  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
First of all I want to say it was lovely to have some of us meet up at the 3 Magpies at Heathrow the night before the flight . And to have Cindy and Sally join us too. :thumbup: I think it's a great idea to do this and have a nice meal in convivial surroundings. Far better than sitting in your hotel room on your own. Thank you Mick for thinking of it.

Early the following morning, Sue, Mick and I caught the free bus from Bath Road into Terminal 5 and were soon checked in and on our way through security. We met up with everyone else at the gate including our TM Mark. Only a small group (16) and I think it was fairly obvious almost from the start that most everyone was going to be friendly.

We flew into Zagreb to pouring rain and it continued raining all the way to our first hotel at Ribno just outside Bled. The hotel is small (57 rooms) and more of the ski lodge type in the middle of a forest. Beautifully quiet (I even heard a cuckoo). Lots and lots of darker wood. My room had a balcony (I was lucky) which looked out on the pine forest, and down to a beautiful outside terrace. Dinner that night indeed all the meals) was buffet style and we all sat at one reserved long table which was nice. There was a good selection of food at each meal I thought, but no choice of dessert except for cake. I think the main problem most of us had was that invariably the food was only luke warm most of the time, and I personally found the vegetables to be undercooked. It is all down to personal taste I suppose. Staff on the whole were friendly and efficient, and the chef made me a lovely small heart shaped cake for my birthday whilst I was there.

There is a mini bar in each room, but no personal safe, although you can leave everything very safely at reception. Sleep quality personally for me was pretty good. The bathrooms are small, and there is a hairdryer of sorts. The showers are very small and there doesn't seem to be a shower head as such but the water was consistently hot apart from one morning.

Apart from the problems above I liked the Ribno but one major issue is that the bar closes at 10pm although you can get a drink from the night reception and perhaps more importantly there is nothing to do at night apart from walking into a very small village.

So the following morning we took the short drive down to Lake Bled. The weather was very bright and sunny. Bled is a bit more commercialised, with shopping, bars and cafes. We took a small boat across to Bled Island and most of the group went up to the church (quite a few steps). We also visited Bled Castle. Do be aware here that it is a bit of a steep hike up to the Castle and correspondingly down. I personally didn't do it. Good footwear is essential here. Reports were that it was really good with some stunning views.

We had free time too in Bled and some of us did some shopping and then lunch. Prices are not too bad at all in Bled.

The following morning we went to Lake Bohinji. I had visited before and it was awesome to me to see the lake again in such beautiful weather. The clarity of the views across to the Julian Alps was amazing. We were joined by a local guide and took a lovely journey on an electric boat down to the end of the lake and then a walk to a 1st Wold War cemetery. The path wasn't too bad mostly but you need good footwear again. We came back on the boat and had some free time which consisted of lunch. Awesome pizza.

On our return most of us dropped off in Bled, and some of us took the little train around the lake, and some of us (including yours truly) walked around it. It's flat walking, but a bit of a hike! We took a taxi back to the hotel from Bled.

The following morning we packed up to take the journey to Portoroz. As an unexpected stop Mark had arranged that we had some free time in Lublijana. I had only driven through the city on a bus so that was really lovely. I thoroughly enjoyed my time here. It's a lively city but great just sitting in a café people watching, although some of the group took the funicular up to the Castle.

We arrived at the hotel (Hotel Lucija) in Portoroz mid afternoon and got checked in. This is a very modern type of hotel (180 rooms) and I had a smart room with a balcony on the 3rd floor. No mini bar in the room this time but there was a safe. There is a lovely indoor seawater pool which sadly I didn't get round to using but reports were really good with a grassed area for sunbathing. The bar was a lot bigger but I don't think the staff were that friendly. Drinks prices were very good with a happy hour each evening and a nice outside seating area. The hotel was very busy whilst we were there with coach parties coming and going. More choice on food although it was very much of a muchness but at least it was hot! Again no choice of dessert apart from cake.

Portoroz itself is a nice resort town. Shopping, cafes and bars and some nice restaurants. It is very flat, lots of safe walking, bikes for hire and crazy golf. Some of the group went to a club one night which they said they enjoyed. No beach as such.

We were taken on a boat trip the following morning to the Salt Pans, which although interesting I found underwhelming. Then back on the boat to Piran which although small is a very nice place with a lovely Cathedral and some great views. Some of the group walked back to Portoroz and said it was a fairly easy flat walk which they enjoyed.

The following day most of the group went off on the optional trip to the Caves. Asti and I had been before so we had a nice few hours in beautiful weather exploring around (including a local free outdoor sculpture Park) and enjoying a nice lunch together.

The optional trip on the Friday was supposed to be the wine tasting but Mark had informed us earlier on that it was not viable to do it as only 6 had booked on it. So he arranged for us to do an alternative trip to Trieste just over the border into Italy. We visited the Mirimar Castle and gardens and with a local guide had a short walking tour around Trieste visiting a couple of the churches (Greek Orthodox and Serbian). We then had some free time in Trieste itself which was very easy to find your way around in.

So to summarise. I really enjoyed the holiday in such convivial company. A nice small friendly group. The problems with the Hotel Ribno are as stated although it is in a stunning location. One thing that people need to be aware of and I will state again when I get my questionnaire is that the transfer times to and from the airport are a lot longer than stated by JY originally but then I had always thought that. Please don't let that put you off going. Slovenia is a beautiful country, the people are friendly and prices are good. Cleanliness in both hotels was spot on. Also I felt totally safe everywhere walking about even if I was on my own which wasn't often.

One final thing. Our TM, Mark was SO good :thumbup: Friendly, approachable, there at all times if needed and just a genuine nice guy. It was so good that he tweaked things so that we could see Lublijana and Trieste. Thank you Mark!! :thumbup:

  • (Member)
Hi Bosuncat,

Thank you so much for writing this review!

I'm sure you are aware how much our customer feedback contributes to our tours and I have forwarded this review on to relevant members of the Just You team.

Warmest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you Julia. I got my questionnaire this morning and have filled it straight in and sent it back. It has reflected the food issue at the Ribno,although it was good quality food and I feel that the temperature issue was not helped by another group in the hotel constantly leaving the lids to the food open all the time. I liked the hotel on the whole but people do need to be aware that it is an isolated location, with very little to do at night. It was correspondingly lovely though to go to sleep with no traffic noise and to wake up to just the birds singing.

The main issue for me was the transfer times. It wasn't too bad going from Zagreb to Bled although over 2 hours because of having to go through the border with the relevant checks on passports. We did have a short comfort stop though which was welcomed. Coming back was far worse. We left the hotel in Portoroz at 6.45am after an early breakfast and it was close to a 3hour transfer but did include a short comfort stop.

Incidentally I have put the link to my photos on the JY FB page, Julia. I do not know if it is showing on there yet. Mick I know intends to put a link on here to his Flickr page for photos too. It was great to meet him at long last and also put names to faces with some of the other forum members that were on the trip.

  • (Member)
Hi Bosuncat,

Thanks for completing the questionnaire - I will forward these additional comments upstairs too so they have all the information you have provided to us.

I was aware of these photos - Tim was looking through them this morning. Would you mind if we took a few and created an album on the Just You Facebook page (obviously crediting you for them)?

Kindest regards,


Mick W
  • (Member)
Excellent review Bosuncat, very accurate and I very much agree with the transfer time been a issue, was actually nearer 4 hours from Portoroz to Zagreb airport making for a very long day.

Not had chance to sort my photos yet but will link as soon as done.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks Mick! 🙂 I am sure that yours will be better than mine.

And Julia I have no problem with that at all.

  • (Member)
Agree with your excellent review Bosuncat!

Had a great time with everyone and the only real gripes were again the transfer time from Portoroz to Zagreb airport and the lukewarm temperature of the food at the Ribno hoel.

Suggest that the trip to Trieste be included as an option instead of the wine tasting. The stopover at Lublijana was a great addition by Mark and should also be done each trip.

  • (Member)
'Bosuncat' wrote:

Thanks Mick! 🙂 I am sure that yours will be better than mine.

And Julia I have no problem with that at all. 



  • (Member)

Your review didn't disappoint, and you have wetted my appetite even more!


  • (Member)

I am ambitiously waiting for you to update your blog!

Cant wait!


  • (Member)
Hi Tim/Julia,

In the spirit of sharing, i am more than willing to share my cilento coast pictures for fellow jy travellers to have a gander at?

How do i go about this?


'Bosuncat' wrote:

First of all I want to say it was lovely to have some of us meet up at the 3 Magpies at Heathrow the night before the flight . And to have Cindy and Sally join us too. :thumbup: I think it's a great idea to do this and have a nice meal in convivial surroundings. Far better than sitting in your hotel room on your own. Thank you Mick for thinking of it.

Early the following morning, Sue, Mick and I caught the free bus from Bath Road into Terminal 5 and were soon checked in and on our way through security. We met up with everyone else at the gate including our TM Mark. Only a small group (16) and I think it was fairly obvious almost from the start that most everyone was going to be friendly.

We flew into Zagreb to pouring rain and it continued raining all the way to our first hotel at Ribno just outside Bled. The hotel is small (57 rooms) and more of the ski lodge type in the middle of a forest. Beautifully quiet (I even heard a cuckoo). Lots and lots of darker wood. My room had a balcony (I was lucky) which looked out on the pine forest, and down to a beautiful outside terrace. Dinner that night indeed all the meals) was buffet style and we all sat at one reserved long table which was nice. There was a good selection of food at each meal I thought, but no choice of dessert except for cake. I think the main problem most of us had was that invariably the food was only luke warm most of the time, and I personally found the vegetables to be undercooked. It is all down to personal taste I suppose. Staff on the whole were friendly and efficient, and the chef made me a lovely small heart shaped cake for my birthday whilst I was there.

There is a mini bar in each room, but no personal safe, although you can leave everything very safely at reception. Sleep quality personally for me was pretty good. The bathrooms are small, and there is a hairdryer of sorts. The showers are very small and there doesn't seem to be a shower head as such but the water was consistently hot apart from one morning.

Apart from the problems above I liked the Ribno but one major issue is that the bar closes at 10pm although you can get a drink from the night reception and perhaps more importantly there is nothing to do at night apart from walking into a very small village.

So the following morning we took the short drive down to Lake Bled. The weather was very bright and sunny. Bled is a bit more commercialised, with shopping, bars and cafes. We took a small boat across to Bled Island and most of the group went up to the church (quite a few steps). We also visited Bled Castle. Do be aware here that it is a bit of a steep hike up to the Castle and correspondingly down. I personally didn't do it. Good footwear is essential here. Reports were that it was really good with some stunning views.

We had free time too in Bled and some of us did some shopping and then lunch. Prices are not too bad at all in Bled.

The following morning we went to Lake Bohinji. I had visited before and it was awesome to me to see the lake again in such beautiful weather. The clarity of the views across to the Julian Alps was amazing. We were joined by a local guide and took a lovely journey on an electric boat down to the end of the lake and then a walk to a 1st Wold War cemetery. The path wasn't too bad mostly but you need good footwear again. We came back on the boat and had some free time which consisted of lunch. Awesome pizza.

On our return most of us dropped off in Bled, and some of us took the little train around the lake, and some of us (including yours truly) walked around it. It's flat walking, but a bit of a hike! We took a taxi back to the hotel from Bled.

The following morning we packed up to take the journey to Portoroz. As an unexpected stop Mark had arranged that we had some free time in Lublijana. I had only driven through the city on a bus so that was really lovely. I thoroughly enjoyed my time here. It's a lively city but great just sitting in a café people watching, although some of the group took the funicular up to the Castle.

We arrived at the hotel (Hotel Lucija) in Portoroz mid afternoon and got checked in. This is a very modern type of hotel (180 rooms) and I had a smart room with a balcony on the 3rd floor. No mini bar in the room this time but there was a safe. There is a lovely indoor seawater pool which sadly I didn't get round to using but reports were really good with a grassed area for sunbathing. The bar was a lot bigger but I don't think the staff were that friendly. Drinks prices were very good with a happy hour each evening and a nice outside seating area. The hotel was very busy whilst we were there with coach parties coming and going. More choice on food although it was very much of a muchness but at least it was hot! Again no choice of dessert apart from cake.

Portoroz itself is a nice resort town. Shopping, cafes and bars and some nice restaurants. It is very flat, lots of safe walking, bikes for hire and crazy golf. Some of the group went to a club one night which they said they enjoyed. No beach as such.

We were taken on a boat trip the following morning to the Salt Pans, which although interesting I found underwhelming. Then back on the boat to Piran which although small is a very nice place with a lovely Cathedral and some great views. Some of the group walked back to Portoroz and said it was a fairly easy flat walk which they enjoyed.

The following day most of the group went off on the optional trip to the Caves. Asti and I had been before so we had a nice few hours in beautiful weather exploring around (including a local free outdoor sculpture Park) and enjoying a nice lunch together.

The optional trip on the Friday was supposed to be the wine tasting but Mark had informed us earlier on that it was not viable to do it as only 6 had booked on it. So he arranged for us to do an alternative trip to Trieste just over the border into Italy. We visited the Mirimar Castle and gardens and with a local guide had a short walking tour around Trieste visiting a couple of the churches (Greek Orthodox and Serbian). We then had some free time in Trieste itself which was very easy to find your way around in.

So to summarise. I really enjoyed the holiday in such convivial company. A nice small friendly group. The problems with the Hotel Ribno are as stated although it is in a stunning location. One thing that people need to be aware of and I will state again when I get my questionnaire is that the transfer times to and from the airport are a lot longer than stated by JY originally but then I had always thought that. Please don't let that put you off going. Slovenia is a beautiful country, the people are friendly and prices are good. Cleanliness in both hotels was spot on. Also I felt totally safe everywhere walking about even if I was on my own which wasn't often.

One final thing. Our TM, Mark was SO good :thumbup: Friendly, approachable, there at all times if needed and just a genuine nice guy. It was so good that he tweaked things so that we could see Lublijana and Trieste. Thank you Mark!! :thumbup:

Hi Elaine,

Glad you had a good time, it sounds like a really good holiday.

I met Mark two years ago in Mijas, he really is a nice guy. It was his birthday at the end of our holiday, we had a bit of a party and he sang to us.

  • (Member)

Thank you for your feedback on this tour (and Bosuncat for letting us have access to your photos). It was the first date of this brand new tour and everyone is so pleased that we had your thoughts so quickly after returning and the team are already looking at ways we can incorporate your feedback into the future departures.

We can't thank our members enough for the reviews that you post. The honest and open feedback really does help us in planning our holidays.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
'marks' wrote:

Hi Tim/Julia,

In the spirit of sharing, i am more than willing to share my cilento coast pictures for fellow jy travellers to have a gander at?

How do i go about this?


Hi Mark,

We'd love to share your Cilento Coast photos on the Facebook page and we can then post a link to them here on the community!

If you've already posted the photos on your own facebook page, if you can make the album public and send us a link, we have a tool that will download the photos in one go. We can then create an album (crediting you of course) on our page and you can revert your album settings to how they were before.

Alternatively, you can email any photos to and we can create an album from the images you send in to us.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Tim' wrote:

'Bosuncat' wrote:

Thanks Mick! 🙂 I am sure that yours will be better than mine.

And Julia I have no problem with that at all. 



Mick with his pint of beer! 😃

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'JustMargaret' wrote:

'Bosuncat' wrote:

First of all I want to say it was lovely to have some of us meet up at the 3 Magpies at Heathrow the night before the flight . And to have Cindy and Sally join us too. :thumbup: I think it's a great idea to do this and have a nice meal in convivial surroundings. Far better than sitting in your hotel room on your own. Thank you Mick for thinking of it.

Early the following morning, Sue, Mick and I caught the free bus from Bath Road into Terminal 5 and were soon checked in and on our way through security. We met up with everyone else at the gate including our TM Mark. Only a small group (16) and I think it was fairly obvious almost from the start that most everyone was going to be friendly.

We flew into Zagreb to pouring rain and it continued raining all the way to our first hotel at Ribno just outside Bled. The hotel is small (57 rooms) and more of the ski lodge type in the middle of a forest. Beautifully quiet (I even heard a cuckoo). Lots and lots of darker wood. My room had a balcony (I was lucky) which looked out on the pine forest, and down to a beautiful outside terrace. Dinner that night indeed all the meals) was buffet style and we all sat at one reserved long table which was nice. There was a good selection of food at each meal I thought, but no choice of dessert except for cake. I think the main problem most of us had was that invariably the food was only luke warm most of the time, and I personally found the vegetables to be undercooked. It is all down to personal taste I suppose. Staff on the whole were friendly and efficient, and the chef made me a lovely small heart shaped cake for my birthday whilst I was there.

There is a mini bar in each room, but no personal safe, although you can leave everything very safely at reception. Sleep quality personally for me was pretty good. The bathrooms are small, and there is a hairdryer of sorts. The showers are very small and there doesn't seem to be a shower head as such but the water was consistently hot apart from one morning.

Apart from the problems above I liked the Ribno but one major issue is that the bar closes at 10pm although you can get a drink from the night reception and perhaps more importantly there is nothing to do at night apart from walking into a very small village.

So the following morning we took the short drive down to Lake Bled. The weather was very bright and sunny. Bled is a bit more commercialised, with shopping, bars and cafes. We took a small boat across to Bled Island and most of the group went up to the church (quite a few steps). We also visited Bled Castle. Do be aware here that it is a bit of a steep hike up to the Castle and correspondingly down. I personally didn't do it. Good footwear is essential here. Reports were that it was really good with some stunning views.

We had free time too in Bled and some of us did some shopping and then lunch. Prices are not too bad at all in Bled.

The following morning we went to Lake Bohinji. I had visited before and it was awesome to me to see the lake again in such beautiful weather. The clarity of the views across to the Julian Alps was amazing. We were joined by a local guide and took a lovely journey on an electric boat down to the end of the lake and then a walk to a 1st Wold War cemetery. The path wasn't too bad mostly but you need good footwear again. We came back on the boat and had some free time which consisted of lunch. Awesome pizza.

On our return most of us dropped off in Bled, and some of us took the little train around the lake, and some of us (including yours truly) walked around it. It's flat walking, but a bit of a hike! We took a taxi back to the hotel from Bled.

The following morning we packed up to take the journey to Portoroz. As an unexpected stop Mark had arranged that we had some free time in Lublijana. I had only driven through the city on a bus so that was really lovely. I thoroughly enjoyed my time here. It's a lively city but great just sitting in a café people watching, although some of the group took the funicular up to the Castle.

We arrived at the hotel (Hotel Lucija) in Portoroz mid afternoon and got checked in. This is a very modern type of hotel (180 rooms) and I had a smart room with a balcony on the 3rd floor. No mini bar in the room this time but there was a safe. There is a lovely indoor seawater pool which sadly I didn't get round to using but reports were really good with a grassed area for sunbathing. The bar was a lot bigger but I don't think the staff were that friendly. Drinks prices were very good with a happy hour each evening and a nice outside seating area. The hotel was very busy whilst we were there with coach parties coming and going. More choice on food although it was very much of a muchness but at least it was hot! Again no choice of dessert apart from cake.

Portoroz itself is a nice resort town. Shopping, cafes and bars and some nice restaurants. It is very flat, lots of safe walking, bikes for hire and crazy golf. Some of the group went to a club one night which they said they enjoyed. No beach as such.

We were taken on a boat trip the following morning to the Salt Pans, which although interesting I found underwhelming. Then back on the boat to Piran which although small is a very nice place with a lovely Cathedral and some great views. Some of the group walked back to Portoroz and said it was a fairly easy flat walk which they enjoyed.

The following day most of the group went off on the optional trip to the Caves. Asti and I had been before so we had a nice few hours in beautiful weather exploring around (including a local free outdoor sculpture Park) and enjoying a nice lunch together.

The optional trip on the Friday was supposed to be the wine tasting but Mark had informed us earlier on that it was not viable to do it as only 6 had booked on it. So he arranged for us to do an alternative trip to Trieste just over the border into Italy. We visited the Mirimar Castle and gardens and with a local guide had a short walking tour around Trieste visiting a couple of the churches (Greek Orthodox and Serbian). We then had some free time in Trieste itself which was very easy to find your way around in.

So to summarise. I really enjoyed the holiday in such convivial company. A nice small friendly group. The problems with the Hotel Ribno are as stated although it is in a stunning location. One thing that people need to be aware of and I will state again when I get my questionnaire is that the transfer times to and from the airport are a lot longer than stated by JY originally but then I had always thought that. Please don't let that put you off going. Slovenia is a beautiful country, the people are friendly and prices are good. Cleanliness in both hotels was spot on. Also I felt totally safe everywhere walking about even if I was on my own which wasn't often.

One final thing. Our TM, Mark was SO good :thumbup: Friendly, approachable, there at all times if needed and just a genuine nice guy. It was so good that he tweaked things so that we could see Lublijana and Trieste. Thank you Mark!! :thumbup:

Hi Elaine,

Glad you had a good time, it sounds like a really good holiday.

I met Mark two tears ago in Mijas, he really is a nice guy. It was his birthday at the end of our holiday, we had a bit of a party and he sang to us.

He sang to us briefly on the last night too Margaret. Great voice. Incidentally think you would enjoy this holiday!

  • (Member)
'Julia' wrote:

Hi Bosuncat,

Thank you so much for writing this review!

I'm sure you are aware how much our customer feedback contributes to our tours and I have forwarded this review on to relevant members of the Just You team.

Warmest regards,


Hi Julia

Bosuncat's review is very good and virtually spot on . I agree with what Bosuncat and Asti have written. However the transfer time on the return journey was nearer 4 hours. I had a brilliant holiday with a smashing little group.

Kind regards


Mick W
  • (Member)
As promised here is a link to my photos from this trip, some stunning scenary :- 

  • (Member)
Hi Mick,

These photos are great - Thank you for sharing the link with us!

Could I possibly be a little bit cheeky and ask if Just You could have permission to use some of these (obviously crediting you for them)?

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
What amazing photos - fabulous scenery and weren't you lucky with the weather!