  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Just back from a one week trip to Jordan The itinerary was busy with the excursions mainly focused on the historical sites in and around Amman, Jerash and Petra, together with the scenic splendour of Wadi Rum. At the end of the holiday there was a chance to relax at the hotel in Aqaba for 2 nights.

In Amman we visited the Roman amphitheatre and the Amman Citadel which included the Temple of Hercules. The following day we visited the Roman site at Jerash, the largest and best preserved Roman complex outside of Italy, but not before having a tasty lunch in the sunshine at a restaurant overlooking the town.

The Bristol hotel in Amman was lovely with buffets at breakfast and dinner offering plenty of choice. However, for myself and others who were accommodated on the 7th floor, the stay here was spoiled by the night club immediately above playing very loud music until 02.15am. Sunday night / Monday morning was thankfully the band's night off, but for 2 out of 3 nights those of us on the 7th floor got no sleep whatsoever! We tried to get moved but only 1 lady succeeded in this as the hotel was full. Our tour leader, Paul, tried to negotiate a noise level reduction with reception but to no avail.

So onwards, via Shobek castle, to Petra the undoubted highlight of the tour and a sight that we had all been eagerly anticipating. Suffice to say it did not disappoint and everyone really enjoyed it - especially those few who managed the 800 steps up to the monastery. The evening visit to see a Bedouin show at the treasury by candlelight however was a little underwhelming.

The hotel at Petra had been changed from that originally shown in the itinerary (the lovely guest house just outside the visitor centre) to a village complex about 12km away. The rooms were quaint and the views over the surrounding hills spectacular, but most people confirmed that they would have preferred the original hotel.

After Petra, we travelled on to our final destination via Wadi Rum. At this stage we had another change to the itinerary. We had been contacted the day before we where due to travel and informed that the 4x4 trip through Wadi Rum had been cancelled due to H&S reasons. In it's place we had a tour through a small section of Wadi Rum by coach, which included a lunch in a Bedouin tent. Whilst the scenery was superb it only made us wonder what we could have seen had the original itinerary been adhered to.

The Radisson Blu hotel in Aqaba was good, a large complex with numerous swimming pools and located on the beach. Egypt and the Sinai is just across the bay.

Our group had 30 travellers and we all mixed well. Our tour manager Paul was very efficient and gave 2 very interesting, completely unscripted, talks about the crusades and the life of Lawrence of Arabia whilst we were travelling on the coach. He was clear in all he told us and our local guide Hassan was also excellent.

The weather was hot and sunny throughout with temperatures up to 30 deg C during the day.

To summarise, I would give this holiday 7 out of 10, due to the problems at the Bristol hotel (although you would be unaffected by the noise if you weren't on the 7th floor), the change to the hotel at Petra and the very late cancellation of the 4x4 trip through Wadi Rum.

Regarding money, you can change Sterling to Dinar in Jordan at a better rate than in UK. At a small supermarket about 5 mins walk from the hotel in Amman the rate was 1.05, and at the Petra visitor centre they were offering 1.14. This was compered to 0.98 in UK.

Alcohol is very expensive, up to 10 dinar for a large beer and up to 12 dinar for a glass of wine. There is a happy hour from 18.00-20.00hrs in the hotels in Amman and Aqaba when drinks are half price.

If people have any other questions regarding the holiday that I haven't covered, I will be happy to try and answer them.



  • (Member)
Hi Mike

Thank you for posting such a comprehensive review of your recent holiday along with the tips you have shared in terms of currency and prices.

I have forwarded on your review to our Customer Care Team so they are aware of your feedback regarding the hotel and itinerary changes.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julia,

Thanks for your comments. I forgot to mention a thoroughly enjoyable 'float' in the Dead Sea and the visit to Little Petra which, with only a few tourists, presented a wonderful atmosphere and stillness amidst a spectacular landscape. Little Petra really did wet the appetite for the main Petra visit scheduled for the following day!

It was a pity about the Hotel Bristol in Amman - a really lovely hotel, spoiled by an inconsiderate night club policy.

I quite liked the hotel at Taybet Zaman hotel at Petra, although for convenience the Petra Guest House would have worked much better as it was just a few meters from the entrance to the Petra site. It was from this perspective that I said most people would have preferred the original hotel, but I should also pass on a comment from one of the ladies on the trip, who said that she found walking alone to and from her room via the alleyways at the Taybet Zaman somewhat daunting.



  • (Member)
Hi Mike,

Thanks for the additional comments - I'll pass these on to the team now.

If you booked with us directly you should be sent a Customer Service Questionnaire about your holiday. I'd recommend that if you have a few minutes spare, you complete this and add in any additional comments as we do use all comments and feedback to make decisions on future departures.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julia,

I received the Questionnaire in the post yesterday so I'll complete it within the next day or so.

Many thanks


  • (Member)
Hi Mike,

I cant remember are you the one with the amazing blog detailing all his adventures or have i got that completely mixed up with someone else?


  • (Member)
'marks' wrote:

Hi Mike,

I cant remember are you the one with the amazing blog detailing all his adventures or have i got that completely mixed up with someone else?



Is that not Mike who I met on Friday he is away in the Slovenia tour??? Or am I wrong?


  • (Member)

Great review shame about the noise level and the 4x4 drive..


  • (Member)
It's Mick who did the fantastic blog and who is currently in Slovenia.
  • (Member)
'sallyc' wrote:

It's Mick who did the fantastic blog and who is currently in Slovenia.


Yes I thought he was the ONE!! Wonder how they are all getting on out there, can't wait to hear a review when they get back.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Mark,

As sallyc has correctly pointed out, I think you are getting me mixed up with Mick W; easy to do when our usernames are so alike.

Hi Sally, hope you are keeping well. Don't forget to review the Polar Bear trip in October!

Cindy, yes it was a shame about the 4x4 trip. I notice that it's still being shown in the itinerary on day 6 for departures later in the year. Maybe JY should consider updating their itinerary with the modified programme now, if the decision not to use the 4x4 vehicles is final.



  • (Member)

When I went to Jordan in September 2010 we did the 4x4 trip in the Wadi Rum, but the Jeeps were very old and maybe this is the reason Just You have stopped In fact one of the Jeeps kept on stalling and needed fixing several times. I did enjoy this trip though. The sunset was beautiful!


  • (Member)
Hi Mike - don't worry I will definitely be doing a review (unless someone else beats me to it - JY have increased the number of trips this year due to popular demand).

Hi Cindy, although it was lovely to meet up the other night, I found myself thinking so much about the others on their trip that I've booked a week in Calabria in September. My Polar Bear trip in November seemed too far away!!

Angie S
Hi Mike,

Great meeting you on our trip to Jordan. I'm glad you put on a good review as it saved me from doing!

I liked the Bristol Hotel but then I was on the 3rd floor. I also loved the hotel at Petra we had which we had to change to due to the Jordanian government extending a stay at our original hotel. Being a converted village in my mind made it quite memorable.

The 4x4 excursion being cancelled and only being advised to us the afternoon before our departure was a major disappointment and although we had a lovely lunch in its place, I have conveyed to JY in writing I did not feel we saw at all the greatness of the Wadi Rum.

Despite my disappointment concerning the Wadi Rum (this must be looked at for others in the future) this in my view was an excellent trip with a great variety in what is a very welcoming country. Paul our rep worked well with the local guide Hassan who was just brilliant. Not forgetting Muhammed our driver.

Great memories.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Angie,

It was great to meet you as well, along with all our other travelling companions. All in all a very enjoyable trip despite the 4x4 disappointment in Wadi Rum.

I completely agree with all your comments, as I said in my review the Bristol Hotel was lovely and there really wouldn't have been any problems if you weren't on the 7th floor. The Taybet Zaman hotel in Petra was also very nice with wonderful views over the mountains.

As for Wadi Rum, I see that the 4x4 excursion is still shown on the itinerary for day 6, so if people are reading this with a view to booking the Jordan trip I would recommend that they check with JY that this excursion is still going ahead. The fact that we only saw a small part of the area was a big let-down despite the nice lunch.

Your comment regarding Jordan being a very welcoming country is also very true and should be reassuring for anyone who may have reservations about choosing this tour. I tried to buy a postcard from a shop in Jerash, but the guy insisted on giving it me for free and thanked me for visiting Jordan!

I should also like to take this opportunity to thank you for the photos you took of me in front of the Treasury building at Petra. They came out really well....maybe you should be my official photographer in future!

All the best for future holidays.



  • (Member)
'sallyc' wrote:

Hi Mike - don't worry I will definitely be doing a review (unless someone else beats me to it - JY have increased the number of trips this year due to popular demand).

Hi Cindy, although it was lovely to meet up the other night, I found myself thinking so much about the others on their trip that I've booked a week in Calabria in September. My Polar Bear trip in November seemed too far away!!

Sorry Sally

Only just come across this posting from you...Calabria well done you, so jealous about the polar bears...do take huge amount of pictures and put them up for us to see.

I have booked the battle field tour for May next year...


I wanted to go to Calabria at the same time as Sally but couldn't work the dates out because of work. :(

Mike. Thank you so much for the review. I hang my nose over this Jordan trip every time a new brochure comes out. Shame about Wadi Rum.

Angie S
Hi Mike,

That's real nice of you to mention the pics I took of you at the Treasury in Petra. I'm glad you like them. The one you took of me is pretty good too.

I meant to mention in my previous post the food in the hotels on this tour was exceptionally good.

I remember on our last evening enjoying a drink at the happy hour watching the sun set over Egypt across the other side of the Red Sea.

You never know, our paths may cross again and I'd be only too happy to be your official photographer!


  • (Member)
I did this trip in May of this year but with Travelsphere and had a brilliant time. Jane the TM was very good, this was the second time she has lead a tour I have been on. Hassan the local guide was excellent and was with us most days.

Of the 27 booked on the tour only 5 were singles, there was just 6 couples. The rest of the group were friends/ sisters or mother& daughter travelling together. The whole group mixed well and I would not hesitate travelling as a single on a Travelsphere tour again.