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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Dear Monty/Julia

I have just received this letter from JY informing us that on Day 6 as we travel to the Abai Jungle Lodge by boat we will need to use our rucksack or small holdall for a 2 night stay with our main luggage being kept in storage, could this then effectively be for 3 nights as we then also cruise up river to our next lodge in Sukau on Day 8 before another boat trip on Day 9 prior to our flight back to Kota Kinabalu

as I see it, this looks like we will need to pack for three nights away from our main luggage not the two as stated in the letter with us being reunited with our main luggage prior to our flight back to KK on Day 9

I also recall Bob asking this question some time ago,  this doesn't pose any problems naturally though i'd have thought this to have been brought to our attention a little sooner

can't wait now and i'll bet you'll be glad to see us lot on our way, ha ha

Dave :s

  • (Member)
Hi Dave,

I'm sorry to hear of this mix up. I understand that the original response to Bob was correct in that the overnight bag wouldn't be required, our representatives in Borneo have since come back to us and advised us that you will need these.

I'm talking with the holiday creator, overseas team and customer service to work out what has happened here and get some clarity on when you will be leaving and reunited with your main luggage. I (or Monty) will come back to you again soon.

I do hope that you have a wonderful time despite all of the teething problems for this new tour.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
Hi Julia

I have asked almost similar question as Dave in the thread I posted a few minutes ago. No problem if it is not replied to as this thread will give us the answer we are after. Would not wish to burden you lovely people with more work than is necessary.


  • (Member)
'Julia' wrote:

Hi Dave,

I'm sorry to hear of this mix up. I understand that the original response to Bob was correct in that the overnight bag wouldn't be required, our representatives in Borneo have since come back to us and advised us that you will need these.

I'm talking with the holiday creator, overseas team and customer service to work out what has happened here and get some clarity on when you will be leaving and reunited with your main luggage. I (or Monty) will come back to you again soon.

I do hope that you have a wonderful time despite all of the teething problems for this new tour.

Kindest regards,


Hello Julia

So, first we do need an overnight bag, then we don't - and now we do:-) - this suggests that it was originally a small boat - then no, it's  a large boat - then no, it's a small boat after all?! Probably not, but it did make me wonder just what sort of boat(s) we would be using on the river:

Will we all travel in one boat, or a flotilla of longboats - or even paddling a series of canoes??

And how many will we be, on this adventure into the unknown?

Hoping for enlightenment!


PS - when searching the "Borneo" threads on the Forum, I discovered that, back in prehistoric times (about 2006), there were apparently two related holidays: "Delights of Borneo" with a Kuala Lumpur add-on, and  "Malaysian Charms" with a Borneo extension. It would be interesting to see and compare the itineraries for these: do you still have them?

And are there any plans for a Malaysia holiday, with or without an add-on? I note that at least one tour company is now offering the possibility of a combined Malaysia and Borneo holiday, so the idea is still considered to be viable

Hi Jim,

There isn't anything to worry about. You have the choice to take a small bag if you wish or your entire luggage. We have not changed the transportation we are using and I can assure you that you will be safely transported in a boat along the river.

We would have to do some major digging around in our archives for the itineraries from 2006.

The Holiday Creator is always looking for new and exciting ideas and as far as I am aware we don't have anything in the pipeline for Malaysia, but I will pass your comments on to the relevant person.

I hope you have a great trip! Don't forgot to leave a review when you are back.

Kindest regards,
