  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Everyone agreed that New Years Eve was the best ever. We were taken to the Perlan Tower which has a revolving restaurant on top overlooking Reykjavik. After an excellent meal we were then taken to one of the many bonfires, after which we returned to the restaurant for dessert.

Icelanders go mad over fireworks spending some £6 million, the profits from which fund the emergency services. These were being let off all evening, of which we had a birds eye view. These reached a crescendo at midnight when the whole area to the horizon was a sea of fireworks - absolutely spectacular, put all other displays any of us had seen to shame. Unforgettable.

Other highlights including swimming in the Blue Lagoon. Snow was falling, the temperatures were around freezing whilst we wallowed in very warm water totally unaffected by the weather.

The other highlight for me was walking along the narrow valley between the North American and European tectonic plates where Iceland is gradually tearing itself apart.

Overall a most enjoyable 'different' holiday with very good food wherever we ate. I would stronly recommend the New Year break over Christmas if anyone is trying to decide for next year. Two points to bear in mind: Iceland is expensive and it was very cold (minus 11 one day), so wear many layers of clothing. Ice grips on shoes are advisable.

Highly recommended.

  • (Member)
Many thanks for your review David, I'm heading off in two months to Iceland and am really looking forward to it. Hopefully it'll be a little warmer then too!



  • (Member)
'BGray' wrote:

Many thanks for your review David, I'm heading off in two months to Iceland and am really looking forward to it. Hopefully it'll be a little warmer then too!



I would still pack your thermals Bob just in case!!!


Hi David

It sounds like you had a wonderful time in Iceland. I have been to Iceland before and recall some of the places you visite like it was only yesterday for me with trips to the Blue lagoon and the tectonic plates of Europe and North America.

Hopefully to go back again someday.


Jive Dancer
Thanks for the advice David. A few people on the Lake Como break this New Year recommended Iceland to me for next year.
  • (Member)
Hi DavidG

It was good see that you had a good holiday.

Ive been eyeing this one up for a while!
