  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi all,

Having returned from this holiday a few days ago I thought I should write a review.

So here are my thoughts on Peru; a land of contrasting landscapes, vibrant colours and friendly people. During this 1,320 mile journey we visited ancient and classic cities, saw spectacular desert landscapes, snow-capped volcanoes, soaring condors in mighty Colca Canyon, ancient Inca sites, visited the Uros people on the floating islands of Lake Titicaca and experienced the wonder of the Amazon. Add to that the mysterious Nazca lines and the moving and emotional encounter with Juanita 'The Ice Maiden', and this is a journey that will live long in the memory.

All the hotels were clean and comfortable, the best being the Jose Antonio in Cuzco, but even in the tiny hamlet of Colca the Casa Andina proved to be a welcoming and warm retreat to lay a traveller's head.

The optional full day excursion to the Sacred Valley of the Incas proved to be great value, which included a visit to the colourful market town of Pisac where locals come to sell their produce in the main square - a great opportunity to experience the local colour and traditions. After lunch we continued to the great Inca stronghold at Ollantaytambo where we had ample time to explore the impressive ruins.

The Amazon extension proved to be a wonderful and unique experience and I would urge anyone booking this holiday to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I should point out that the lodge is NOT the one shown in 'pgtip Phil's' excellent video but is the Inkaterra Hacienda Conception located a 30min boat ride from Puerto Maldonado. We were all accommodated in beautiful, well equipped 'Cabanas', each located a short walk along a well-made jungle path from 'The Big House' - where we enjoyed excellent meals at breakfast, lunch and dinner. All excursions into the jungle were accompanied by a local guide - in our case the brilliant Hugo, who's extensive knowledge reminded me of a youthful David Attenborough - high praise indeed!

Many thanks to all those on the tour for their company, especially MarieW; thanks should also go the unique Rosario Malca, who's professionalism and efficiency, together with a bubbly personality and an infectious laugh made for a wonderful travelling companion. We were fortunate indeed to be in the care of such a capable and immensely likeable TM. Muchas Gracias Rosario!

If you have any questions, please ask and I'll do my best to answer them.


  • (Member)

Thanks for spending the time to write such a comprehensive review - I'm so pleased to hear that you had a wonderful trip. I have, as always, shared your feedback with the wider Travelsphere team and I will make sure that your kind words about Rosario are passed on (she is a gem isn't she).

Thanks you again,


  • (Member)
Hi Mike,

Many thanks for this great review, I hope to do this tour with TS in a couple of years fingers crossed!

Best wishes,


  • (Member)

Sounds like a great tour, and you were in safe hands, thanks for writing a great review.


Thank you Mike. Great review! My younger niece was in Peru last year, and did a lot of her travelling around on local transport. She too went to the Amazon. I have seen some of her photos and it really does look like a unique experience.

Thank you again. :thumbup:

  • (Member)
Hi Mike

Thank you for the review. Like Bob, I too am hoping to do this tour in the near future. I will definitely do the Amazon Add-on.
