  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Just returned from this trip. :thumbup:Thoroughly enjoyable.Many thanks to Chris Pinch for organising us so well.

I'm doing this trip in April - I know that it will be very hot. Anything else that I should know? Thanks Sue

Lynn P
  • (Member)
I was on the same trip as Pat and I thought it was fantastic ! Be prepared for some very early mornings - but they are worth it . Beware of the optional camel trip at Ranthambore and the pre-trip notes to take pencils etc . The camels are fun ; but I felt very uncomfortable as it simply encouraged the village kids to beg .
Lisa S
  • (Member)
Hi Pat and Lynn, thanks for posting. I'm on the trip this month with Sue and really looking forward to it. I also had concerns about the "pencils" note. I'm thinking of giving that trip a miss, also only once (the included trip) into the park, as it isn't really my thing - I assume the hotels have decent facilities if you chose to opt out?
Thanks for the advice. I've heard that the begging can be a problem in some areas and sometimes taking gifts can make it worse. It's a bit of a dilema - we have so much, the price of our holiday alone would feed how many families for how long, but all we can do is use our funds wisely and hopefully do some good back home.
  • (Member)
Hi Lisa, Tiger Moon at Ranthambore is fairly basic, by far the most ordinary of all the hotels we stayed in. You'd really be missing out if you don't go on the game drives though - we had a very close encounter with a tiger, which was spellbinding and worth the very rough ride around the park! Having said that, some of the tour had massages while there and greatly enjoyed them.



Hi Bob,

Yes - I've booked everything - probably won't do this part of India again so don't want to miss out - we have plenty of spa hotels in the UK so I know what I'd prefer to do whilst in that part of the world. Hope that we get lucky and see a tiger otherwise I'll have to cheat and download a picture off the internet! Sue


I was on the same trip as Bob (March 2012) - had the massage AND had the close encounter with the tiger. Both were amazing experiences - as was the whole holiday. I'm still sorting through the photos.

To be thoroughly recommended.

Carol (the tall one!)

Hi Sue

I was on the same trip as Bob (Hi Bob!). In Ranthambore, I did have a massage AND saw a tiger (twice!!). Both were amazing experiences. It was a fantastic holiday and I'm still sorting out the photos!!!


Carol (the tall one!)