  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I am thinking of booking the Kenya Safari with Mombasa add on for my 60th birthday next October. Can you tell me what the average numbers and ages are on these safaris please - also has anyone else booked yet this early?

Any info/reviews/tips for the trip would also be most welcome - although it sounds amazing!

Thanks  😉

Hi S1ndr1,


I can tell you that the maximum group size for this trip is 18 people.


There are also more reviews in our Review forum which you can browse, and I'm sure fellow travellers will comment with their advice too - but if you have any specific queries please do ask me.

Many thanks,


Hi Vickie

I understood GDPR relates to data protection and privacy for individuals and therefore personal data confidentiality.

I can therefore understand why you cannot give out info regarding m/f and age breakdown but not as to why you cannot give out the overall number that have already booked Kn a trip.

Please can explain why this is.



Hi Janet

Thanks for your question. All of our holidays now state the maximum group size and we aim to guarantee the departure of every holiday we operate and as early as possible to give you the maximum assurance. From time to time our holidays will operate below the maximum number for various reasons.

In terms of the split, generally the ratio of females / males is circa 60:40.

I hope you will understand that due to the change in our policy we are unable to give final numbers booked on our holidays.

Many thanks,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you so much for the information and the link to the review from Jaya was excellent and really helpful. I didnt wish to know the details of fellow travellers - I am just trying to confirm if the trip is right for me! - I have done 3 JY trips to Italy so far and had some amazing times - as this one is a bit further afield and a lot different - I want to make sure before I book! - anyone else thinking of this trip please get in touch - exciting!!!  😉

I did this trip in May just gone and it was fantastic, you will have a great time whether there are 6 travellers (like ours) or 18. You will see some amazing animals in their natural environment, you will get up close and personal with them (not too close though, lol), your Somak drivers and other drivers in the Parks have their own language and will take you to where you need to be to see the animals, is there a negative, yes, there are long drives between Parks, but you do get to see the real Kenya, oh and I think its in one of the reviews, don't forget to wave at the Children as you pass, as for Mombasa, well I went there back in 2011 (with Just You), its alright, there are things to do and places to go, that's if you don't just want to sit on the beach.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks Martin - really appreciate the views of those who have done this trip!
  • (Member)
Hi Janet

Don't worry about the overall number on the trip. If you really fancy going then go ahead and book as this is a fantastic holiday as far as the wildlife is concerned. I personally love wildlife and this was the most amazing trip. I too do not understand why JY can't tell us how many people have booked as giving the number is not a breach of data protection. I can understand about the ages etc but not the number! But it is what it is!



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
So I have booked! I enjoyed a G&T on my 59th birthday whilst booking this amazing adventure so I will be there on my 60th! Very excited now - I know JY can’t confirm anything about my fellow travellers and I understand that - but if there is anyone booked for 13th October 2020 who would like to get in touch just let me know XX
Congratulations on booking, you will have a great time, have you worked out which lodge you will be in on your Birthday?
Peter G
Hi S1nrd1

I have just booked the Kenyan Safari (but not Mombasa) departing Heathrow on 13th October 2020. I also had a mad moment and booked a holiday to India in February. i hope to have a G&T with you to celebrate your 60th . My 68th will be a week after I arrive home. At least there are 2 of us on the tour ad there is less than a year to go!
