  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
The holiday got off to a bad start when our flight to Atlanta was 30 minutes late arriving, which led to the flight being over an hour late when we took off. The flight arrived at Atlanta 20 minutes overdue the scheduled arrival time. By the time the majority of us had cleared American immigration and customs, travelled the whole length of the airport, we arrived at the departure gate to find that our flight to Denver had already left. In fact only one member of our group managed to catch the Denver flight, and that was because he had a seat in Premium Economy towards the front of the aircraft.

Wendy our Tour Manager, arranged for eight of us to catch the following flight to Denver two hours later. The rest of the group had an overnight stop in Atlanta then flew to Minneapolis and managed to finally get a flight to Rapid City. Those of us who did the flight to Denver, searched all the bags coming off the flight for any bags which belonged to other members of our group, we found six extra cases, one of which belonged to Mike who managed to catch the earlier flight. In Denver we met up with our coach driver Tim, who took us to our hotel and got us all booked in. At the hotel we met up with two extra members of our group who had made their way independently to Denver.

In the morning the eleven of us boarded the coach and Tim our driver, then took us to Rapid City by way of a stop in Cheyenne and a visit to Fort Laramie. In the evening Tim went to the airport to collect the remaining members of our group, we were finally all together again.

The following day we visited the Bad Lands National Park, had a stopover for lunch at the Wall Drug Store, where I sampled a Buffalo burger, viewed the paintings on the wall of the café that were amazing and bought myself a Stetson Hat. In the afternoon we visited Mount Rushmore, which I found personally rather disappointing, and the unfinished Crazy Horse memorial which I thought was superb.

For the next few days we followed the itinerary and saw the Little Big Horn, visited Deadwood and then Yellowstone Park, finally arriving in Salt Lake City. Then the American government decided to have an argument with itself and closed all the National Parks! I will admit that I was very disappointed not to be able to visit the designated national parks, but Wendy our Tour Manager, out did herself in arranging alternate venues for us to see. Instead of visiting the Arches National Park, we went to Dead Horse Point state park, which had superb views and an excellent one hour walk along the canyon rim.

The following day, instead of visiting the Mesa Verde national park, we had a trip along the San Juan Skyway, which is a road that takes you up into the mountains, by way of Telluride, Ridgeway, Ouray, Silverton and Durango. The highlights were the True Grit café in Ridgeway, where I would have liked to stay longer, having lunch in Silverton in a restaurant where a piano player was playing western music and the views from the coach.

The following day we visited Four Corners and Monument Valley as per the itinerary. However because the Grand Canyon national park was closed we had to divert via Flagstaff to get to Tusayan, which added over 100 miles to our journey.

Day 13 of the tour, those of us who had booked them had the helicopter flight over the Grand Canyon. Because the Lake Powell national park was closed, Wendy had arranged an optional excursion into the North Antelope Slot canyon, which could be reached via a 3 mile drive up a very sandy wash. We had a very good local guide, who could even show us the best places to take our photographs.

On day 14, had a flight over Lake Powell, which was maybe better than the helicopter flight over the Grand Canyon. We then travelled to Las Vegas for two nights, arriving late afternoon. After an early dinner we set out to do the Las Vegas by night tour, which I enjoyed immensely.

On day 15 we visited the West Rim of the Grand Canyon, which is owned by a Native American Indian tribe, the Hualapai, home of the infamous Skywalk. Unfortunately they have not yet completed the road into the site, so we had to cover 9 miles of dirt track in our coach both coming and going. The site is split into three areas reached by shuttle bus, Hualapai Ranch, which is a western town set, with horse riding excursions and roping and fast draw lessons. Eagle Point home of the Skywalk, which is an unsupported glass walk over the Grand Canyon, with vertical views of 2000 feet directly below, I did not sample this attraction, although some of our group did, brave people. Finally Guano Point with some fabulous views over the Grand Canyon and Colorado River, far below. That evening went up to the top of the Stratosphere tower to watch the ‘daredevils’ try out the rides, look at the views over Las Vegas, and regret the fact that a very interesting and enjoyable holiday was coming to an end.

The following day had an uneventful journey back to the UK.

My very especial thanks to Wendy the Tour Manager for sorting the problems and coming up with alternate venues, Tim the Coach Driver who went beyond the call of duty to look after us, and the other members of the tour group who helped make this a most memorable journey.

Mick W
  • (Member)
Hi Dave,

Nice review it was a great group of people which made for a very good holiday which i fully enjoyed despite all the problems.

For me Yellowstone was tops due to all the wildlife we saw including the Grizzly but there were many fantastic places including the extras that Wendy our tour manager found for us. A lot of credit must go to her and our coach driver Tim for his extra driving which rescued the holiday after the American government spit the dummy and closed down.

I was with the Mineapolis 17 and must say I'm a little dissapointed that I've yet to hear anything about this from JY as the error with flight times cost us around two days of our holiday, didn't reach our hotel until almost midnight 2nd day after spending hours in both Atlanta & Mineapolis airports.

The fact this was highlighted by a few of us customers before the holiday on this forum only to be told 1hour 31 mins was enough in Atlanta to change planes when in hindsight it clearly isn't. Yes the first flight was delayed but even with the full time some would not have made it I'm certain.

The booklet that JY send out "your guide to flying" with the final pack clearly states that you need 3hrs for a connection so why was a 1hr 31min connection time allowed ?

In my opinion JY have in this instance made a massive mistake listening to Delta instead of following their own recomendations and need to learn from the mistake.

This impacted on a holiday which we spent hard earned cash on so I'm very dissapointed nobody from customer service has contacted me since my return to at least apologise. In fact financal compensation for the two days/nights would not be out of order but so far heard nothing.

This was my 10th trip with JY and I've had nothing but praise in the past but this time it went badly wrong, I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this.


Hi David,

Thank you for your review, I really enjoyed reading it and it sounded like you all had a fantastic time, even though the US government was working against you.


  • (Member)
'Mick wrote:

I was with the Mineapolis 17 and must say I'm a little dissapointed that I've yet to hear anything about this from JY as the error with flight times cost us around two days of our holiday, didn't reach our hotel until almost midnight 2nd day after spending hours in both Atlanta & Mineapolis airports.

Hi Mick - I'll speak to my colleagues about this and get back to you.



Mick W
  • (Member)

Thanks, have been chatting to some of the others and they feel much the same way, it was a bit of a disaster that i hope is learned from so nobody has to go through the same thing. Usually I find JY are on the ball with these things.


Thank you David for your review. I was really concerned when I read that you Manchester guys had had so many problems.


  • (Member)
David, a very good review. I am really pleased that despite the problems and the closures you still managed to have a good holiday. Hats off to the whole group for putting up with so much hassle!



Mick W
  • (Member)
Just to add to Daves excellent review i've now downloaded some photos and anyone interested can look here :-


  • (Member)

Thank you so much for sharing your photos, you have a great record of your tour...some cracking shots there so well done.


Thanks for the pics Mick. Where are you off to next?
'Mick wrote:

Just to add to Daves excellent review i've now downloaded some photos and anyone interested can look here :-


Hi Mike,

Thank you for sharing your pictures, they are amazing and make me really want to go on this trip.


Mick W
  • (Member)
'Bosuncat' wrote:

Thanks for the pics Mick. Where are you off to next?

Hi Bosuncat,

Nothing booked as yet which is unusual for me as i like to have something to look forward to.

Was thinking about going away a chrimmy again but nothing jumps off the page at me so may give it a miss this year and do more hols next year.

Will definately do something in spring whether with JY or others.


'Mick wrote:

'Bosuncat' wrote:

Thanks for the pics Mick. Where are you off to next?

Hi Bosuncat,

Nothing booked as yet which is unusual for me as i like to have something to look forward to.

Was thinking about going away a chrimmy again but nothing jumps off the page at me so may give it a miss this year and do more hols next year.

Will definately do something in spring whether with JY or others.


Come to Calabria Mick:) After all I have met David and NEARLY met you :thumbup:

  • (Member)
'Mick wrote:


Thanks, have been chatting to some of the others and they feel much the same way, it was a bit of a disaster that i hope is learned from so nobody has to go through the same thing. Usually I find JY are on the ball with these things.


Glad Mick has made this point publicly and that Tim is taking it up.

I've done several trips with JY and recommended them to friends without reservation. My recommendation will now be a little less wholehearted although the quality of the company still showed firstly in the experience of the rep who was with us (Wendy Burdett) and secondly, I hope, their willingness to recognise their part in our disappointments.

As Mick says, this was an amazing itinerary in both its original and revised form so everyone, including the Minneapolis splinter group, still had a good time DESPITE a careless piece of scheduling on the part of JY.

We do not hold JY responsible for the US government adding insult to injury and we swallowed our various disappointments in favour of keeping up group morale but it remains a fact that half of our planned trip was not delivered. In fact, it was constantly referred to as the Partial parks, Ports and Marts (mainly Walmart!) tour - pot luck on the National Parks, departing Manchester and starting in Rapid City with optional Denver diversion and Minneapolis add-on!!

Take note JY - we were a good-humoured group but you still need to review your service to us as you dropped a major clanger and we deserve your recognition of that!


Puer aeternus
'Mick wrote:

'Bosuncat' wrote:

Thanks for the pics Mick. Where are you off to next?

Hi Bosuncat,

Nothing booked as yet which is unusual for me as i like to have something to look forward to.

Was thinking about going away a chrimmy again but nothing jumps off the page at me so may give it a miss this year and do more hols next year.

Will definately do something in spring whether with JY or others.


Hi Mick,

I've thought about going away at xmas but always backed off, ending up at my sisters. Can you say what it's like on the xmas trips you've done? are they large groups, is there a chrissy atmosphere?

Also, whilst Just You is my first choice, I've looked at other companies, Solos, Friendship Travel, Solitair, for when dates are better suited then Just You, but never used any, always a bit worried they would be 'too young' or ther holidays inferior. Do you have any experience with any of these?


JY Will
'Mick wrote:


Thanks, have been chatting to some of the others and they feel much the same way, it was a bit of a disaster that i hope is learned from so nobody has to go through the same thing. Usually I find JY are on the ball with these things.


Hi Mick,

it's a real shame that the connection was missed. Delta deal with tens of thousands of connections through Atlanta every week and so we take their lead on what is a "valid connection" - as we would with any airline. It certainly wouldn't be in their interest to be too tight with the connection times because ultimately it costs them a lot of money. It's unfortunate that this time didn't go to plan.

I appreciate it must have been a real downer to the start of your holiday, but every now and then something like this can happen. I have transited through Atlanta twice myself and both times my connection was less than 90mins and had no issue so it is certainly not an unrealistic connection time. But I absolutely understand your disappointment.

Mick W
  • (Member)
'JY wrote:

'Mick wrote:


Thanks, have been chatting to some of the others and they feel much the same way, it was a bit of a disaster that i hope is learned from so nobody has to go through the same thing. Usually I find JY are on the ball with these things.


Hi Mick,

it's a real shame that the connection was missed. Delta deal with tens of thousands of connections through Atlanta every week and so we take their lead on what is a "valid connection" - as we would with any airline. It certainly wouldn't be in their interest to be too tight with the connection times because ultimately it costs them a lot of money. It's unfortunate that this time didn't go to plan.

I appreciate it must have been a real downer to the start of your holiday, but every now and then something like this can happen. I have transited through Atlanta twice myself and both times my connection was less than 90mins and had no issue so it is certainly not an unrealistic connection time. But I absolutely understand your disappointment.


Thats all well and good but doesn't hide the fact that JY's own booklet states that 3 hours is needed for a connection if luggage has to be re-checked.

Think the big issue is that when we booked there was around a 3hr connection time which was cut twice leading to people stating their concerns on this forum. This problem could have been avoided if JY had followed their own recommendations and booked us all on the later flight.


Mick W
  • (Member)
'Puer wrote:

'Mick wrote:

'Bosuncat' wrote:

Thanks for the pics Mick. Where are you off to next?

Hi Bosuncat,

Nothing booked as yet which is unusual for me as i like to have something to look forward to.

Was thinking about going away a chrimmy again but nothing jumps off the page at me so may give it a miss this year and do more hols next year.

Will definately do something in spring whether with JY or others.


Hi Mick,

I've thought about going away at xmas but always backed off, ending up at my sisters. Can you say what it's like on the xmas trips you've done? are they large groups, is there a chrissy atmosphere?

Also, whilst Just You is my first choice, I've looked at other companies, Solos, Friendship Travel, Solitair, for when dates are better suited then Just You, but never used any, always a bit worried they would be 'too young' or ther holidays inferior. Do you have any experience with any of these?



I did my first xmas hol in 2011 by coach to the french alps, it was a late booking becausemy father passed away in the november and a friend suggested it a good idea i go away. I certainly wouldn't do it by coach again was a boring journey but good when we got there.

Last year did the Costa Brava Xmas & NY really enjoyed it, good group to have a few drinks and some sort of entertainment in the hotel every night (singers, flamenco, disco, etc). Even dragged me on the dance floor some nights.

Some of the excurrsions were a bit long but you could easily catch train south to Barcelona or north to various places (some of us had nice walk and lunch in Blanes).


Mick W
  • (Member)
'Bosuncat' wrote:

'Mick wrote:

'Bosuncat' wrote:

Thanks for the pics Mick. Where are you off to next?

Hi Bosuncat,

Nothing booked as yet which is unusual for me as i like to have something to look forward to.

Was thinking about going away a chrimmy again but nothing jumps off the page at me so may give it a miss this year and do more hols next year.

Will definately do something in spring whether with JY or others.


Come to Calabria Mick:) After all I have met David and NEARLY met you :thumbup:

You never know, decisions to be made, lol

JY Will
'Mick wrote:

'JY wrote:

'Mick wrote:


Thanks, have been chatting to some of the others and they feel much the same way, it was a bit of a disaster that i hope is learned from so nobody has to go through the same thing. Usually I find JY are on the ball with these things.


Hi Mick,

it's a real shame that the connection was missed. Delta deal with tens of thousands of connections through Atlanta every week and so we take their lead on what is a "valid connection" - as we would with any airline. It certainly wouldn't be in their interest to be too tight with the connection times because ultimately it costs them a lot of money. It's unfortunate that this time didn't go to plan.

I appreciate it must have been a real downer to the start of your holiday, but every now and then something like this can happen. I have transited through Atlanta twice myself and both times my connection was less than 90mins and had no issue so it is certainly not an unrealistic connection time. But I absolutely understand your disappointment.


Thats all well and good but doesn't hide the fact that JY's own booklet states that 3 hours is needed for a connection if luggage has to be re-checked.

Think the big issue is that when we booked there was around a 3hr connection time which was cut twice leading to people stating their concerns on this forum. This problem could have been avoided if JY had followed their own recommendations and booked us all on the later flight.


Hi Mick,

the 3hr conection time is what we recommend for UK connecting flights. so for example someone flying down from Edinburgh, then rechecking in for their onward flight abroad. But that's a separate thing from having an indirect flight.

Where we have indirect flights to a destination such as yours that flew via Atlanta we always offer "valid" connections - i.e. connection times that are approved by the airline. We checked and double checked with Delta with regards to your flights and were assured that the connection time would be sufficient.

I really do appreciate how disappointed you may have been Mick, this sort of thing has happened to me on my holiday before.