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Fantastic, Fantastic, Fantastic.

Those who are going on the future trips are in for a treat.

Great hotels, great guides and a great experience

Reccomend this tour for those who want to see the many faces of China both old and new.


Hi there,

I am going on this trip soon and reading your testimonial has made me even more excited. I have wanted to go to China since my early teens and can't believe the realisation of a long-held dream is nearly here.


Hi Skippy,

i'm going to china on the 13th sept, really looking forword to this trip, this is my first time i'm travelling on my own, i would be really greatfull for any tips that may be off any help i'm so glad u enjoyed the experence and hope i do to, regards rosina.

Hi Skippy,

i'm going to china on the 13th sept, really looking forword to this trip, this is my first time i'm travelling on my own, i would be really greatfull for any tips that may be off any help i'm so glad u enjoyed the experence and hope i do to, regards rosina.


did your photos and vids all turn out ok?

mine are on flickr under dalekhelen. mostly of me though, taken by me! i can't remember which temple was which so feel free to correct me if i'm wrong.....


  • (Member)

Nice pictures on flicker of your tour...I have some from Tuscany and Safari on flicker mylarose2


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
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have a look at the couple of videos I have put there for a taste of the tour

Only tip I have is leave enough space in your luggage for presents, take a small holdall ready as an 'overnight bag' for a two night stop in Chengde and make sure that you have a good camera with two memory cards and your recharger for it

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Helen

I managed to retrieve 20% of the images from the faulty memory card, but the whole group have been putting up our images on the facebook group that Jo set up.

Its open to only the July 26th group by you requesting to join via Jo

Just go to Facebook and search for

Just You China 2011

Join in the sharing of our images and videos



The trip was amazing, a dream realised at last!

It was my first time travelling alone and everyone was fantastic, worried about it for nothing - as did most of my fellow travellers.

A tip for those about to do the same tour - be prepared for a busy busy time! so much to see and do - and we managed to fit it all in!


quote='skippy' pid='87702' dateline='1312836881']

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have a look at the couple of videos I have put there for a taste of the tour

Only tip I have is leave enough space in your luggage for presents, take a small holdall ready as an 'overnight bag' for a two night stop in Chengde and make sure that you have a good camera with two memory cards and your recharger for it

Great videos! I returned from this trip in June - brought back so many happy memories!
