  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi all, just back from my first visit to Central America! This was a terrific tour, different to the other JY tours I've done as there were no iconic sights to be seen, rather the focus was on wildlife, beautiful unspoilt scenery and a bit of culture.  It was great from start to finish!  The itinerary was busy and the excursions varied from walks through rainforests to relaxing boat trips, with the camera always in hand as we searched for yet more wildlife!

This tour is amazing for birdlife in particular and we saw more than 50 species; we also saw sloths, four kinds of monkeys (including the very vocal howlers!), racoons, porcupines, crocodiles and caymans, large spiders, snakes (thankfully from a distance!) and much more.  The tour began with a visit to the capital of Costa Rica, San José (staying in a great five star hotel) and we saw the very interesting gold museum (which gave a history of the country) and the stupendous national theatre.  Then it was off to Tortuguero NP by road and boat, on the Carribean coast, and a haven for wildlife.  We stayed in simple accomodation which will be familiar to anyone who's done a safari before.  After that we journeyed to stay near the famous Arenal volcano (which was gently smoking while we were there) and we stayed in a briliant hotel in an amazing natural setting by a river, with all sorts of wildlife in the hotel grounds.  

On our way to Monteverde we visited a coffee plantation and had a very interesting talk from one of the original Quaker settlers there.  The hotel in Monteverde was poor, the only disappointing one of the whole tour, but it was only for two nights so it was no big deal.  We had a walk through the cloud forest and a night walk through the jungle which was an experience and a half!  

Next was our three day visit to Nicaragua, which for me was the highlight of the whole tour.  Nicaragua is a beautiful and fascinating country.  It is poorer than Costa Rica and has had a turbulent past with many natural disasters and much political upheaval.  However, the people are extremely friendly and positive and are taking to tourism like the proverbial duck to water!  We had a brilliant time there, staying in a fantastic authentic colonial hotel.  Granada is a very attractive city, with brightly painted houses everywhere.  The horse and cart ride and boat trip were hugely enjoyable, as were the visits to various markets and the trip to the smoldering Masaya Volcano - we had a glimpse into the huge crater!  

Our final destination was Jaco on the Pacific coast.  We stayed right beside the beach (I could see the ocean from my room) and had further excursions to Manuel Antonio and Carara national parks, including a terrific mangrove cruise with more birdlife and numerous crocodiles (we spotted two famous ones, namely the monstrous Osama Bin Laden who is 80 years old and the playful Lady Gaga!!).  On our last night in Jaco, a good number of us went to Lemon Zest restaurant for a fine dining experience - a great way to end off a memorable tour.

Costa Rica and Nicaragua are two terrific countries and this tour is definitely worth considering if you love wildlife (especially birds) and are interested in a change from the usual style of tours, where you visit one well known site after another.  JY are to be commended for including Nicaragua and the only suggestion I'd make regarding that tour is that perhaps the time spent there could be extended (possibly at the expense of Monteverde?), as many of our group said they would have loved to have seen more of that country.

Our group had 21 travellers - I was the youngest at 43 and the oldest was exactly twice my age!  There were a pair of friends travelling together and a group of three friends, but everyone mixed very well with each other and we had a truly great time.  Our tour manager, Lisa Niksic was absolutely SUPERB and set a new bench mark in tour managers as far as I'm concerned!  Not only did she put helpful hints on the Community forum before we left, she had prepared a colour handout with a daily itinerary and lots of useful information.  She was clear in everything she told us, always cheerful and went out of her way to help each and every one of us get the most out of our holiday.  Nothing was too much trouble for her and she helped to make a good holiday into an outstanding one for all of us.  Lisa specialises in Italian tours (as she lives there), so if she is the TM for your tour, then you are in safe hands.  Oh and she gave the Community forum a good plug as well, as many of the tour group did not use it!  The local guide Alfonso was also excellent, with an encyclopedic knowledge of his native wildlife and he also went the extra mile for us.  

The weather was fine throughout - hot and sunny, with temperatures ranging from high 20s to mid 30s celsius.  It was very humid in Tortuguero and even more so in Jaco (I expect it would be less so in the rainy season).  We were not troubled by mosquitoes at all - most of us got a few bites from other insects but that was all.  Some people had upset stomachs from time to time, but nothing too serious that stopped them from enjoying themselves!  So all in all, I'd say that this tour is a triumph for JY, interesting, varied and unusual and I'm very glad I did it!

Roll on my next holiday (once I've got my washing sorted out!)



PS if anyone is doing this tour in the coming months, I'd be very happy to answer any queries as best I can!

  • (Member)
Welcome back Bob and thank you for posting such a great review of this trip - I've forwarded this on to various members of the Just You team so they too can read your comments.

Kindest regards,


Julie White
Wow what amazing review thanks Bob. Looks like I will have to book another trip.
Thanks for a great review Bob, very interesting reading it, I now have it on my places to visit, all sounds amazing I love wildlife and something different

all the best


  • (Member)

WOW great review, and what a different style tour, so well done to JY. You sound as if you thoroughly enjoyed the tour. It's nice to be the the youngest in the group, it doesn't happen that often to me! Well done to the older ones at times great ages that travel they do inspire me!..thanks for such a detailed review I am sure it will prompt many questions to people who fancy this tour.

Now get on with all the washing...look forward to seeing some pics either in FB or JY FB page I hope..


Well done Bob.

Yet another excellent review. It certainly sounds like you had a great and enjoyable time. Up to now you have always said South Africa has been your favourite holiday. Has that now changed?


Bob, your reviews are always good reading, I think you may have sold this holiday to me!
Elaine 123
HI Bob

That sounds a wonderful place to visit, as a Keen photographer, what kit did you take, I would love to see some of your photos, this as really inspired me, did you get enough time to take all the photos you wanted,

your reviews are really good, I am new to all this a novice, never traveled on my own but circumstances are making me do it now,

Best Regards


Hi Bob: Re. early flight, i.e. did you get the last flight from Dublin and hang about the airport? I'd be coming from Belfast. Wouldn't seem to be worth booking a hotel. Did JY provide a Lounge pass? Thanks, D.
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Many thanks for all your kind comments! Mike, it will be hard for any holiday to beat our South Africa/Zambia tour, it's still my number one! I'm hoping JY introduce Namibia into the tour schedule for next year, as I would love to go back to southern Africa!

Best wishes,


Julie White
Hello Bob,

Did you book all of the optional excursions with this trip and are they worth doing? I just wondering if the trip to the hot springs was worth seeing and the hanging bridges. I bet the volcano was amazing.

Have you ever thought about contacting Just You with the idea of writing reviews on all their holidays. Of course they would need to fund this lifestyle. I am sure more people would book their holidays after your comprehensive reviews.

Regards Julie

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Elaine, Daphne and Julie!

I just got a new DSLR (my first) last year and I'm still getting to grips with it. I brought an 18-200mm zoom, but it wasn't really long enough to get close up shots - a 300mm would have been much better. Even my Lumix compact with 16x zoom (which I also brought) wasn't really enough much of the time. Cameras can slow or even freeze in high humidity, so get some sachets of silica gel and put them in with your camera and you should be ok. The undergrowth and trees can be really dark (it is jungle or rainforest after all!), so it can be hard to get the lighting right unless you really know what you're doing (I don't!!). You have to be quick to get the good shots as the animals and birds don't always hand around for long! A pair of binoculars would be a good idea as well, especially if you're into birdwatching.

Daphne, I flew from Belfast actually (as JY can only book flights originating in the UK and I want them to book me, so they are responsible for sorting me out if any flights go awry!). I drove from Wexford to Belfast on the Sunday and flew to Heathrow on Sunday afternoon. I stayed in the Premier Inn - had to get up at 2.30am to leave for the airport at 3.15am!! I got taxis from the airport and back again. There are no executive lounges at T5 so no lounge passes!

Julie, great idea regarding me becoming a professional reviewer and I'd happily do it if JY would employ me full time! I won't be holding my breath...I did almost all the excursions - just two did the zip wire but they both loved it. The hanging bridges were interesting, but we didn't see much wildlife - we saw the most on the river trips. The hot springs were for relaxation - but be warned! They are mainly in a "natural" environment, which means the pools are very rocky underfoot and difficult to walk in! There were several normal type pools (including a pool bar!), which were easier to negotiate.

Thanks everyone for your replies,

Best wishes,


  • (Member)
Hi Bob

Pleased to know that you had a great time. Loved your review - this destination is definitely on my list, espeically more so after reading your review. If only I was well enough to do this trip this year - never mind I am sure I will be able to go one day as long as Just You does not stop offering it. Not too keen on snakes, but I am sure I will be able to cope as long as they keep their distance!


Elaine 123
'BGray' wrote:

Hi Elaine, Daphne and Julie!

I just got a new DSLR (my first) last year and I'm still getting to grips with it. I brought an 18-200mm zoom, but it wasn't really long enough to get close up shots - a 300mm would have been much better. Even my Lumix compact with 16x zoom (which I also brought) wasn't really enough much of the time. Cameras can slow or even freeze in high humidity, so get some sachets of silica gel and put them in with your camera and you should be ok. The undergrowth and trees can be really dark (it is jungle or rainforest after all!), so it can be hard to get the lighting right unless you really know what you're doing (I don't!!). You have to be quick to get the good shots as the animals and birds don't always hand around for long! A pair of binoculars would be a good idea as well, especially if you're into birdwatching.

Daphne, I flew from Belfast actually (as JY can only book flights originating in the UK and I want them to book me, so they are responsible for sorting me out if any flights go awry!). I drove from Wexford to Belfast on the Sunday and flew to Heathrow on Sunday afternoon. I stayed in the Premier Inn - had to get up at 2.30am to leave for the airport at 3.15am!! I got taxis from the airport and back again. There are no executive lounges at T5 so no lounge passes!

Julie, great idea regarding me becoming a professional reviewer and I'd happily do it if JY would employ me full time! I won't be holding my breath...I did almost all the excursions - just two did the zip wire but they both loved it. The hanging bridges were interesting, but we didn't see much wildlife - we saw the most on the river trips. The hot springs were for relaxation - but be warned! They are mainly in a "natural" environment, which means the pools are very rocky underfoot and difficult to walk in! There were several normal type pools (including a pool bar!), which were easier to negotiate.

Thanks everyone for your replies,

Best wishes,


HI Bob

Sorry for not replying before still finding my way around, I know what you mean about steaming up, was like that in auss, I will be taking the risk and going on one of JY holidays, you gave me more courage to go thank you again


Julie White
Thanks Bob for the info.

I have booked it. If I need any further help I will come to you if you don't mind

Regards Julie

I did this trip sept 2012, but there was no Nicaragua involved. I also thought it was different yet a fantastic trip. I enjoyed the hot springs, and the hanging bridges were good despite not seeing lots of wildlife, it was just fantastic to wander around the jungle if u like!

Julie-were u on the Iceland trip at new year?


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Elaine and Julie, glad I've been of some help - happy holidays!

All the best,


Julie White
Hello Lucinda

Yes I was on the trip to Iceland at new year. It was a fantastic holiday I had a great time. I hope everything is good with you. Do you have any more holidays planned?

Regards Julie

Hi Bob,

A bit late but just read your incredible holiday to Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Never considered those destinations at all, so some serious thinking from now on.

Excellent review Bob,



Thought I had my plans for my next couple of long haul holidays I've read your review Bob, I think I may have to re-evaluate!!! This sounds amazing and just the sort of thing I'd love. Thanks for a brilliant review.