  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi All,

As some of you will be aware, a new addition to the Just You tour programme for 2014 is our Rome City Break.

Although I don't normally approach Just You travellers directly to post a review, I recalled from a thread, here on the Community that on this particular tour we had first time Just You traveller ‘Newto this’ joining us. I thought it would be interesting for the wider Community to read about their experiences, so I reached out to them and asked if they would consider writing a review. Fortunately, they were more than happy to. So, from me a huge thanks goes out to 'Newtothis' for writing such a comprehensive review, and for all of members here's the review...

"It was nice to be welcomed at Gatwick Airport by Christine, our tour rep, who was on the flight with us. Whilst waiting to board, Christine was helpful in facilitating introductions so I got to know a few of the group a bit even before we'd set off. The flight was comfortable, in flight breakfast was edible and all went to plan. After landing and collecting our baggage we boarded a coach. To our relief, we went straight to the hotel. I was lucky, my room was allocated quite quickly so I had time to leave my luggage without rushing. Others had very little time and we all recommended that the next tour should allow more time at the hotel before setting out on the coach tour around Rome. This was good and helped orientate us in readiness for the next day.

The evening meal was very nice but, as a teetotaller it would be nice to have soft drinks properly catered for. The restaurant was friendly and the food was good.

The walking tour the next day was generally fine. A lot of walking was involved, so other travellers be prepared for aching legs! The only downside was our Italian tour guide who, basically, was not very good. She clearly was knowledgeable, but she needed to make it much clearer to all when significant landmarks were reached. Embarrassing to say, several of us thought we were at the Trevi fountain when we were actually at a different one altogether! The afternoon was free time and, with a fellow group member, we managed to find our way (eventually) to the Forum and Colosseum. On the way a random tourist advised us to get a joint ticket from the Forum and not the Colosseum. This was excellent advice as we only queued for five minutes. It would have been a different story at the Colosseum ticket queue.

The hotel was clean and comfortable. I was happy with my room and had a small balcony. However, some others did not have a balcony. Storage was adequate for the short stay. Any longer, though, and it could become a bit of a squash! Internet connection was fine, so I could keep in touch with those back home. Breakfast was good and varied, although bear with the coffee machine!

We used the Metro to get to the Vatican. This worked out fine and is very straightforward to use, especially if you compare it to the London Underground, as it has just two lines. I was fine and felt quite safe, however, one member of the group didn't keep such a close grip on her bag and her purse was stolen. My advice is to only take the money that you need each day and fasten everything. The Vatican was very interesting, but again our Italian tour guide could have made it so much better. We had effective radio transmitters so that we could hear her. However, she never seemed to stop talking and this made it difficult to filter the Interesting information from, frankly, what was irrelevant or boring! I took my earphones out in the end and enjoyed the visual experience, which was really quite something. The gallery of maps I found particularly fascinating.

Our last evening was an optional outing, a dinner with show. Christine, our rep, said that she had not been before and did not know what to expect. We arrived at a pleasant looking restaurant near the Colosseum and sat down. There was no sign of any show. The waiters, who were wearing rather antiquated costumes brought out the antipasti. As they put our plates down, to our surprise, they burst into song! Everyone had a big grin after that course. At each new course, more opera followed Now, I am no opera fan but I loved it! They performed the 'famous bits' and acted them out superbly, with the Barber of Seville finding suitable candidates amongst some of the male diners!

The last day some went to the English cemetery and, for others, it was free time. I wish now that I had gone to the cemetery, as it sounded fascinating. Instead, I visited the Vittoriana, or Wedding Cake, which offered amazing views from the balcony.

The only dampener (excuse the pun) was the rain. It chucked it down, with a bit of thunder and lightning thrown in for good measure. I literally squelched round the Colosseum. I had brought a mac but this made little difference. My advice is to bring a long raincoat and umbrella! However, there was plenty of sunshine as well and the rain actually kept the day temperature down so it worked out fine.

All in all, a memorable trip."

What a superb review of your City Break to Rome. Very interesting, honest and some useful tips for others thinking of going on this holiday. I recently did the Florence City Break and concur with your comments about the amount of walking required on this sort of break. It is well worth it but not for anyone with mobility issues.

Well done.


  • (Member)
Great review, that's why we like/encourage people to post one when they come back, so others can get a real feel of what's on offer.

It really can make the difference between people booking or not booking.


Seasoned Traveller
Having just read the review from “Newtothis” I’ve a few points I would like to add regarding to this 3 night city break.

This was my second trip with JY and this time I travelled with my sister. Rome is a wonderful city and without doubt, the ideal destination for a short break. The weather was a mixture of sunshine and heavy showers. We were greeted at the airport and introduced to our Tour Manager. The flights to and from Rome were on time and allowed us to make the most of our 4 days. The 3 night break including our excursions cost nearly £1800.

The hotel was comfortable but certainly not 4 star. Fellow guests remarked on the location and the run down area. The rooms were refurbished last year and were very clean. Whilst the rooms did have a mini bar this amounted to a couple of beers a few sugary drinks and some bottles of water. Interestingly there were no Tea and Coffee making facilities in the room although they appear in the JY brochure and on the main hotel website. I felt this could be misleading. The main bar and lounge area looked clean bright and well-furnished on the hotel website, the reality was quite different with hardly any furniture in both the bar and the reception area. On one evening the lounge are was being used for a function so this left on one two seater sofa for guest to sit on in reception whilst using the bar. One of our party asked if they could provide more seating and was told there was none available. This meant that when we gathered for the welcome drink and we wanted to use the bar there was know where to sit. While this may seem like a small point, its good for lone travellers to have somewhere to sit and get to know there fellow travellers in comfort. Unfortunately the bar closed early on the first night for no apparent reason. Staff at reception were polite, but not particularly helpful.

The included excursions, the panoramic tour and walking tour, there were also three optional trips, Vatican Museum and the Sistine Chapel, the English Cemetery and Rome by night, which turned out to be a meal and a show followed by a tour of Rome by night. A number of our group felt it would be good to run and organised trip to the Coliseum and the Forum.

Unfortunately nowhere does it say that for the Vatican Museums and the English Cemetery we would have to public transport? We didn’t realise this until we were in Rome. My sister is unable to use the metro. Some people don’t like heights, some snakes, and she can’t use the Metro. Despite taking our Tour Manager to one side at the welcome drinks and explaining this we were very much left to our own devises. It seemed very much fit in or do your own thing. Eventually, after asking what our alternatives were as we wanted to take up our excursions we were given a bus number and a ticket However, be warned the bus journeys take longer and when you are in a strange city public transport can be difficult. Due to this our last day was a disaster and we were again given a ticket and a bus route, despite allowing 90 minutes to get to our final options excursion we completely missed it and basically spent the day on a buses wandering around the suburbs of Rome. It was such a disappointment to miss the English Cemetery.

Since returning I have read the post of the forum regarding the May Rome City Tour and the Berlin City Tour and public transport does seem to feature prominently on both these trips. If we had known you were expected to use the metro as part of this trip we would never have booked it. It does seem surprising that the metro features in the optional excursion which does render them poor value. Look at the entry prices for the Vatican Museum and the English Cemetery and you will see how much they cost if you do them independently.

Our local tour guide was good, however, the earpieces we used were very crackly and you had to stay very close to hear what she said. Her chatty style made it difficult to differentiate between information we needed and her chatting to individuals along the way. To this end many of our group thought the Trevie fountain was at the bottom of the Spanish steps! Our Tour Manager seemed completely oblivious to this.

We seemed to have a lack of information. Information was given on a small board which our Tour Manager placed in reception. We could have all done with a copy of this as has been provided on other tours. We eventually got a map that had our hotel on and the centre of Rome, this was kept in a draw behind reception but was much better than the original map we were given which didn’t have our hotel on. Our Tour Manager had no information on what the show was on the Rome by night evening. A number of the group were asking but it seemed that even a phone call to the restaurant to find out was too much trouble. Despite a coach being provided the Tour Manager didn’t know the location of the restaurant which left us wander up and down streets while she found it. Perhaps JY should give a short meeting during the welcome drinks giving out useful info like maps for the area, and information about the excursions, which Tour Managers really should have.

Reading this forum JY city breaks do seem to rely on using public transport. This is fine as long as travellers know in advance. Unfortunately this completely spoilt our break. My sister said if she was really made to feel a nuisance. I’m sure this could be a great trip but I think more information is needed.

Our fellow travelling companions were fantastic and it was good to enjoy the sights and sounds of Rome with such good company. If this had been my first Just You trip I would have certainly not booked another. Costing nearly £900 each (£1800) for the two of us it represented poor value for money.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Seasoned Traveller,

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and experiences with us. As you may be aware, the city breaks are new to Just You for 2014 and the team are reviewing all the feedback that we have received from the departures to date so that changes can be made to future departures.

I have forwarded on all of your comments to our team so that our customers’ voice can be heard and I understand that your recent correspondence with our Customer Care team is also being dealt with. One of my colleagues will be in touch with you directly soon.

Kindest regards,


'Seasoned wrote:

Having just read the review from “Newtothis” I’ve a few points I would like to add regarding to this 3 night city break.

This was my second trip with JY and this time I travelled with my sister. Rome is a wonderful city and without doubt, the ideal destination for a short break. The weather was a mixture of sunshine and heavy showers. We were greeted at the airport and introduced to our Tour Manager. The flights to and from Rome were on time and allowed us to make the most of our 4 days. The 3 night break including our excursions cost nearly £1800.

The hotel was comfortable but certainly not 4 star. Fellow guests remarked on the location and the run down area. The rooms were refurbished last year and were very clean. Whilst the rooms did have a mini bar this amounted to a couple of beers a few sugary drinks and some bottles of water. Interestingly there were no Tea and Coffee making facilities in the room although they appear in the JY brochure and on the main hotel website. I felt this could be misleading. The main bar and lounge area looked clean bright and well-furnished on the hotel website, the reality was quite different with hardly any furniture in both the bar and the reception area. On one evening the lounge are was being used for a function so this left on one two seater sofa for guest to sit on in reception whilst using the bar. One of our party asked if they could provide more seating and was told there was none available. This meant that when we gathered for the welcome drink and we wanted to use the bar there was know where to sit. While this may seem like a small point, its good for lone travellers to have somewhere to sit and get to know there fellow travellers in comfort. Unfortunately the bar closed early on the first night for no apparent reason. Staff at reception were polite, but not particularly helpful.

The included excursions, the panoramic tour and walking tour, there were also three optional trips, Vatican Museum and the Sistine Chapel, the English Cemetery and Rome by night, which turned out to be a meal and a show followed by a tour of Rome by night. A number of our group felt it would be good to run and organised trip to the Coliseum and the Forum.

Unfortunately nowhere does it say that for the Vatican Museums and the English Cemetery we would have to public transport? We didn’t realise this until we were in Rome. My sister is unable to use the metro. Some people don’t like heights, some snakes, and she can’t use the Metro. Despite taking our Tour Manager to one side at the welcome drinks and explaining this we were very much left to our own devises. It seemed very much fit in or do your own thing. Eventually, after asking what our alternatives were as we wanted to take up our excursions we were given a bus number and a ticket However, be warned the bus journeys take longer and when you are in a strange city public transport can be difficult. Due to this our last day was a disaster and we were again given a ticket and a bus route, despite allowing 90 minutes to get to our final options excursion we completely missed it and basically spent the day on a buses wandering around the suburbs of Rome. It was such a disappointment to miss the English Cemetery.

Since returning I have read the post of the forum regarding the May Rome City Tour and the Berlin City Tour and public transport does seem to feature prominently on both these trips. If we had known you were expected to use the metro as part of this trip we would never have booked it. It does seem surprising that the metro features in the optional excursion which does render them poor value. Look at the entry prices for the Vatican Museum and the English Cemetery and you will see how much they cost if you do them independently.

Our local tour guide was good, however, the earpieces we used were very crackly and you had to stay very close to hear what she said. Her chatty style made it difficult to differentiate between information we needed and her chatting to individuals along the way. To this end many of our group thought the Trevie fountain was at the bottom of the Spanish steps! Our Tour Manager seemed completely oblivious to this.

We seemed to have a lack of information. Information was given on a small board which our Tour Manager placed in reception. We could have all done with a copy of this as has been provided on other tours. We eventually got a map that had our hotel on and the centre of Rome, this was kept in a draw behind reception but was much better than the original map we were given which didn’t have our hotel on. Our Tour Manager had no information on what the show was on the Rome by night evening. A number of the group were asking but it seemed that even a phone call to the restaurant to find out was too much trouble. Despite a coach being provided the Tour Manager didn’t know the location of the restaurant which left us wander up and down streets while she found it. Perhaps JY should give a short meeting during the welcome drinks giving out useful info like maps for the area, and information about the excursions, which Tour Managers really should have.

Reading this forum JY city breaks do seem to rely on using public transport. This is fine as long as travellers know in advance. Unfortunately this completely spoilt our break. My sister said if she was really made to feel a nuisance. I’m sure this could be a great trip but I think more information is needed.

Our fellow travelling companions were fantastic and it was good to enjoy the sights and sounds of Rome with such good company. If this had been my first Just You trip I would have certainly not booked another. Costing nearly £900 each (£1800) for the two of us it represented poor value for money.

I totally concur with your comments about using public transport on City Breaks. I did the Florence City Break back in May with JY and booked and paid for an optional excursion during the Welcome Meeting on the evening of our arrival for Day 4. However it wasn't until the evening of Day 3 that we were told we would be using public transport for the next days trip. Bearing in mind the cost of the trip (over 30 euros) and the time we would have when we got there, about 2 hours (it was also our departure day) it was vastly overpriced and the majority of the group changed their minds and cancelled. In the end only 3 people went and they had a taxi organised for them!!

I think JY needs to make it clear in advance about travel arrangements for excursions where public transport is going to be used. In busy cities where buses were often packed and there was barely standing room, for a group of people on an organised trip this form of transport is not ideal in my opinion and certainly not what I have come to expect from JY.


  • (Member)

The coments about hotel used on the Rome break are exactly what I was referring to earlier post.

Puer aeternus
I have to say this is putting me off these short european city breaks, a few of which I really fancied doing.

Whwn I pay for an optional excursion, I (quite rightly in my opinion) naturally expect that all the arrangements such as travel, are organised by the Tour Operator such as Just You, via private transport as in a coach/minibus etc, not to be given a bus or tube ticket and sent on my way!

It would be good to hear from Just You to see if they are planning to revise these arrangements?

I too looked into the Rome city break as although I've been before I would have liked to have gone back again, but I think for the best part of £1000 by the time I've booked hotels and connecting flights for a 4 day stay it was too expensive.

Having been to Rome and Florence before I know tour buses can get quite close to the centre, perhaps a 10 minute walk away at most, and I can't understand anyone having to use public transport to get anywhere on a holiday of this price! Whilst I've used public transport a few times when on JY holidays, it's always been on my free days and it's always been my choice to use it. I think it should definately be stated in the brochure as I think it's a bit late advising people of this when they're actually on the tour.

I know the holiday I went on I paid for the guided tour of the sistine chapel, and it was a very good tour, albeit a bit rushed as you seem to just get carried along with everyone else towards the chapel - but others on my tour paid on the door and it was much cheaper and they could take their time a bit more going round.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Puer wrote:

I have to say this is putting me off these short european city breaks, a few of which I really fancied doing.

Whwn I pay for an optional excursion, I (quite rightly in my opinion) naturally expect that all the arrangements such as travel, are organised by the Tour Operator such as Just You, via private transport as in a coach/minibus etc, not to be given a bus or tube ticket and sent on my way!

It would be good to hear from Just You to see if they are planning to revise these arrangements?

Hi PA,

Sorry for the delay - I took this one to the top...

Back when we were putting together the city breaks we did a lot of research with our customers. There were many comments about getting a truer flavour of the destination and number of people mentioned that it would be good to use the metro on an included excursion so that when they had free time they would have the confidence to use it.

The other thing is that around these busy cities it doesn’t always make sense to try and move everyone around in a big bus – traffic congestion, parking regulations and pedestrianisation all hinder a good tour.

We ALWAYS have a guide and tour manager with the group on an excursion that uses public transport so you should never “be given a tube ticket and sent on your way”.

Kindest regards,


Puer aeternus
'Julia' wrote:

'Puer wrote:

I have to say this is putting me off these short european city breaks, a few of which I really fancied doing.

Whwn I pay for an optional excursion, I (quite rightly in my opinion) naturally expect that all the arrangements such as travel, are organised by the Tour Operator such as Just You, via private transport as in a coach/minibus etc, not to be given a bus or tube ticket and sent on my way!

It would be good to hear from Just You to see if they are planning to revise these arrangements?

Hi PA,

Sorry for the delay - I took this one to the top...

Back when we were putting together the city breaks we did a lot of research with our customers. There were many comments about getting a truer flavour of the destination and number of people mentioned that it would be good to use the metro on an included excursion so that when they had free time they would have the confidence to use it.

The other thing is that around these busy cities it doesn’t always make sense to try and move everyone around in a big bus – traffic congestion, parking regulations and pedestrianisation all hinder a good tour.

We ALWAYS have a guide and tour manager with the group on an excursion that uses public transport so you should never “be given a tube ticket and sent on your way”.

Kindest regards,


Thanks for looking into this Julia, its a bit more reassuring now. The impression (wrongly it seems) was that the use of public transport was independant. As long as the tour manager/guide are with the group and take them to the destinations then I can see it would give a more 'home' feel to the excursion (lets hope its not like the London Tube at rush hour! :D)

I was on this trip in June. I read negative comments on the community before I left so I knew about the arrangements for public transport. The Public Transport did not bother me (as living in London used to the tube) but it did for a number of people on my trip.

Just You got this wrong in that they should have made it crystal clear in the brochure/ website that Public Transport would be used. I have done many holidays with Just You and a coach/mini bus has always been provided for excursions. There was a general consensus that the optional excursions were not value for money bearing in mind the cheap public transport used.

Having said that I had a great holiday although I do think an optional excursion to the Colosseum and the Forum should have been offered. A group of us arranged our own on the last day.


I was SO impressed with what I managed to see of Florence last year that I had really thought about doing a City Break there if not this year then next. Then I started adding up all the extras (overnight hotel at the airport) , and then the cost of an evening meal in Florence as breakfast only was included. I started to balk a bit. To find out that you have to use public transport (well the Metro anyway) has really put me off. I can barely do the Tube in London!

I agree. It should have been clearly stated in the brochure!

'Bosuncat' wrote:

I was SO impressed with what I managed to see of Florence last year that I had really thought about doing a City Break there if not this year then next. Then I started adding up all the extras (overnight hotel at the airport) , and then the cost of an evening meal in Florence as breakfast only was included. I started to balk a bit. To find out that you have to use public transport (well the Metro anyway) has really put me off. I can barely do the Tube in London!

I agree. It should have been clearly stated in the brochure!

I hope I did not mislead you regarding my comments about the use of public transport on my recent trip to Florence. The city is not that big and you can easily get about on foot from place to place without getting lost as long as you do not have any mobility issues. A bus is not needed and there is no Metro. My reference to using a bus only related to an optional excursion on the last day to a nearby town when it was not made clear that transport was on a public bus. Florence is a very beautiful and interesting city with plenty to see but in my opinion it is better to research and plan what you want to see in advance and do your own thing if you feel confident, either alone, with a travelling companion as I did or with perhaps others in the group. It is so much more fun and more enjoyable to explore on your own and get a real feel for the city. Eating out only needs to be as expensive as you want it to be with plenty of choices. Don't let the comments put you off just don't depend upon JY arranging everything for you.


Seasoned Traveller
Hi Julia

Just to say how disappointed I am with the Customer Service response from Just You. I posted my review 3 weeks ago tomorrow I also emailed Just You about my Rome City Break. I explained the issues to 2 representative at Just You on the telephone, both of whom said they would pass my issues on to the Customer Service Team. It now 3 weeks and I have not even had my complaint acknowledged. As someone who has spent nearly £8,000 with Just You over the past 6 months this really is very disappointing. I hope to hear something very soon.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Seasoned Traveller,

Sorry I held off publishing this - I wanted to speak to someone I knew had seen your comments but they have been out of the office.

I understand that some correspondence was sent out to you on the 5th August. I hope this has found its way to you and adddresses the concerns that you have raised with us.

Kindest regards,


Seasoned Traveller
Hi Julia

I have indeed received a response from a Customer Service Manager at Just You. Can you please just check what Just You charged us for the English Cemetery excursion?

When you say in your response to PA question, "We ALWAYS have a guide and tour manager with the group on an excursion that uses public transport so you should never “be given a tube ticket and sent on your way”."

Do you mean a local guide as well as a tour manager or a local guide and/or a tour manager?? It seems a little confusing.

Despite reassurance that issues are passed to "the relevant teams" precisely what changes have been made to both the information given to travellers and the trips themselves. Certainly the information on the Web doesn't seem to have been updated. Many thanks

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Seasoned Traveller,

I can tell you that you were charged £35pp for the English Cemetery excursion.

The Tour Manager would always travel with the group on the public transport on organised trips. If we are using a local guide for a particular excursion then they may travel with the group to reach the destinaiton.

In terms of the information, the websites reflect the content as it is written in the brochure. When the brochures are released in September the websites will be updated to follow suit. How it is all communicated to customers online and in the brochure is currently being discussed. We have now begun production of the new brochure so this is a prime opportunity to review this. For those who have booked on a future departure, and are continuing to book between the 2014 3rd edition brochure and the new brochure, I understand an errata has been added to the system which will be communicated to these travellers.

Kindest regards,


Seasoned Traveller
Hi Julia,

Thanks for your previous reply. I was really disappointed with the response from you Customer Service Manager. I didn’t get the impression my letter was regarded as valuable customer feedback.

My remarks regarding the hotel were dismissed. The issue I pointed out regarding the Maps some people were given was also misinterpreted.

The issue regarding the use of public transport should have been made clear and wasn’t. Just You were at fault here, as confirmed by other reviewers and yes it was unfortunate that my sister couldn’t use the Metro. If we had known this we wouldn’t have booked this trip. The comments I have made regarding this have been “passed to the team”.

The letter from customer services even got the name of our Local Tour Guide wrong our Local Tour Guide was Paula not Denise.

What I find unbelievable is the sarcasm in the letter which says there sorry “we misunderstood “ the instructions our Tour Manager gave us regarding getting to the English Cemetery. The only instructions we were given were the tickets and the number of the bus and were to get on and this could be confirmed by anyone who was sat with us at Breakfast when we were given the information. Saying “the Tour Manager liaised with the Hotel” is really overstating the case, it’s like me saying I liaised with the hotel regarding which was my room – in fact she simply went to reception and asked what bus went to the English Cemetery.

While returning to the airport one of our fellow travellers remarked that they were surprised that there is no entry charge for the English Cemetery. I’ve checked this with the English Cemetery and there is a “suggested donation” of €4 for the tour.. So that’s €4 donation plus the €3 for the metro ticket, €7 in total. As you confirmed Just You charged us £35 each for this excursion. Some excursions appear to be much better value than others.

Normally when you complain you have some idea of what would put things right. I think the very least Just You could have done is refunded my Sister and I the cost of the English Cemetery Excursion (£70). We have in fact been given no recompense for the fact that our trip was ruined by the fact that we didn’t know that we would have to use the metro on the excursions. Just You failed to make us aware in advance. We have however, been, sent as a “goodwill gesture” two vouchers to be used on a future holiday, but even these are named, limiting their value to me. My question to you is….. Can I use both vouchers? As I explained on the telephone my sister isn’t going on another JY holiday and as I gave the trip as a gift I would possibly use them in the future.

This is my last word on Rome, it’s the first letter of complaint I’ve written in 20 years of travelling. My impression has always been that smaller companies tend to listen to their customers, but this isn’t my experience of dealing with Just You , which I now realise with all these different teams is far from a small company. The whole experience has been like the stories you hear when dealing with the utility companies. Very disappointing Just You.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Stewart,

I'm sorry that you have been disappointed with the response from our Customer Service Manager.

I can assure you that we do value the feedback that our customers send in to us.

I have forwarded your comments from both this thread and the 'More honest and transparent' thread back up to the care team who have informed me they will contact you directly.

Kindest regards,
