Chloesonic :)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Everyone,

Just got back from our amazing holiday and back to reality so thought I would share my travel tips and reviews, for anyone thinking of going for their next holiday.

Well what a full on 16 days 🙂 but well worth it, this was my 2nd holiday with JY and loved it. the hotels and food were amazing, as a Chef the food for me was excellent, they catered for every dietiery requirement our group had. there was 14 of us in the group and all got along very well togther. I did all of the extra excurisions apart from the River Kwai (death railway) which I didnt think was for me, but most people went to that and said it was Fab.

My fav trip I would recomed to everyone is the Elephant camp / elephant ride and the Bamboo ride amazing, also the Ladyboy show in Bangkok even if its not your sort of thing, you must see it, it was sooooo funny and just mind twisting.

the one trip we all said was a waste of time and money was Hua Hin market - £27 as it was nothing special and felt very rushed and all the stalls we had seen before at other markets and floating market.

I can say now its better to book before you leave by card as the interest rate are high, like a few people found out and werent happy with.

The beach resort at the end was excellent the views and the pool the service was fab a great way to end the holiday.

one thing to take in mind as well about tipping, normally on a JY theres just the tour manager and the driver to tip but on this trip Thailand theres four people to tip Tour manager, Tour guide, Driver and the assistent which are with you for the whole trip 16 days which is alot of money, but I think they all earned it and did very well but if its £2-3 a day each so call it min of £32 each X 4 thats alot and you find that out till you get there 😃

well I hope this helps, and happy to answer any questions you have.

had such a great time and already saving up for India next year.

Chloe :thumbup: xx

  • (Member)
Hi Chloe,

Thanks for your great review - I'm hoping to do Thailand a few years down the road. I'm delighted you had a great time and your tips are very helpful. I've been on a couple of tours where there have been four people to tip - as you said, tour manager, local guide, driver and assistant (India and Vietnam/Cambodia). The assistant usually gets the equivalent of $1 a day so it's not much, and the driver or local guide $2 so not too much either - it's a handy way of getting rid of small change/local currency and it means so much to them as they earn so little. Sounds like a really fantastic tour, though I'm not sure about the ladyboys!!

So where are you off to next?

All the best,


  • (Member)
Sorry Chloe,

I meant to say, which India tour - Spirit of India or are you hoping JY run Kerala again? I did the Spirit of India last year and thoroughly enjoyed it, although the crowds, smells and litter did get overpowering at times! Highlights were seeing the Taj and a rare chance of seeing a tiger up really close for an extended time, we were very lucky. Kerala sounds a lovely tour, very relaxing and enjoyable. It's not near the top of my wish list but I'd love to do it a few years down the road.

Take care,


PS if you like wine, be careful - it cost around £35 a bottle on the Spirit of India tour!!

  • (Member)

I Can understand your comment about the Ladyboys, but as Chloe says it is a good show to see.... I saw it many years ago while over there and although strange and it might not be your thing, it is a thing to see as a one off and where else would be the best place to see it...


  • (Member)
What an excellent review. I have been to Bangkok where we spent only 3 days so would love to do this trip one days. I think I would not mind seeing the Ladyboys show - I am all for experiencing everything once in a lifetime! The tip about tipping is good as well - like Bob said the tips mean a lot to them and they do appreciate it very much. I personally would not mind having to budget such a large amount for the tips as they do deserve it especially if they were with you throughout the trip.



Chloesonic :)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Thanks for your coments everyone, Bob, Cindy, Jaya glad I could help where I can as I think it helps the world go round, just a little bit smoothly.

Yes I will defo look into Spirit of India 13 days next year for Oct time, it looks amazing :D

Another thing I forgot to add on my review was try and get a very good digital camera thats good with hot weather and a few of us had problems with them and batteries ect. or try and keep it as cool as possible, in your bag next to cold water and out of the sun.

Thanks girls, you know what I mean, try everything once, live life to the full as life is too short by the lady boys show 🙂

Chloe xx

  • (Member)
Thanks for the tip Chloe, on another thread someone suggested silica gel sachets for keeping damp/humidity from affecting cameras. I think DSLRs are affected more than compacts by the humidity? I must look into getting some gel for my next exotic trip!

All the best,


PS hope all goes well for your India tour!