts. Dubai definitely is the playground of the rich!

From the Marina, we headed to a little hotel souk opposite the Burj Al Arab which I loved. It had some lovely little shops and places to eat. It was there that we were told to grab lunch before we would head back to the hotel. I could have spent more time there easily.

At the hotel, we had some free time before the Dhow dinner. I didn't want to have a nap and risk missing it, so I headed to the rooftop pool for a swim. It had an amazing view and I had the pleasure of watching the sun set over Dubai while listening to the call to prayer. Amazing setting.

The Dhow dinner was superb. We left the hotel at 6.30, arriving at the marina at 7.15pm but we didn't set sail til 8.30pm. It was a typical tourist boat trip but it was amazing to see the city lit up at night. The food was really good and served buffet style. All sorts of salads to start, hot food including stir fries, rice, vegetables and potatoes and a selection of fresh fruit and cakes. Definitely something for everyone. Alcohol is served but can't be served while docked. You can place your order before setting sail and they will bring it to you later. Our table ordered a bottle of red which was expensive I think. I didn't have any but the consensus was that it was not great! Back at the hotel by 11pm or so.

Day 3

It was an early start. Alarm calls were booked for 6.30am and departure was 8am. I could have done with a later start!

We drove to Shariah and Ajman. We had been told that this was a conservative district and to dress modestly. It took about an hour to get to the islamic museum which was inspiring. We had about an hour here but I could have spent so much longer. We visited two souks, one specialising in gold and another. Lunch was in a waterfront venue which was stunning. Our group went to somewhere called Shakespeare's cafe (or similar) where it served western and local food. It was quirky and well worth a stop. Pretty reasonable as well from memory.

Back then to Dubai for the Dubai museum. Fascinating place and really well done. We then headed to the Mall of the Emirates and sunset at the Burj Khalifa.

Words can't really describe this. It was very moving and beautiful. The coach left the mall after this and those who wanted could leave then or you could stay and do some shopping. Now, I'm not a shopper but I did want to see the fountain display so chose to hang around. The show was worth waiting for but after that I couldn't wait to get out of there! 1200 shops is just too big! Next time, I think it would be good if the coach waited until after the first fountain show and then departed, but it was very easy to get a taxi and didn't cost that much (26 dhirams I think!)

I ate in the hotel coffee shop that night and it was very reasonable and good quality.

Day 4

A later start and off to the spice and gold souks. With hindsight, I wish I had skipped this. It was interesting to see the old dubai but I'm not a shopper and I think I would have enjoyed a swim more!

Lunch was at the dubai mall (the one with the ski slope) shopping is definitely the second religion here!

Back to the hotel after this to get ready for the desert excursion which was leaving at 3pm. Sunset is early in the winter and so if you go earlier in the year I think it departs around 5. I loved this. The desert was stunning and sunset out there was beautiful. While we didn't do dune bashing, we did ride over the dunes and it was very bumpy. Most of us found it exhilarating but a number of the group regretted going and one was sick (sick bags provided) so beware if you have delicate stomachs, it may not be for you!

Dinner was at a camp which is again created just for tourists. This didn't detract from its setting or the experience. The food was plentiful and very good. Again alcohol is served at an additional cost. JY had their own tent (as did many groups) and it was a very nice chill out experience. The ride home is not back over the dunes so you don't need to worry about dinner making a re-appearance! This was my favourite excursion, so make sure you do it!!

Day 5

The bulk of the group did the trip to Abu Dhabi, the highlight of course being the Grand mosque. It was an early start again, leaving at 8am.

Dress code is strict! For men, no shorts but short sleeved shirts/t-shirts seem ok. For women be warned. No clothes that can show your figure. This includes loose fitting long trousers if they are a pale colour. If your ankles are showing, you may need to wear socks. You also need a long sleeved top. Again ideally not a pale colour and down to your wrists. A head scarf is compulsory for women and again make it a dark colour.

I promise you that the mosque is worth it. It was absolutely mesmerising. A sight I won't forget for years. You spend about an hour there but could easily spend longer.

We then did a coach tour of the city which I enjoyed with a few photo stops. There is a nice vibe in Abu Dhabi and I would go back again. We had planned to go to the visitor centre which is another museum but it was unexpectedly closed so it was off to the mall for lunch with time for shopping. There are a lot of malls on this trip!

On the way home, we went past ferrari world and the grand prix race course but didn't stop. We were back at the hotel around 5 which left time for a final sunset swim!

Day 6

Hometime! The heathrow bunch had an early call. Leaving at 7.30am. The regional departures were luckier as they were leaving at 11am.

General comments:

Hotel was lovely and rooms were of a high standard. The immediate surrounding are not great but don't let that put you off. Breakfast was great and something there to suit every palate.

Water: plenty of water available for free on the coach, so don't worry about de-hydrating.

Money: I changed before I left and took about £300. I didn't spend it all and treated myself to perfume on the way home! There are plenty of opportunities to change money, including the hotel. There is also an atm down the road.

So, would I recommend this trip? Yes. Particularly if you get Asad as your local guide. He was phenomenal. Personally, I was exhausted at the end of it and would have loved an extra day to myself and would happily have paid to do that. However, don't let the tiredness put you off. Everyone should see Dubai at least once!

Now to plan the next trip!


  • (Member)
Thanks for such a detailed report, sounds like a great tour.


  • (Member)
Hi Lee,

Many thanks for this outstanding review! It's really given me a flavour of the tour and it sounds like there weren't too many souks and museums - a reviewer on a previous tour gave the impression that it was a real overload! I'd love to do this tour at some stage and will hopefully get the opportunity over the next couple of years.

Best wishes for your future travels,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I did of course mean 2015!

There were a lot of souks/malls but you weren't there long enogh to get too despondent if you are non shopper!

Had to do the review, I promised Bob!

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I've also got back into the excellent JY vibe and booked Burma for November!
  • (Member)
Hi Lee, that's great - I'm thinking about Burma for 2017 already!



  • (Member)
What an interesting review!

Dubai not particularly on my hit list but glad you have had a good time!

What's your next holiday?



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks Mark. Reviews were seriously slim on the ground for dubai when I was considering it, so I thought I would go into a bit more in depth.

I'm doing the new Burma trip this November next with JY. Can't promise I will be able to remember the full 12 days so had better keep a diary on that one!

What about you? Any plans?



  • (Member)
Hi Lee

Nice review. I went to Dubai in December 1997 or 1998 and I am sure it has changed a lot since then. I stayed at the Jumeirah Beach hotel and it was not a built up area. The water park next door was being built and the build of the posh hotel (I forgot the name of the world's first 7 star hotel or is it more stars!) had also just started. There were not many huge shopping malls either. I don't think we visited any. We did go to the spice and gold souks and did the dhow cruise but without any dinner. I would not mind going back one day to see all the changes.


likewise I promised Bob that I would do a review from when I went back in November.Where has the time gone?

I was not sure if I would like it there as I don't really do cities but it was well worth visiting for a few days just to see the amazing architecture and infrastructure that has been built in the last 25 years.There is loads more building going on with cranes everywhere I went on both optional excursions and enjoyed them.The Grand Mosque is beautiful but you get very hot as you have to cover up with ladies wearing headscarves.

On the roads out of the city you passed areas where Universal Studios,Disneyland,Legoland and Bollywood land are being built along with their massive hotels and shopping malls.

I travelled from Manchester where 6 of us met in the lounge and enjoyed the wine and food as we got to know each other.We were met at Dubai airport by a gentleman in a red jacket who took us through immigration etc and then to the minibus.

if you are into photography I suggest taking a wide angle lens.

don't bother taking vest tops to wear on the trips.

the wine at the dessert bbq was not the best.

the camel milk chocolate which I bought home was not liked by anyone.

the aquarium in Dubai mall was well worth visiting and several of us spent a couple of hours in there instead of wondering round the shops.

the fountains at Dubai mall are worth watching more than once as they are different each time. we had a meal on a balcony overlooking them. sorry can't remember the name but suggest asking the rep as he will know.

  • (Member)
Hi Pat many thanks for your additional comments about your tour - only just seen them now! Dubai is still on my hit list! 

See you in Burma! 

Best wishes, 
