Julie White
(Member) (Topic Starter)

I returned back from the above trip the 24th September and I have to say it was fantastic.

If you love wildlife then this is definitely the trip for you.

It is an amazing experience and the scenery is unspoilt and very beautiful. We saw lots of species of birds, crocodiles, caymans, spiders a few different types of frogs, including the poison dart frog. Lots of monkeys including the howler monkey, which is an interesting experience when they wake you early in the morning. But my favourite of all was the sloth. Sometimes difficult to spot high up in the trees but lovely to watch, when you actually see them moving.

Nicaragua was beautiful with lots of colonial buildings. The people are very friendly and welcoming and I felt very safe walking round the streets of Granada. It was lovely have a horse and carriage ride through the streets and then onto a boat ride around all the small islands on the lake.

One of the highlights of the trip was the zip wire through the tree tops. Most of our group of 17 did this optional excursion and it was very thrilling especially the last one at over a mile long. I would definitely do the zip wire again if given the chance.

I have done a lot of tours with Just You and I have to say this has been one of my favourites. I had never considered Costa Rica before reading Bob Gray's review and it is thanks to him that I actually booked this tour. So thank you Bob.

I cannot end this review without mentioning our tour manager, guide and driver. Who were an exceptional team. Our manger Julia did a fantastic job. From making sure that the tour ran smoothly to looking after the few that ended up ill on our trip. Always in a calm manner with a smile on her face. Our guide Hersom was amazing. He his without a doubt one of the best guides I have ever had with Just You. He was very knowledgeable and passionate about all the wildlife and his country and it showed. Thank you to our driver Marvin who was a lovely careful driver and very friendly.

I have taken lots of photos which you are more than happy to share on your FB page. But you will have to let me know how I do it


A very happy Just You client


  • (Member)
Hi Julie,

What a wonderful review, thank you for sharing this with us. I'm pleased to hear that you are a very happy Just You traveller.

I'll be honest, I couldn't wait for the Social Media team to access your photos, so I went and had a quick look, as you post your photos slightly differently.... you don't need to do a thing! So thank you for allowing us to share some of these on our page.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Hi Julie,

Thanks for your great review. I am hoping to do this holiday some time in the future and would love to see some of your photos once posted.

Kind Regards


Hi Julie

great review, this tour is on my short list to do, love the sound of that zip wire sounds fun, thought our canopy walkway over the top of the amazon rainforest was pretty daring but this sounds amasing, those Howler monkeys did you see any, what a strange sound they make at five in the morning, we also heard them down by the river a couple of times they sure make quite a noise but with them being so high up in the trees they were hard to spot



  • (Member)
Hi Julie, I'm delighted you had such a great time on this tour and even more so since you did it on my recommendation!! A brilliant review, brought back many happy memories although I didn't do the zip wire!

Where are you planning to go next?

Best wishes,


Julie White
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks Julia

Kerry you should definitely do this trip it was amazing hopefully they will put lots of my photos on their FB page.

Dave, you should try the zip wire it was fantastic almost all of the group enjoyed it.

We did see the howler monkeys we were very lucky they were sitting on top of lodges in Tortuguero. Amazing.

Hi Bob, I am going to Canada in November with Just You to see the polar bears which will be another amazing experience. I am also waiting to see you review on Namibia next year before deciding to book my 2015 holiday. Not sure which to do first Japan or Namibia.

Thanks again.

So many holidays not enough time of work.

Regards Julie

Hi Julie

Great review and another holiday to add to the list I think! Looking forward to the photos.

Which date Polar Bear trip are you on? How is the clothes buying going or are you all done and ready to go? I am having issues with being a plus size - why does the world stop at size 16 except for the underwear, and just don't mention snow boots!

Hi Julie,

Thank you for the great review, I can't wait to see the pictures on facebook. I'm on this trip next month and was in two minds as to whether to do the zip wire excursion, but you've helped me to decide - it sounds like it absolutely has to be done 🙂. Counting the days until the holiday now, thanks again for taking the time to post a review.

Kind regards


Julie White
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'1981Kedi' wrote:

Hi Julie

Great review and another holiday to add to the list I think! Looking forward to the photos.

Which date Polar Bear trip are you on? How is the clothes buying going or are you all done and ready to go? I am having issues with being a plus size - why does the world stop at size 16 except for the underwear, and just don't mention snow boots!

Hello 1981Kedi

I am booked on the 10th November to see the polar bears. When are you going? I have got my snow boots just in the process of finding my other gear, buts it is hard I agree.

Let me know when you are going it will be an amazing trip.

Regards Julie.

Julie White
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'SteveJ' wrote:

Hi Julie,

Thank you for the great review, I can't wait to see the pictures on facebook. I'm on this trip next month and was in two minds as to whether to do the zip wire excursion, but you've helped me to decide - it sounds like it absolutely has to be done 🙂. Counting the days until the holiday now, thanks again for taking the time to post a review.

Kind regards


Hi Steve,

This holiday is amazing you will love every minute of it. I hope you get the same guide that we had. He his one of the best I have had with Just You.

Have fun on the zip wire.

Warm regards Julie

Hi Julie

Apologies for hijacking this thread! BUT I am also on the Polar Bears on 10 November IF I ever get kitted out! Funnily enough it has often been warmer in Toronto and Winnipeg than here these last few days - but around 0 in Churchill. Apparently the temperature can drop in an instant this time of year! What boots did you get? Are you doing the Toronto add on? Time to start getting a bit excited!

Julie White
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello 1981Kedi.

Great news you are on the same trip.

My boots are from North Face they are waterproof and can withstand temperatures down to -32. Hopefully it won't get that cold.

I am not doing the add on to Toronto, running out of days I can take off work.

I am also getting excited now not long to go.

Lets hope we both find something warm to wear.

Regards Julie

Great reviews and am hoping to do this trip next year. Did you come across many snakes on the trip. Love all animals but these are bottom of the list. Wouldn't stop me going but nice to know in advance!
  • (Member)
Hi Annie, I saw a snake in a tree from the safety of a boat - made for a good picture! So no close up encounters for me at any rate! If you love all sorts of wildlife, this is really a fantastic tour - Tortuguero was the highlight for me, what an amazing variety of experiences! But expect it to be hot and humid!

Best wishes,


Julie White
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello AnnieJac,

You must do this trip it is amazing. The only snakes we encountered were in glass containers at the end of the trip. So you will feel quite safe.


Regards Julie

'Julie wrote:


I returned back from the above trip the 24th September and I have to say it was fantastic.

If you love wildlife then this is definitely the trip for you.

It is an amazing experience and the scenery is unspoilt and very beautiful. We saw lots of species of birds, crocodiles, caymans, spiders a few different types of frogs, including the poison dart frog. Lots of monkeys including the howler monkey, which is an interesting experience when they wake you early in the morning. But my favourite of all was the sloth. Sometimes difficult to spot high up in the trees but lovely to watch, when you actually see them moving.

Nicaragua was beautiful with lots of colonial buildings. The people are very friendly and welcoming and I felt very safe walking round the streets of Granada. It was lovely have a horse and carriage ride through the streets and then onto a boat ride around all the small islands on the lake.

One of the highlights of the trip was the zip wire through the tree tops. Most of our group of 17 did this optional excursion and it was very thrilling especially the last one at over a mile long. I would definitely do the zip wire again if given the chance.

I have done a lot of tours with Just You and I have to say this has been one of my favourites. I had never considered Costa Rica before reading Bob Gray's review and it is thanks to him that I actually booked this tour. So thank you Bob.

I cannot end this review without mentioning our tour manager, guide and driver. Who were an exceptional team. Our manger Julia did a fantastic job. From making sure that the tour ran smoothly to looking after the few that ended up ill on our trip. Always in a calm manner with a smile on her face. Our guide Hersom was amazing. He his without a doubt one of the best guides I have ever had with Just You. He was very knowledgeable and passionate about all the wildlife and his country and it showed. Thank you to our driver Marvin who was a lovely careful driver and very friendly.

I have taken lots of photos which you are more than happy to share on your FB page. But you will have to let me know how I do it


A very happy Just You client


Hi Julie, I love wildlife so have been longing to visit Costa Rica for some years. What was the weather like in September. I had thought I would book between feb and April 2016 as it is out if the rainy season but would be pleased to hear what your thoughts are on this. X

Julie White
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Lesley,

I have sent a reply to one of your other message.

It is amazing you will enjoy every minute of it.

Regards Julie x

'Julie wrote:


I returned back from the above trip the 24th September and I have to say it was fantastic.

If you love wildlife then this is definitely the trip for you.

It is an amazing experience and the scenery is unspoilt and very beautiful. We saw lots of species of birds, crocodiles, caymans, spiders a few different types of frogs, including the poison dart frog. Lots of monkeys including the howler monkey, which is an interesting experience when they wake you early in the morning. But my favourite of all was the sloth. Sometimes difficult to spot high up in the trees but lovely to watch, when you actually see them moving.

Nicaragua was beautiful with lots of colonial buildings. The people are very friendly and welcoming and I felt very safe walking round the streets of Granada. It was lovely have a horse and carriage ride through the streets and then onto a boat ride around all the small islands on the lake.

One of the highlights of the trip was the zip wire through the tree tops. Most of our group of 17 did this optional excursion and it was very thrilling especially the last one at over a mile long. I would definitely do the zip wire again if given the chance.

I have done a lot of tours with Just You and I have to say this has been one of my favourites. I had never considered Costa Rica before reading Bob Gray's review and it is thanks to him that I actually booked this tour. So thank you Bob.

I cannot end this review without mentioning our tour manager, guide and driver. Who were an exceptional team. Our manger Julia did a fantastic job. From making sure that the tour ran smoothly to looking after the few that ended up ill on our trip. Always in a calm manner with a smile on her face. Our guide Hersom was amazing. He his without a doubt one of the best guides I have ever had with Just You. He was very knowledgeable and passionate about all the wildlife and his country and it showed. Thank you to our driver Marvin who was a lovely careful driver and very friendly.

I have taken lots of photos which you are more than happy to share on your FB page. But you will have to let me know how I do it


A very happy Just You client


Hi Julie,

Silly question probably but someone told me the zip wire is difficult to get on and off because it moves all the time like a ski lift! it put me off a bit, is it this true

Julie White
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Lesley

The zip wire was fantastic. You are fitted with a safety harness which you step into and it goes around your waist and legs. When you are ready you clip your harness on to the zip wire and fly down. The wire is not moving. I found it very easy to get on but on occasion you needed to jump up to unclip yourself at the end. There is no need to worry as someone is always around to help you on and off the wire.

If you need any further info let me know

I loved the Costa Rica and Nicaragua tour

Regards Julie