  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Monty & Julia,

Some of us spend a lot of time composing the reviews of our JY holidays, and I wondered whether or not you would be re-introducing the discount vouchers that we used to get a few years ago, to say "thank you"?

Jonah and I have, between us, managed to virtually sell out the Burma trip next February - I think there are only 2 places left according to the website - and we did this through the reviews and also personal emails/phone calls, so some form of discount would be very welcome! I have now done 16 JY holidays and have 2 more booked (but the last one not paid for yet!).



Hi Hils,

We are currently planning a loyalty scheme for our Just You travellers, however we are not too sure when this will be ready for you. We really do appreciate all of our customers contributions to Just You, whether this be reviews or conversations with others - it doesn't go unrecognised! I am sorry that we cannot offer you anything at this moment in time, but all I can say is "watch this space".

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
Hi Monty,

Glad to hear this is in the pipeline!  I look forward to a loyalty scheme being introduced - long overdue!  Especially for those of us who do so much to promote JY and your fantastic tours!



  • (Member)
Thanks Hils

You obviously subscribe to my philosophy 'if you don't ask, you don't get'

  • (Member)
This subject has been discussed so many times over the many years, I have been travelling with JY, since 2006 and nothing has been done so far, so I await with interest to see what will happen..let's hope it's something that can be back dated ??


  • (Member)
I have travelled with JY for many years and agree that a loyalty scheme should be introduced
  • (Member)
Hi Cindy, now you're talking - backdated loyalty bonus is an excellent idea!  And how about this - for every view a review gets you get one loyalty point which is worth 1p off a future tour?!!  I'm only joking but reckon it's a very good idea!!



  • (Member)
'BGray' wrote:

Hi Cindy, now you're talking - backdated loyalty bonus is an excellent idea!  And how about this - for every view a review gets you get one loyalty point which is worth 1p off a future tour?!!  I'm only joking but reckon it's a very good idea!!



Great ideas there Bob...also if you recruit people who have never heard of JY, like my mums partner John he has done at least 3 mother in law and a neighbour of mine have done 1, all,on my recommendation they would never of found out about JY with out me twittering on .. :cool:


Loyalty discount?  What a great idea! But it needs to be available to everyone rather than a select group.



I agree with Sylvia, it needs to be something for everyone... unfortunately a loyalty scheme is only worthwhile if it offers you something you want or can use. So for me, if it offered discounted or special offer holidays that would really appeal.
  • (Member)
Hi Sylvia,

Obviously it should be available to everyone!  But I do think that those who have been extremely loyal to JY over the years should be well looked after!  A bit of goodwill would be appreciated....



I  agree with Sylvia, I've been travelling with JY since 2005, I hate to think how much I have spent on holidays over that time.  It should also be remembered that there are, no doubt, hundreds of customers out there who don't use the forum and have been travelling with JY for many years who could also be classed as loyal travellers.  Anything brought in should be for everyone.


'BGray' wrote:

Hi Sylvia,

Obviously it should be available to everyone!  But I do think that those who have been extremely loyal to JY over the years should be well looked after!  A bit of goodwill would be appreciated....



Goodwill in the form of loyalty discounts perhaps as against loyalty bonuses?  I remember from my working days bonuses were always a bone of contention, word would get out about "differing levels" and resentment always followed.

  • (Member)
Voyages of Discovery which is also part of all leisure group offer a 5% discount on all future bookings, but any sort of discount would be well received particularly by those of us who are into double digits on JY trips

Just returned from a Travelsphere holiday. Along with questionnaire I received a voucher which would give me £50 off a european holiday and £100 off world wide travel. When I booked my next JY holiday yesterday I asked if voucher could be used against this holiday. I was told this was not possible and that there were no plans to include JY in this offer.  This seems unfair as JY and Travelsphere are part of the same holiday group and many JY travellers spend substantial amounts with the company each year.


Good Afternoon,

I am sorry but unfortunately we do not offer any discounts on our Just You brand. It is only on the Travelsphere brand.

Kind Regards,



I am disappointed to hear this.   Solo travellers always seem to be penalised when it comes to offers and discounts available!  Why should the "Brand" make a difference when it is the same holiday company??!!!

I believe that the fairest way to do the discount would be a % based on how many holidays people have taken with Just You (Travelsphere included?) and previous travel could be easily taken into account

e.g. 3-5 holidays = % discount

      5-10 holidays = % discount

      10+ holidays = % discount  (would need to be a cap here I assume)

I believe this would be the best way to give a token of appreciation to the regular travellers whilst also encouraging others to return again.

Having said this I do hope that, with the recent price increases that have already caused so much concern, any discount would not be at the expense of all which would see holiday prices increase further still to cover it.

Would be good to hear others thoughts



Good Morning Janet,

I am sorry that you are disappointed but we want you to know that all your suggestions and feedback are being monitored.

Kind Regards,


Hi Mildred

Thanks for your response. I take it that the loyalty scheme mentioned in Monty's post in March is no longer being considered?


Good Morning Lesley,

You are welcome.

They loyalty scheme is still being considered but at the moment, no discounts are being offered on the Just You Brand.

Kind Regards,


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