  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Monty,

I have also put this post under "Say Hello to etc. etc." I have just received a letter from JY saying that we now DO have to take an additional rucksack or small holdall for our boat trip to Abai Lodge. This is despite Bob asking you weeks ago, and you double-checked, that we did NOT have to take this. This is ludicrous - some of us are flying down to to London on Wednesday and are limited on our airline luggage weight, not to mention now having to buy another bag, at such short notice. Perhaps JY will pay me for the Express Delivery that I have had to do to order another bag, and also the excess weight charge that BA may charge me?! Some of us on this trip are very keen photographers and our cabin luggage contains a lot of camera equipment, so using this bag is not an option.

I know it is not personally your fault, but suggest that you have some very strong words with the local agents you use, and correctly inform the next group who are going to Borneo in plenty of time before departure.



  • (Member)
Hi Hils,

I've replied to a similar message from Dave on another thread and I can only reiterate that I'm sorry to hear of this mix up. I understand that the original response to Bob was correct in that the overnight bag wouldn't be required, however, our representatives in Borneo have since come back to us and advised us that you will need these. We will be having some strong words with them!

I'm talking with the holiday creator, overseas team and customer service team to work out why this has happened.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
Hi Hils

I just ordered a soft holdall from Amazon and paid almost £7.50 for next day delivery as standard delivery, which was free, would have meant me not getting it till Thursday. I was going to use my backpack, but then decided to have the holdall as I worked out that we will need at least 3 days' worth of supplies if not 4 depending on when we will be reunited with our suitcases. I am lucky in that I do not have any internal flight to get so can pack 30 -35 kg as I am allowed 5 extra due to upgrading to premium economy, but will not take up the offer as there is no way I can lift 30kg bag. I prefer to travel as light as possible!! See you on Thursday.


Sometimes it's tough to be a trail blazer! Hope you all have a marvellous time. Looking forward to reading some rave reviews.
Julie White
I hope you all have a great time in Borneo.

Hils, Namibia is sold out for October so it looks like we will be going.

Enjoy your trip


  • (Member)
Hi Monty/Julia,

The post has arrived today - and still no letter from JY regarding the need for a holdall for the lodges!  Could someone please email me a copy of it?  I leave for the airport to get my flight to Heathrow tomorrow and will probably be leaving before the post arrives.  I'm asking just in case there is any additional information I may need. 

Also Julia promised she'd get back to us with clarification when we would be reunited with our main luggage - I am presuming this will be after we leave Sukau and return to Sandakan, so we will need to pack for three nights rather than two.  Is there any update on this?  Time is running out!!

Best wishes,


Have a great trip everyone - looking forward to the reviews when you return.
  • (Member)
Thanks Sarah, Julie and Sally. I for one am really looking forward to this trip - I guess we are the 'guinea pigs' since this is the first departure!!


Hi Bob,


I do hope this helps and if you have any further questions before you start your journey to the UK, please let me know.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)

Hope you all have a fantastic holiday. I can't wait to read you reviews when you return. Hoping for some top tips ready for the June departure. Have read the reply on Jaya's thread about luggage for the lodge, so will be very intrigued to find out what happens. 

Enjoy yourselves,


  • (Member)
Thanks Taffy, we will report back for sure!

All the best,


  • (Member)
Hi Taffy

Will definitely do a comprehensive review of the trip on my return. Bob can then add anything I may have missed or edit things I may not have got right!
