  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Monty.

For the third JY holiday running I have received an Amendment Invoice which is an exact duplicate of my original confirmation invoice. I booked at the end of October and have received the amendment invoice today.

I always book online and when I did so I confirmed that JY had all my correct information which they have. The only thing different this time is that my current passport is due to expire at end of April 2016, but I told the Customer Advisor that I would be sending off for a renewal before Christmas and she said that was fine.

It just seems such a waste of time for yourselves to be sending out duplicate paperwork which is why I thought that I would mention it again!


Please note: This post has been moderated to remove personal information

Hi Bosuncat,

I have queried this for you, thank you for alerting us to this issue. Let me know if this happens again, but I hope this issue will now be resolved.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Moderator' wrote:

Hi Bosuncat,

I have queried this for you, thank you for alerting us to this issue. Let me know if this happens again, but I hope this issue will now be resolved.

Kindest regards,


Thanks Monty. I meant to say that I always book over the phone! This last booking I was surprised to hear that you still had old email addresses and cell phone numbers for me that I asked to be cancelled when I booked the Istrian Coast Trip.

Thank you anyway. I was thinking only of the cost to JY of the extra paperwork and postage! :thumbup:

  • (Member)
Hi Monty, for most of the JY hols I've done, I've received numerous amendment invoices which have been identical to the previous ones! I have to say that this hasn't happened nearly as much for the last couple of tours I've done.



And the coSt's of all the duplicated paperwork is no doubt passed on to us customers!!
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Sorry to be a pain again Monty, but I have received yet another duplicate invoice this morning! :huh: You did ask me to alert you if it happened again.

Incidentally I have finally sent off for my new passport this week and hoping to receive it soon. Will I need to contact Customer Services when it arrives to give them the new Passport number? I am presuming I will?

My invoice is due for payment on 7th February. Time flies. 🙂 If I pay by cheque in the post what will be the excess charge be please?

Hi Bosuncat,

That could be your 15 week information pack, which should have a general country information pack and a copy of your invoice included. Let me know if you think that's it.

That's correct. If you give our customer service a call, we will be able to update your booking with the new passport details.

In regards to payment via a cheque - there will be a £10 administration fee.

I hope this helps.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks Monty. Looks as though it is the 15 week one as you said! Sorry to be a nuisance.

As soon as my passport comes I will contact Customer Service.

And thank you for the advice re the cheque cost.


Hi Bosuncat,

You're absolutely not a nuisance - ask away, that's what I am here for!

Kindest regards,
