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(Member) (Topic Starter)

I have read the other Alaskan threads which have come in very useful.  I have a pair of waterproof walking trainers and presume those will suffice and hope it will not be necessary to take heavier waterproof snow boots as they are quite cumbersome and heavy?

I have put my name down for the Arctic Circle Fly Drive which I see is a very long day!  I'm slightly apprehesive about this but know I will enjoy it.

Look forward to seeing the other members.  I have been on 14-15+ holidays with Just You so they are tried and tested!

Angela E.

Hi Ange,

It will not be necessary to take your heavier snow boots as the weather will be relatively warm in the day, between 10-20 degrees, but cooler at night. We would recommend taking medium weight clothing, with a couple of layers so you can wrap up if the weather changes.

You have nothing to be nervous about, everyone will be in the same boat and we will take care of you!

Kindest regards,


Hi Angela E

I've signed up to the Arctic Circle trip too and look upon it as an adventure, rather than apprehension.

JY telephoned me yesterday to ask a "very personal" question about my weight, which is apparently required for the flight up to the Circle. Didn't have a clue and had to guess, which I think is correct !!

See you on 23 May.


  • (Member)
Hi Sylvia and Angela

I got the 'personal' phone call yesterday as well - had to make a quick decision about how much I was willing to admit to 😃  We got the same question on the Grand Canyon flights but that time they actually put us each individually on the scales in the departure lounge - at 4am - which was even worse!  (It's all to do with spreading the weight evenly in a small plane apparently - so it's probably good that they didn't also ask to weigh my handbag!!)

Not long now - I'm going for 'shoulder month' packing having read a few similar websites about the temperatures we can expect for this time of year.

Looking forward to meeting you - how it you get on in Jersey, Sylvia? I know the weather hasn't been the greatest here this month but I hope you still got out and about.

All the best


Bridget Jane
Hi Angela E,

Lovely to have another name to put to a face on this holiday! I'm on the Arctic circle trip too and also had the 'question' asked, whilst in the middle of M&S with holiday clothes over my arm! Lol! The poor girl asking the question was so embarrassed! I too am taking layers. It's so hard to know what to take when the temperature can fluctuate so wildly. I'm taking short sleeved tops with fleece jackets and thin hiking trousers with thermal tights to slip on underneath (or push into a corner of my bag when too wam). Apparently dressing up clothes are not required, so I'm just taking slightly nicer casual clothes for the evening. I'm still not sure if this will be ok but will soon find out.

Getting very excited now and looking forward to meeting everyone! The time is going to fly!!!

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Bridget Jane' wrote:

Hi Angela E,

Lovely to have another name to put to a face on this holiday!  I'm on the Arctic circle trip too and also had the 'question' asked, whilst in the middle of M&S with holiday clothes over my arm! Lol! The poor girl asking the question was so embarrassed! I too am taking layers. It's so hard to know what to take when the temperature can fluctuate so wildly. I'm taking short sleeved tops with fleece jackets and thin hiking trousers with thermal tights to slip on underneath (or push into a corner of my bag when too wam). Apparently dressing up clothes are not required, so I'm just taking slightly nicer casual clothes for the evening. I'm still not sure if this will be ok but will soon find out.  

Getting very excited now and looking forward to meeting everyone!  The time is going to fly!!!

Hi Bridget

I have been on at least sixteen JustYou holidays over the past nine years.  I am taking a lightweight down jacket and thermal vests and t shirts.  Basically I am taking layers with me.  Look forward to meeting you all soon.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

I have twice asked for a hard copy of the final itinerary details to be posted to me but so far nothing has arrived apart from the e-mailed copy, which I didn't want.  As it is now Saturday, two days before my departure I have had to ask a friend of mine to copy off the e-mail for me.  Not happy!

Angela E

Hi Angela E,

Please accept my apologies for this error. Do you remember who you spoke to about getting a hard copy of the itinerary?

I will have a dig around to see what has happened here.

Kindest regards,
