Last night I (very foolishly as it turns out) decided to look at some reviews for Air China as I has not used them before. Serves me right as now I am very concerned about a 9 hour flight to China with them. I realise it is generally only those with a gripe who write reviews but over several sites they all seemed consistently bad.
The main issues seemed to be poor comfort, poor in-flight entertainment (although this doesn't worry me), rude attendants and uncleanliness.
More important was the claim that the food was uneatable and very little in the way of drinks (including tea, coffee, water and juice) were offered or available.
The recommendation was to take your own stuff on board as even the chinese food was, according to the reviews, inedible.
Could the team or previous travellers either reassure me or pass on some useful advice please. I have travelled enough to be realistic in my expectations re in flight food etc but even so the reviews were consistent in how low things were rated. One even went so far as to say the only plus, for them, was that they arrived!
I am looking forward to this holiday so much that I don't want anything to darken my enjoyment of anticipation, but I would prefer to be pre-warned and prepared.