(Member) (Topic Starter)
This is Graham. I have just returned from a wonderful trip to Marrakech in Morocco over the Christmas period. This was my first trip away on my own, as my father had passed away earlier in 2015, so it was a big step for me.

Fortunately, I can declare that it was a resounding success, and will not be my last JY vacation.

In summation, here are all the pros, plus a couple of cons that JY might want to take notice of.


* Caroline, the Tour Manager was excellent, certainly the best I've ever had. Nothing was too much trouble and helped me, and any other travellers whenever she could.

*The Hotel Kech was a modern Boutique Hotel and Spa. The rooms were considerably large, with shower and bath facilities.

* The guide was very professional, knew details about everything, and was able to provide answers to whatever questionms were given.

* The driver handled the coach well, even when travelling up a curvy mountain or on highways with no lights on.

* Caroline kindly gave us the chance to spend two hours looking around the Souks a day or so after the 'official' quick walk tour.

*The Christmas Eve feast in the tent at the auditorium 'Chez Ali' was very well laid on, as was the outdoor show with horses.

* The Christmas Day feast in the evening at the hotel was very well laid on, with several courses to get through

* A vegetarian friend of mine, Maureen, was well catered for, and was always asked if the food on offer was suitable.


* The hotel was a little out of town. There were no shops to walk to, although Caroline kindly took us to a store to get supplies.

* The full day trip to Casablanca was a bad mistake. It involved getting up at a very early time, travelling three and a half hours there to see a mosque. The publicity about seeing 'Rick's Bar' was not really true. The coach stopped outside and we had to take pictures from the side entrance. We could even get off the coach. After that, another three and a half hours followed, getting back just in time for dinner. I notice that this trip was not on the schedule in 2014. In my opinion, it ought to be deleted again.

I hope this review helps those thinking of taking a vacation in this area.


  • (Member)

Glad you enjoyed your FIRST trip with JY, now get booking the next one..


  • (Member)
Hi Graham,

Many thanks for this review - I'd really love to visit Morocco and I keep asking JY if they could run this tour at another time of year (preferably stretching it out to a week long tour - I think they used to do this six or seven years ago) including a trip to the Atlas mountains! I can't go at Christmas so here's hoping they run it at a time I can go!!



Hi Graham - I agree about Casablanca. Unless you are there at a time when you can actually go in for a drink - there is little point. It's not the real bar anyway! And apart from the mosque there's nothing else to recommend this trip out. There are so many places of interest within reach of Marrakech that I'm surprised that Casablanca is considered worth the journey. I've been twice to Marrakech and I'd love to go back. It certainly has a magic all of its own. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Where to next?
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks for all your responses so far. Fleurbyfleur, your viewpoint concurs with my thoughts. There were many other attractions around Marrakech that the group could have gone to, rather than the long journey to Marrakech. Whilst the majority went to Casablanca, those that stayed behind had a far better time. Some took a ride to a local museum, others took another trip to the Souks. Simply recharging their batteries by lying next to the pool was a good option also.

For anyone on a trip to Marrakech, I suggest they will be better served staying within the city, rather than on a long excursion to Casablanca.

In answer to your questions about where next. That is already arranged. I will be going to Lake Como in Italy on 13th June with JustYou. Caroline, the excellent Tour Manager in Marrakech, will be there also.

Lastly, I would look forward to any comments from my fellow travellers. I recall the story when one of them asked me "Are you Edmund Blackadder?" He was StuartH, and saw that I was in the group and guessed I was the most likeliest male in the party to use such a humourous name!

Best Wishes,


Hello Graham - Yes this was a great holiday plus we had plenty of sunshine. I agree with your points, especially the trip to Casablanca as it was far too long a coach journey. The mosque was beautiful but I could have done without the rest. Also none of the Banks would even let us in to change money which we needed for a meal! Our lovely guide found us an hotel who changed some sterling for us but we lost half our free time. Changing sterling was a bit of a problem all the time, involving standing in long queues. Just be aware to take the chance to change enough money when you can as our hotel would not change money at all. This is the only 'con' comment I have for the hotel. The food especially was delicious.

I have already booked another holiday. Best wishes Christine.

  • (Member)

Glad you enjoyed your first trip with JY!


Lovely review Graham. Thank you

I would like to go to Marrakesh, but I agree with Bob, it would be great to have this as a week long trip during the year.

I'm so pleased to read that you have booked for Lake Como. I've only been there for the day when I was staying with a friend in Milan, but it is a stunning area. Enjoy.

I've been to Casablanca, visiting from a cruise ship. We were lucky enough to get a drink in "Rik's bar". It's a replica of the set used in the film. I do agree that there's not much to see in Casablanca, Rik's and the mosque apart. Definitely not worth the long drive from Marrakesh. Glad the rest of your holiday was so good. One of the best things about this forum is that although reviews are overwhelmingly positive, JY are prepared to publish negative aspects of holidays too. This definitely helps when I make my future travel plans.
(Member) (Topic Starter)
It was a good time of year to go to Morocco. I think, though, unless you are particularly used to hot weather, a summer trip there could be a lot to take in.

I'm glad to hear from you, Christine (Painterlady). You made some excellent additional points regarding money. I thought it rather extraordinary that the Kech Hotel would not change money at all, when one would assume such an establishment could perform such a service. Where are you going on your next trip, Christine?

'EdmundBlackadder' wrote:

It was a good time of year to go to Morocco. I think, though, unless you are particularly used to hot weather, a summer trip there could be a lot to take in.

I'm glad to hear from you, Christine (Painterlady). You made some excellent additional points regarding money. I thought it rather extraordinary that the Kech Hotel would not change money at all, when one would assume such an establishment could perform such a service. Where are you going on your next trip, Christine?

What horrid weather to come back to! yes it would be far too hot in summer in Morroco for me. I am going to Apulia at the end of May - it looks good and I love Italy. I have enjoyed my previous holidays with Just You.


  • (Member)
Hi Graham

Glad you enjoyed your first Just You holiday to Marrakech. I feel better knowing that Casablanca is not worth a long trip from Marrakech. I presume because people associate Casablanca with the film, they feel they ought to go. I would like to go back one day.

Enjoy your next holiday.


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jaya,

As you went on the shorter trip in 2014, you can be certain that you did not miss anything by not going to Casablanca. The city could have been anywhere in the world, whereas Marrakech was unmistakeably Moroccan in style. Not only that, we had lunch in a cafe area that consisted of McDonalds, Burger King and a few cafes, all built for the tourists.

Best Wishes, Graham

  • (Member)
Hi Graham

Really pleased to know that I did not miss anything. I agree with you that Marrakech is really lovely. Very authentic. I do not think I saw a McDonalds or Burger King in Marrakech though am sure there must be one somewhere!

Where are you going next?


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Jaya.

I'm booked to go to Lake Como on the 13th of June this year. Caroline, who was the Tour Manager on the Marrakech trip, is on this one as well. She told me about it, and it sounded a good vacation. I didn't see any fast food places in Marrakech. Casablanca just looked like an ordinary big city. Where will you be going next?

Best Wishes,


  • (Member)
Hi Graham

I am off to Mexico, Guatemala and Belize in March. Very excited about this new tour. I am doing long hauls at the moment as decided to get them out of the way whilst I can!


John Bell
Hello Everybody.

Thoroughly enjoyed Christmas in Marrakech but would endorse the point about the trip to Casablanca, although I loved seeing the Hassan11 Mosque.

Second trip to the village in the Atlas Mountains and the lunch venue was also disappointing with another over-long coach trip. Should replace that with the Marjorelle Gardens, which were superb, and find another optional visit.

Too few toilets on plane. One for over one hundred people in Tourist was unacceptable.

As has been said, Caroline and her team were superb as was the hotel.

  • (Member)
Hi John

Our lunch venue when we visited the Atlas Mountains was fantastic. We stopped there for coffee and returned for a lovely lunch. Can't remember the name of the restaurant, but we all loved it. Was your trip the visit to the Ourika valley?


John Bell
'Jaya' wrote:

Hi John

Our lunch venue when we visited the Atlas Mountains was fantastic. We stopped there for coffee and returned for a lovely lunch. Can't remember the name of the restaurant, but we all loved it. Was your trip the visit to the Ourika valley?


First visit to Atlas on Christmas morning and lunch was good but later one which involved a visit to a very nondescript village and lunch at a rather shabby establishment not so good.

(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello John & Jaya.

I agree that the drip to the Atlas Mountains was somewhat overlong, though I liked seeing the tents in the Moroccan retreat. It was too bad that it was not in use at the time, though it was good to see inside one of the tents.

The amount of toilets on the plane was quite ridiculous. About 150 people on the plane with just one toilet between them. The staff and passengers all had to walk a very narrow line to get where they wanted.

Jaya, enjoy your trip in March.

Best Wishes,
