Bridget Jane
(Member) (Topic Starter)

I am booked on the May 2016 trip to Alaska. I know it's late in the season and a long shot but I was wondering if there is any chance we may see the northern lights during this trip?



Hi Bridget,

The best time to see the Northern Lights are between August and April as these are the darkest months. It is not likely that you'll be able to see them on your trip in May as it's usually too light.

Kindest regards,


Bridget Jane
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks, thats what I thought but thanks for your reply anyway. Can you tell me how many are booked on this trip so far?
  • (Member)
Hi Bridget

I'm also doing the May trip to Alaska so I look forward to meeting you (I booked on the Arctic Circle excursion this morning-sounds amazing!)

As for the Northern Lights, I'm afraid that Monty is right and in May/June you'll be unlikely to see them. As a tip for next year though, if you are thinking about future JY trips, I did Iceland in March 2015 and we saw a fantastic display. The locals told us it was probably the best in 12 years due to solar flares that preceded the eclipse that happened to days after we returned home.

You may not be lucky to get a repeat of that and, to be fair, Northern Lights spotting can really all be down to luck, but I can definitely recommend Iceland in March, and not only for the lights, the whole trip is incredible.

Anyway, Alaska here we come, see you at Heathrow!

All the best



Bridget - at the moment there are 8 people booked on this date.

Mandy - it sounds as though you timed it just right in Iceland. I am not jealous in the slightest...

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
Hi Bridget, I can only echo what Mandy says about Iceland - I was on the same tour. It was fantastic from start to finish and seeing the Northern Lights was the icing on the cake. The food was incredible and the scenery stunning.

Hi Mandy, I'm very jealous that you're doing Alaska in May - I'd love to do that tour but it's out of my price range for this year, seeing as I'd already booked the Mexico tour for Feb, I then booked Borneo for May instead. Hopefully JY will keep it on the schedule for a few years at least so I get to do it further down the road. I hope one of you will write a review on your return.

Best wishes,


Bridget Jane
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'AELB' wrote:

Hi Bridget

I'm also doing the May trip to Alaska so I look forward to meeting you (I booked on the Arctic Circle excursion this morning-sounds amazing!)

As for the Northern Lights, I'm afraid that Monty is right and in May/June you'll be unlikely to see them. As a tip for next year though, if you are thinking about future JY trips, I did Iceland in March 2015 and we saw a fantastic display. The locals told us it was probably the best in 12 years due to solar flares that preceded the eclipse that happened to days after we returned home.

You may not be lucky to get a repeat of that and, to be fair, Northern Lights spotting can really all be down to luck, but I can definitely recommend Iceland in March, and not only for the lights, the whole trip is incredible.

Anyway, Alaska here we come, see you at Heathrow!

All the best


Hi Mandy,

Great to hear from a fellow Alaska traveller. I m doing the arctic circle flight too! It's still a long way off but I'm really looking forward to it!!! I've thought of the Iceland trip but I can only really manage one big trip each year and there are SO many other fabulous destinations that just keep getting in the way! Next year is definitely Borneo! If you are reading this Bob please put a review! I will certainly put on on for Alaska.

Mandy, what part of the UK will you be coming from? I'm in Swansea, S Wales.

Roll on May!

Hi Mandy and Bridget

I am almost certain to be joining you on this trip in May, just waiting for the finances to be a bit clearer before I book!

Monty - Do you know when final payment is due for the May date?

Many thanks


  • (Member)
Hi Bridget, I will certainly write a review of the Borneo tour! And I'm looking forward to yours on Alaska. So many great tours, such a pity our budgets are limited!!



Hi Sylvia,

Your balance must be paid no later than 12 weeks before departure, so for this date it will be around the last week of February.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
Hi Bridget and Sylvia (and Bob!)

I'm coming from Jersey in the Channel Islands so, like Mr. Gray, whenever I travel I have to factor in an extra flight on and off the Rock before we even get started!

Of course we will sort out a review for you Bob but, if you are feeling a bit jealous like our Iceland buddy Anne, perhaps we need to give Alaska a code name.....perhaps Altringham...? ;)

See you at Heathrow Ladies and have fun down Mexico Way, Mr G!

All the best


  • (Member)
Hi Bridget and Mandy

Hope you will do a review on your return as this trip is on my radar. I hope it proves very popular and is offered for the next few years as not sure when I will be able to go. Have a great trip.


Hi Bridget & Mandy

I will be joining you in Alaska, providing the trip goes ahead! There are currently 10 people booked without a marker on it to say if could be dropped. I've also booked the Arctic trip and have requested an upgrade quote.

As for the Northern Lights, I've been to Iceland twice and Norway once and failed to see them. However, was successful last year in Finland (Lapland) in August and Canada (Churchill) in October.



  • (Member)
Hi Sylvia

Great news that you will be coming along. Don't worry - when I called to book my excursions I was told that the trip had the green light to go. The June date has already sold out so I'm sure May will to.

The 10 places mentioned are those remaining, last time I checked there were 12 people already booked and that was a while ago.(Monty - can we have an update?) I'm guessing that it's a 30 people or so tour.

Spent the weekend studying my Lonely Planet....the countdown has begun:)

All the best


Thanks Mandy. I was obviously misinformed! Will await Monty's update.


Bridget Jane
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Mandy, Monty has just replied to a message saying there are 10 so far in the trip and advising re cold weather clothing. Getting really excited now!!!!!
  • (Member)
Hi Sylvia and Bridget

I'm sure you weren't mis-informed, perhaps someone has dropped out since I rung to book my excursions. But I was definitely told we had the green light and I'm sure the operator wouldn't have told me that just to secure an extra £300 worth of excursion bookings. After all, there would be no point as it will all be refunded if we don't get to go.

Fingers crossed that we will be lucky though (Monty - how many can this trip take? Have we got the crucial 'green tick' yet?) as I'm getting really excited about it now - did you see Monty's description of our train ride through the Denali National Park - sounds amazing!

Just in case the worst comes to the worst and we get cancelled, I've been taking a look at the brochure and am considering the National Parks tour that leaves a couple of days later as a back up option. I've read some fantastic reviews about it on the Community and it would be a shame to waste the ESTA!

All the best


Hi Sylvia,

Did you have any joy with the upgrade quote? I'm thinking of booking this trip but the price I got this morning seems incredibly high - double the upgrade price I paid for NZ and it doesn't even cover all flights!


Thanks for the warning re the upgrade quote - I'm still waiting....


I have not received a confirmation letter yet only a "We hope to be in a position to confirm your holiday arrangements very soon and will contact you as soon as we have all the information we require from our suppliers." So who knows what is happening! I've got a plan B, which is probably the same as yours!


Any idea what is happening with this tour?



Bridget Jane
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Sylvia and Mandy,

I paid the remainder of the price a couple of days ago. At that time there were still 10 booked but it has been given the green light for the holiday to go ahead!!! May be a few more late bookers before the off date but looks like we are going to be a small but 'very select' group!

The train trip sounds fantastic! I really can't wait to go!

Hi Jellifer, I have paid for an upgrade to business class for the return journey from Seattle to London. VERY expensive but my trip home last year from Namibia was the journey from hell (mostly due to having got the worse dose of flue I've ever had) so I thought 'you only live once' and decided to treat myself!! I'm still having the vapours about the cost but I'm sure I'll get over it!!